NOTE: Fr. Terry will be out of town next week. We will have communion services on May 17th, 18th, 24th & 25th.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

First Friday of every month: 9 am – 6pm. Church will be open for private prayer during this time.

Adoration for April will be on April 13th.

The common theme of today’s readings is building up the Church through Christ and love for one another. In St. John’s Gospel, Jesus states, I am the vine, you are the branches. In this imagery, Jesus is the vine giving the gifts of life and salvation to His disciples, the branches. In turn, we are encouraged to follow His commands and to live in Him. We do this through regular participation in His Eucharistic banquet. As faithful stewards in Christ, we will bear “good fruit” for God’s kingdom.


June 3rd

Please Sign up in the Narthex!


SVdP Mother's Day Plant Sale –

After All Masses this Weekend!


On May 30th Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory will be celebrating a Memorial Mass for all babies whose life ended way too soon and resulted in a miscarriage, stillbirth or infant deathwithin the first few months of life. If your loss was recent or years prior, please join embrace ministry for this very special mass on May 30th at 7:00 pm at The Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Rd, NE, Atlanta, GA30305. A reception will follow the mass.


May 6, 2012

Offertory $3,436

Building Fund $2,909

St. Vincent de Paul $ 425

This week’s 2nd Collection is for SVDP.

Pray for the needs of our community including: Ayden and his parents, Claud Allison,Joe Baughman, Sherry Butler, James Byler, Bill Carlson’s Father, Bart Caudell, Mercedes Cazanas, Tony Cerrato, Marion Clarke, Kale Corbett, Joe Corradi, Steven Corradi, Burt Dolata, Lisa Dorn, Nancy Durham, Janet Durnwald Pam Lister’s Mother, Rochelle Ervin, Emil Gullia, Gabbi & Holly,Marge Farmer, Joyce Fellows, Fernanda (friend of Ananis),Jeff Fifer’s grandbaby, Chris Fox, Michael Frisch, Michelle & Fran& Meghan Foley, Mary Lou Gallagher, Haven, Angie Hernandez & her Children, Bill Hilton & Leslie’s Father, Lynn Hodge, Wendy Holloman, Geri Hunter, Cameron Jackson, Marilyn James, Annette Johns, Don Johnson, Michelle Johnson, Josie Perez, her cousin Robert & brother & mother, Edna Kane, Frank Kowalesky, Vince Laudato, Mary Lewis, Ted Lochowski, Becky Maples, Beth Marsh Lawrence & her children,Ralph Masey, Francis Matthews, Katherine McCartney, Beverly McCormick, Judy McIlwraith, Amy Monohan, Stan Navoczynski, Ann & Bob Needham,Tony Pandorf, Bob Osgood,Joan Owens, Bill Pacelli Geneva Payne,Rebekah, John &Rosemarie Reilly, Laura Retter, David Ricci, Maria Sanchez, Julie Sarpy, Jennifer Schaefer’s Mom, Marie Schroeder, Karen Siebenlist, Terry Simms, Valerie Schmidz, Debbie Spiecker, Melody Stancil, Aubrey Steen,Tony Vento, Juanfra de Villena, Darryl White, Bob Wilson & Mary Wood.

Please pray for our church community that as we continue to grow in numbers that we will also grow in faith, love and charity.

Please pray for the brave men and women who are serving our country and their families, especially: Col. John P. Rudio, Staff Sgt. Mark Brown, Army, LTTrevor Carlson Sr., Airman First Class Sean MacKinnon, Jerry Hunter, Timothy Wilson, David Bulls, Binh Pham, Cpt. Patrick Rudio, 1stLT Michael Rudio, John Dzamko, Captain Jeff Lassiter, USAF,, Dale Marsh and Staff Sgt Thomas Pace (Afganistan)Pvt. 1st Class Garet Kraft

If you would like to donate flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one or for a special occasion, please contact Cynthia Newbury.

Monastery Family Fun Run

On Saturday, June 16, the Monastery of the Holy Spirit will host its third annual 5K & Family Fun Run. 5K participants will traverse the Monastery grounds –The Fun Run will be a family-friendly, one-mile run or walk. Proceeds from the event will support local charities.On-site registration will open at 6:30 a.m. on race day. A 7:00 a.m. Mass will be held at the Monastery for those who wish to attend. The 5K will kick-off at 8:15 a.m., followed by the Family Fun Run at 9:15 a.m. Runners are welcome to visit the AbbeyChurch, MonasticHeritageCenter and Museum and stroll the museum grounds after the 5k and Fun Run. Early registration is now available online. Please visit:


Congratulations to ALL our 2012 Graduates!!!

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Next meeting dates: May 7th & 21st.Please consider joining our group if you knit or crochet or would like to learn. If you know of anyone who you feel would find comfort from one of our prayer shawls, please let us know.For information please call Connie Tirico @ 706-387-7077.


SVDP now has a Food Pantry.All donated items will go to the pantry and be disseminated to clients and area needy. Call Jerry Matthews for more info.


Plan Your Will Online:

Examining our lives during this season of lent can also include planning to care for our family if something were to suddenly happen. Making a Will is an essential part of that plan and The Catholic Foundation has now made that process easier! You can plan your Will online at our site for free ( It is confidential and provides you and your spouse a chance to plan in the privacy of your home. When done, simply print out the 3: document to take to your attorney. It will save you time and money. When making your Will plans, please remember to include the parish endowment fund as part of your legacy. For more information contact: Diane Duquette at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: or 404-497-9440.

June 11-15 : 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Join us for a fund filled week in the wilderness as we learn all about the sacraments through music, crafts, games, snacks & more. Catholic Camp is for children

3 ¾ years old (born on or before 9-1-2008) through rising 6th graders.See Registration Information on flyer in Narthex orWe are looking for volunteers who love the Lord and have a passion for guiding young people to serve Him and others! Contact Wendy Oesterle @

More information located in Narthex.


Weekly Counters for May 14thCynthia Newbury, Roswitha Shapland & Pat Priore