St. John’s After School Latchkey for K-5 Guidelines 2016-17


Parents complete registration when they fill out the Registration Form, Emergency Medical Form, and pay the $10.00 registration fee. This fee will be used for materials.

Daily schedule (Latchkey runs Monday - Friday 3:00-5:00 at the St. John’s Annex)

2:57-3:05Bus #7 to the St. John Annex. Bus picks up 2:57 from Franklin, 3:00 from St. John’s.

3:05-3:30Sign in and snack time (snacks will be provided)

3:30-4:00 outside play (weather permitting)

4:00-4:30 homework/silent reading/quiet work

4:30-5:00 games, puzzles, TV, clean up

If the child misses the bus to go to Latchkey, he or she is to report to their School Office and parents will be called and responsible for picking the child up from the School Office. If a child makes it a habit, there will be a Latchkey fee charged by the School Office.

If there is an early dismissal from school, Latchkey will run from dismissal time to 5:00.


Students attending the Latchkey program will abide by the following rules:

  1. Each child will remain in view of the person in charge.
  2. Loitering in the halls is not permitted.
  3. Obey all school, classroom and playground rules.
  4. Respect the rights and property of others.
  5. Treat others with respect in words and in actions.

The person in charge will make decisions as to acceptable behavior. When a child’s behavior becomes unacceptable the following guidelines will be observed:

  1. first offense-timeout/warning
  2. second offense-a discipline slip will be sent home that the parents must sign
  3. third offense-parents are called and a conference conducted
  4. fourth offense-the child will not be allowed to return to the program


For safety and security of the students, parents must come into school and sign their child out at dismissal time. Parents are required to sign their child out on the same paper the child signed in. Sign in and sign out times will be on the paper. This sheet will record fees that are owed. Each child is expected to clean up before leaving.


A nonrefundable registration fee of $10.00 per family will be paid prior to attending the Latchkey Program. The charge for the first child will be $5.00per hour. Each additional child per family will be $2.50 per hour.Every two weeks, a bill will be given to your child on Monday for the prior week’s services. This amount will be due by that Friday. Parents will be assessed a late fee of $10.00 after two weeks of non-payment. If a bill becomes 30 days delinquent, your child will be removed from the program. Parents will be billed a late fee of $10.00 for every 15 minutes after 5:00p.m. If a family unexpectedly needs to use latchkey, they will be charged the $10.00 registration fee and will need to fill out the registration papers.


It is understood that the student will work on homework, but the person in charge will not do the homework or finish it. Parents will need to go over the homework, check it, etc.

Any problems, questions or concerns please contact: Heather Gengler-coordinator-419-692-8561.

St. John’s After School Latchkey for School Age (K-5) Registration Form


Student Information

Student Name:______




School: ______

Grade: ______Age: ______

Are there any special needs? Yes______No______(if yes please explain)


Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Father’s Name______

Cell Phone______Home Phone______

Business Phone______Email______

Mother’s Name______

Cell Phone______Home Phone______

Business Phone______Email______

Guardian’s Name______

Cell Phone______Home Phone______

Business Phone______Email______

Person/Persons listed below have permission to pick up my child.

Name: ______Phone: ______

Name: ______Phone: ______

Name: ______Phone: ______

Name: ______Phone: ______

Name: ______Phone: ______