Instructor: Richard Parham
Phone # 770-651-6069
Course Description:
The Law and Justice Pathway is designed to provide students with career-focused educational opportunities in various public safety fields. Each course has elements which cover tactics, methods, and skills utilized by law enforcement and other public safety fields that should be taken into consideration when assessing implementation options. School boards should evaluate criteria for student enrollment that account for successful completion of future background investigations required for entry into such careers.
Performance Standards/Objectives:
· Students will explore the role and responsibilities of the forensic scientist.
· Students will analyze and understand the significance of hairs, fibers, paint, glass; soil and blood spatter to a forensic investigation.
· Students will demonstrate methods of fingerprint development.
· Students will demonstrate an understanding of impressions evidence and how that evidence is used in a criminal investigation.
· Students will describe the evidentiary value of human body evidence.
· Students will complete concise investigative reports.
· Students will demonstrate the ability to successfully investigate a crime scene.
· Students will demonstrate knowledge of criminal profiling as well as the role of the profiler in an investigation.
· Students will explore organized crime.
Anticipated Classroom Format:
Students will be engaged by several different teaching methods including, lecture, small groups, demonstrations and return performance, hands-on activities, peer assistance and individual work.
Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products:
Students will be required to participate in class, complete and submit all class work and homework, quizzes, tests, projects/research papers and exams as assigned.
Grading Plan:
Douglas County School Board PolicyA 90-100
B 80-89
C 71-79
D 70
F 69 or below / Grading Categories
Summative Assessments 30%
· CDA’s
Formative Assessments 30%
· Homework
· Classwork
Summative Assessments 20%
· Tests
· Projects
Exams 20%
· Midterm
· Final ____
Total 100%
Academic Honesty:
All students will be expected to complete and submit their own work. Anyone caught copying another student’s work will receive a zero “0” for that assignment. Also, anyone caught allowing another student to copy his or her work will also receive a zero “0”. A second, or subsequent, occurrence will result in a discipline referral and parental notification.
Expectations and Requirements:
· Students are expected to attend class each day and arrive on time with all necessary materials and completed assignments. BE PREPARED!!!
· Students must take part in all class activities as instructed to successfully complete the course requirements
· Students are expected to complete all assignments and submit them at the designated time
· Students are expected to maintain proper behavior to ensure a proper learning environment for all students
Make-up Work Policy:
· The Douglas County School Board Policy on make-up work states: (refer to Student Handbook)
· To make up work, an excused absence must be presented. A written excuse note must be presented to each teacher within three (3) days after return from school for the absence.
· The student must make arrangements with each teacher to make up the work missed upon return to school.
End of Pathway Assessment:
The CTAE Programs in Douglas County Schools have instituted mandated End of Pathway Assessments (EOPA) for all students who complete one of several career pathway programs. The Law & Justice program is one of the CTAE Programs that has an EOPA. Students who enroll in and successfully complete all three courses in the Law & Justice Pathway (Introduction to Law & Justice, Law-Community Response-Policing, and Criminal Investigation and Forensics) will be required to take EOPA.
All career and technical education programs follow the district’s policies. The district policy is Board Policy JAA and that policy reads “Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, race, color or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and the Perkins Act of 1998); or disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990) in educational programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. Employees, students, parents and the general public are hereby notified that the Douglas County Board of Education does not discriminate in any educational programs or activities or in employment policies.”
Parent & Student Agreement
I have read the attached syllabus and understand the goals of the class, the expectations of the teacher for the students, and the assessment/evaluation.
In addition, I also understand that this page, containing my signature and the signature of my child shall be kept on file, by the instructor, as a record of our having read and indicating our understanding of the expectations for my child while enrolled in this class.
Parent or Guardian Signature ______
Student Signature ______
Date Signed ______