Fall 2016

Weatherford High School

Ms. Keo

Professional Communications Syllabus

Course Description:

Principles of Communications blends written, oral, and graphic communication in a career-based environment. Careers in the global economy require individuals to be creative and have a strong background in professional oral and written communication. Within this context, students will be expected to develop and expand the ability to write, read, edit, speak, listen, and conduct research. By the end of the course, students should have a beginning resume, a brief portfolio, and experience communicating through speaking, writing and actively participating in groups.


Minor Grades: 50% (worksheets, vocabulary, daily assignments)

Major Grades: 50% (tests, projects)

A grading rubric will be provided for all major projects.


If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to come to me and get the work and set up a time to come in and discuss any information that he/she does not understand. It is the responsibility of the student to get missed information or work from a classmate if he/she is unexcused and tardy.

Late Work

Assignments that are not turned in by the end of the class day on the day they are due will be assessed according to the situation, and extremely late work without reasonable cause will receive a maximum grade of 50. However, work should ALWAYS be turned in as any grade is better than a zero.

Materials: Students are expected to have supplies for class by Monday, August 29

1. 1” binder to be used as a portfolio of professional work

2. Notebook paper and black pen for writing assignments

3. Note-taking supplies

4. Projects supplies as needed. Some basic art materials will be supplied in class, but students are encouraged to bring any additional materials they may want.

If any other supplies are needed, notice will be given at least 1 week in advance. If a student has any issues with getting necessary supplies for the class, they should speak privately with the teacher to create an alternative plan.


Plagiarism is an unacceptable compromising of the integrity of the student and his/her respect for the ideas and writing of others. Plagiarism will result in a zero on the assignment.

Classroom Etiquette

1.  Respect your principals, teachers, peers, faculty, student handbook, and self.

2.  Be on time, prepared, and on-task mentally, emotionally, and physically.

3.  Be responsible. Communication is key.

4.  No cell phones unless using them for educational purposes. (Disobedience may result in “phone jail.”)

5.  No food or drinks (water is allowed in a closed-container).

Adequate class time will be given to complete assignments. All students are expected to use their time wisely, and participate in all activities. Students are expected to take notes on presented topics for their use. Since all students work at a different pace, there may be some down time. Students who are done with the day’s assignments will be allowed to work on other projects, listen to music, or visit with other students who are also done working. Students should show respect by not distracting others who are still working, keeping their talking at a low level, and remaining in their seats until the bell rings.

In the event of visiting presenters in the classroom, all students will be expected to be quiet and respectful, put away phones or electronic devices, and engage in their learning by asking questions.

Ms. Keo Reserves the Right to:

·  Change the seating chart if distraction issues arise

·  Hold the class until all trash is cleaned up and the classroom is properly organized

·  Change/alter assignments as needed

·  Lock phones away for the class period as they become distractions for the learning environment

Computers and Internet:

This course will be using laptops regularly. Students will be expected to maintain and be responsible with their school-approved internet account. If a student loses internet privileges, he/she will be expected to complete modified assignments. Laptops should be used as assigned by the teacher and students should follow all classroom guidelines.

Other information:

Students may request a private meeting with the teacher during non-instructional times.

Tutoring times will be available one day a week during Mega-lunch. This schedule will be posted for student reference.

Individual education plans will be followed as appropriate.

Students have the right to utilize or reject any assistance as prescribed by their individual education plan. Any concerns should be addressed during a private conference with me.

22 August 2016

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of working with your student this year. I look forward to an engaging and intellectually promising year in Professional Communications. Please read the attached course information, grading procedures, and syllabus, then sign the bottom of this page and have your student return it to class by Friday, August 26th.

If your student has questions or needs assistance with an assignment outside of the school day. I am available before and after school, and during Thursday Mega-lunch tutorials. In addition to my online classroom webpage and school email, I use the REMIND 101 mass texting tool for clarifying instruction and reminding students of assignments outside of the traditional school day. This texting tool is for educational purposes, and students cannot communicate with me by replying, nor can students see one another’s phone numbers. This is purely a notification system only. Text @37k4eto 81010 to receive important reminders.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Phone: (817) 598-2858 ext. 3633

Twitter: @MsRKeo

I anticipate a very successful and enjoyable year for all!

Thank you,

Ms. Rachel Keo

CUT HERE: Retain the preceding information for your records.


Professional Communications

Please sign below and write your student’s name in the blank.

I have read the class information and syllabus with my student, and both my student and I understand the expectations of Ms. Keo’s class.

Student Name (printed)______Period ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Guardian Signature ______Date ______