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M: So, which bike brands are above, below and equal to this?

R: It is definitely below Apache and you can compare it to Pulsar 130/150.

M: Okay.

R: I have beaten Pulsar 150 in a race with this bike.

M: Okay.

R: It might be 2-3 year old bike but I have done that. On Highway….near Pratapnagar there is a new bridge and over there the race took place and I won in that. So, if I compare to that…it can beat Bajaj Pulsar and also look wise it is good.

M: In terms of looks which bikes would you associate with Apache?

R: Karizma.

M: Okay.

R: The new Avenger.

M: So, now with Victor which bikes would you associate?

R: Look wise?

M: Yes.

R: I can’t think of anything at present. Off the top of my mind I can say Passion, the new Splendor model ….look wise now Splendor looks bigger. I guess that could be a reason but look wise also I did not like it, it has a very basic look. They might have taken a risk with this one but it does seem like they have tried.

M: Imagine 3 people….all these 3 people are stubborn and adamant to ride their own bike and they refuse to ride anything else. One guy has Victor and the other two have Splendor Pro and Passion Pro. How old is the person who drives Victor?

R: Not a teenager.

M: Okay.

R: 25+.

M: What kind of clothes is he wearing?

R: Semiformal…you would rarely see him in casuals. But I would like to wear casual clothes and drive this bike.

M: It’s your imagination. What is his profession?

R: He is an assistant…could be from the manager level.

M: What price range of mobile phone does he use?

R: I own a mobile phone worth Rs.7000 but mine is a different case because I tend to break at least 5 mobile phones in a year and that is why I don’t buy expensive phones. I even have a Tablet and laptop…but I always buy phones which cost less than Rs.10000.

M: What price range of mobile phone does he use?

R: Rs.15000.

M: What kind of an attitude does he have?

R: He is happy go lucky.

M: Why does he like Victor and not any other bike?

R: He prefers Victor.

M: He is adamant about riding Victor….even if you give him a Bullet he would refuse to ride it.

R: First of all the looks…it is not loud, it looks good, it is sleek, they have not used a lot of stickers.

M: Okay.

R: Secondly in that segment there are no other bikes which offer such speed and average.

M: Is he married or does he have a girlfriend?

R: Could be either.

M: What do you think his wife or girlfriend feel? Would they be happy sitting behind him or …

R: They would tell him that you could have bought something better….

M: Okay.

R: But you want my opinion so I would say that they would happily sit behind him.

M: Okay.

R: I’ll also tell you the reason why.

M: Okay.

R: My colleague at the office loves this bike. Initially she didn’t like it much but after sitting on the bike she said that it is actually a nice bike. She said that she does not feel comfortable sitting on Hunk but the seat in this one is comfortable. I feel that girls like this bike.

M: Similarly how old do you think is the Passion Pro user?

R: 25+.

M: Okay.

R: 22-25 years…and it is his first bike.

M: What kind of clothes does he wear?

R: Formals.

M: What is his profession?

R: He is at an executive level…you can say he is an ADC.

M: So, he has just started working…What price range of mobile phone does he own?

R: About Rs.10000.

M: What kind of an attitude does he have?

R: Excited.

M: Why does he not like Victor? What does he see in Passion Pro that is missing in Victor?

R: Maybe he has never used Victor. You can’t argue with the fact that the brand Hero is established. He is young so he would enquire around ….

M: What impression does he have about Victor?

R: He is not sure about what kind of a bike it is. He is not sure whether it is good or bad and so he does not want to take a risk. He is much sure about Passion pro but not sure about Victor.

M: Similarly the guy who drives Splendor, how old is he?

R: In his early 20’s. He has recently joined at an executive level. He has to do a lot of field work. He is a happy guy and not under any kind of stress. He is young and energetic.

M: What is the difference between a Passion user and Splendor user?

R: The guy who rides Passion has been using Hero and he just wanted an upgrade…so he just has limited options. As Karizma is out of his budget so he is left with Passion. Splendor user is a guy who is just starting off.

M: Okay.

R: Before going to the Bajaj Showroom, I just had Hero Honda on my mind and specifically Splendor and two years later my dad bought a Splendor. He didn’t even think about what to buy or check out other showrooms…he just had it in him mind that I wanted to buy a Hero Honda and I did the same. Everybody says that it is a good bike and that is the general impression about Hero bikes. Everybody says that Hero bikes are good and service is easily available.

M: What did people say when you bought Victor?

R: I didn’t consult with anybody. I never asked for any kind of opinion from anybody. I went to buy a TVS bike but I came back…My friend had purchased Bajaj 200CC, it costs about 1.5 Lakhs….even he said that my bike is good, it is not like it is cheap or anything….it is a good bike.

M: Okay.

R: The only reason I can think about is that people do not have much experience of TVS.

M: That is the reason for this research as well. I want to understand this as well. Say suppose this is a split screen showing 3 of you driving 3 different bikes. In one you are driving Victor, in the second one you are driving Star City Plus and in the 3rd one you are driving Passion Pro.

Let’s say you are at a traffic signal and next to you is a car with tinted glass. And obviously when you are sitting and you’ve got nothing to do then you look at yourself. When you look at yourself sitting on Victor, what is the feeling that you get?

R: Young.

M: Okay.

R: I don’t feel like I am 36 but I always feel like I am 25. I get a cool feeling. I get a feeling like I am at a Managerial level when I sit on the bike. I am specifically talking about the point that you are talking about and seriously speaking I have experienced this.

M: Right.

R: At the red light having this bike and sitting on it this way….you feel good but you don’t get such kind of a feeling on Splendor.

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