English 3IBMs. Arias
2017-2018Ms. Booth
Welcome to IB English (what International Baccalaureate calls Language A1). We anticipate a productive year, particularly what we have learned from previous classes. We hope you feel the same excitement we do. Here is an outline of what we plan to cover and the essential activities we must complete:
Fall Semester
Discuss The Great Gatsby, Into the Wild, and Othello (Part 4 works). Take objective tests on these works and complete in-class essays.
Prepare and present an Individual Oral Presentation (required IB internal assessment).
Concentrate on interpretation of Emily Dickinson and other poets.
Skills that will be developed include the analysis of poetic forms, literary terms, elements of the novel and short stories, style analysis, oralexplication of literature, critical analysis of films and their literary roots, and various pieces of literature from the text.
Second Semester
Read and discuss Chronicle of a Death Foretold, The Thief and the Dogs, and Blood Wedding (Part 1 work).
Complete the IB Written Assignment based on one of the Part 3 works. (required IB external assessment).
Continue to concentrate on poetry interpretation with the study of Robert Frost’s poetry.
Continue to hone the skills practiced in first semester.
Naturally, we will deal with more than the IB required literature cited and plan to complete numerous essays as well as other projects. Most, if not all, of your homework throughout the year will be centered on reading – we cannot emphasize enough that this is your focus. We will not burden you with worksheets, chapter questions etc. However, you will not be able to fully participate if you have not read the material, and we will become very frustrated! We are doing everything we can to make your year with us enjoyable, exciting, and as low stress as possible. Working together, our year studying “The Art of the Author” can be rewarding and meaningful and should adequately prepare you for the second part of Language A1 – English 4IB.