Instructions: Complete the following questions and submit to moodle by due date.

1. What theme(s) have you chosen to examine? Give a brief overview of the theme (s) and the major similarities / differences of that theme according to the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam).

2. Write down your proposed thesis. Remember the thesis should be a definitive statement of what the essay will prove. It must be argumentative and include the three main arguments.
Thesis Checklist:Is the thesis in clear and concise _____
Is the thesis arguable (takes one side of an issue)? _____
Does the thesis include 3 arguments? _____
Does the thesis use parallel structure _____
Thesis Example: Education in world religions is integral to reducing racism in society because it will eliminate stereotypes, promote diversity and create religious tolerance.

  1. Write down the 3 arguments and supporting evidence AND footnote.

Argument / Overview of the Theme according to the religion / Evidence that Proves the Argument (ie. from religious text or secondary source)
*please include the source/ citation

3.Include your updated bibliography in proper MLA format that includes a minimum of 5 sources, in which you must have at least THREE of the following:

  • Primary Document: Religious Text
  • Scholarly journal or article (online)
  • Website
  • Book
  • Encyclopaedia / electronic media
  • Popular Writing (magazine or newspaper)

TIP: Usethe WORD TOOLBAR (build citation) or Easybib Citation Builder


Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
(Thinking / Communication) / - thesis is exceptionally clear, arguable, well developed
-thesis uses parallel structure
-thesis is a definitive statement
-thesis makes a clear reference to a specified theme (s) and the three monotheistic religions / - thesis is clear and arguable
-thesis attempts to use parallel structure
-thesis is a definitive statement
-thesis makes a reference to a specified theme (s) and the three monotheistic religions / - thesis is somewhat clear and arguable
-thesis needs to use parallel structure
-thesis is somewhat definitive
-thesis makes some reference to a specified theme (s) and the three monotheistic religions / -thesis is weak and lacks an arguable position
-thesis need to make reference toa specified theme (s) and the three monotheistic religions
Supporting Evidence / -exceptional supporting evidence for all three arguments including source / citation that critically relates to the thesis and includes source in proper MLA format / -proficient supporting evidence for all three arguments including source / citation that relates to the thesis and includes source in proper MLA format / -some good supporting evidence for all arguments that somewhat relates to the thesis and includes source in proper MLA format / -lack of supporting evidence that relates to the thesis and need to cite in proper MLA format
(Knowledge / Application) / -proper, detailed MLA format always used in alphabetical order with all sources shown and a wide variety of sources (5+ sources) / -mostly proper MLA format used in alphabetical order with all sources shown and a variety of sources(5 sources) / -some errors in MLA format with most sources shown and a variety of sources from 4 sources / -lack of proper format and limited details with many sources missing or incomplete