Singularity Tech Group Meeting
Attendees (9): Lois, Jim, Derek, Michael,
Absent: Pete, Mark, James, Natalie, Kirk,
Agenda items:
J:\Imaging Project\Meetings\Tech Meeting\Singularity Tech Meeting 2008-02-20.doc / 1 of 2 / 2/21/2008 9:52:42 AMSingularity Tech Group Meeting
1. Issue tracking/ Review of issues
a. Open Issues with Hershey
b. Caching/performance
c. Forms generation
d. Moving user to Imaging2
2. Review of Action items
3. Review of Major projects
a. D2I - applications
b. Document Retention project
c. Mass/batch printing for Fin Aid
d. 7.0 Upgrade
4. Admin Enhancements
5. Parking lot issues?
6. Departmental updates
a. Accomplishments/Plans
b. What’s working/what’s not
7. Summarize action items
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Parking lot items:
· Department Pick List – 1) ownership/responsibility 2) maintenance process/procedures 3) frequency.
Future agenda items:
Decisions made:
Action items:
Action Item / Due Date / Who /Get on Hershey schedule to install/upgrade Singularity 7.0 / In-process / Jim/Derek
Test Adobe Reader 8.0 against forms in Singularity / Done / Jim
Modify SSN flip code to make it more efficient and speed up the lookup in the Index module / In-process / Derek
Submit IT SR for Document Retention project / Hold / Jim
Deploy new version of Batch Switcher to desktops / Jim/Chris/ Michael
Check in with Erin O’Meara regarding the OAR changes the project recommended with regard to retention of images / In-Process / Jim
Diana is repeatedly kicked out of Singularity / Jim
Make the Capture 7.0 work on Jim’s desktop and connect to Imaging Test and VM instance / Jim
Obtain and install a VM of Singularity 7.0 for all to view/test functionality / Derek
Modify URL so forms always open in a new window / Derek
Change Related Doc to return ALL documents (active and inactive) / Derek
Discussion of Agenda or Action items:
1. Issues
a. Open issues – nothing critical at this point
b. Caching/performance – caching issue/missing indexes appears to be resolved. Karl has sent a more efficient version of the patch which Derek will load on Test and move into Prod when ready. Current caching patch is causing performance degradation.
c. Forms generation – ongoing issues with forms but Jim believes is a individual desktop/IE/Singularity issue so he’s working with users one-on-one.
d. Moving users to Imaging2 – 02/19 AO asked all users to change their links etc. and begin using Imaging2 exclusively.
2. Action items
a. Lois suggested that it may not be worth the time to roll out the updated Batch Switcher and Jim and Chris could spend the time looking at the Capture module to determine if we would even be continuing to use our Batch Switcher with 7.0
3. Major projects
a. D2I application – no progress
b. Document Retention – no progress
c. Mass/Batch printing for FA – Pete not available for an update, but Jim plans to work with them on the printing tool. The document extract seems to work just fine.
d. 7.0 upgrade
i. VM version should be here any day. Derek estimates it would be available about a week after he gets it.
ii. Derek has requested schedule info from Karl when he can 7.0 on a test system. He is waiting for a response.
iii. Jim wanted a dropdead date for AO – Lois said 10/01/08. Early August is optimal go-live but date does not need to be the 1st of a month. The 2nd week in August would be fine too.I
iv. Jim will work to connect the new Capture module to the VM instance so we can get a better look at it.
v. Training issues – currently the new Workflow Dashboard is the only area of new end user functionality. All other training is expected to be related to the new “look and feel”. But will know more once we get the VM or a version on Test.
4. Admin Enhancements
a. Group meet last week and will meet again next week. The a draft document needs to be complied by 03/03 so it can go to Tuan and Chris and include their suggestions. Hershey want’s the agenda/draft 3 days before the 3/11 meeting.
Department updates
Financial Aid / Working on workflows as well as a formBusiness Affairs / Working on workflows as well as a form
Academic Affairs
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