To confirm you are interested in borrowing a Federal Direct Stafford Loan, complete this request form and return to the Office of Financial Aid, 41 Temple Street, Boston, MA 02114.

·  Suffolk University is a participant in the Direct Stafford Loan Program; loans are provided to students directly from the U.S. Department of Education.

·  In order to receive funding from the Direct Loan Program, you must apply for financial aid and receive notification of your loan eligibility via your financial award letter from the Suffolk Office of Financial Aid.

·  For more information on the Direct Loan program, visit the Department of Education’s web site at This site provides useful information about your Direct Loan account.


Suffolk ID #:______Social Security #:______

Each Direct Loan Request Form covers a maximum of 2 semesters (or 4 quarters*). Loans are generally disbursed in 2 equal disbursements prior to each semester.

Circle the semester(s) this loan request covers - Circle ONE:

Summer/Fall 2004 (enrolled both semesters) Fall 2004 only (December 2004 Graduates only)

Fall 2004/Spring 2005 (enrolled both semesters) Spring 2005 only (enrolled Spring, not Summer)

Spring/Summer 2005 (enrolled both semesters)

List the number of credits you plan to enroll in for the semesters circled above.

Students must be enrolled at least half time to receive loan funds.

Summer 2004 ______(both sessions combined)

Fall 2004 ______

Spring 2005 ______

Summer 2005 ______(both sessions combined)

Stafford Loan Amounts Requested (please check one):

____ Process my loan for the maximum loan amount I am eligible to borrow in both subsidized and unsubsidized loans.

____ Process my loan for a reduced amount. I only wish to borrow this amount $______. List total amount of subsidized and unsubsidized for both semesters.

____ I do not wish to borrow any unsubsidized funds.

Student Signature:______Date:______

Is this the first time you are borrowing a Federal Direct Stafford Loan from Suffolk University? If yes, read the important reminders for first time borrowers below.

Promissory Notes: The Department of Education uses a Master Promissory Note (MPN) for the Direct Loan Program. Because of the multi-year feature of the MPN you are completing this year, you will not be required to complete the form again to receive your Stafford Loan. The Direct Loan Request Form, however, must be completed each year to confirm the amount you wish to borrow. To complete your MPN online, go to http:// You will not receive credit on your tuition account until the completed notes are processed.

Loan Entrance Counseling: First time borrowers at Suffolk University must complete loan entrance counseling. This is completed at orientation, on the web at, or at the Office of Financial Aid.

* For Executive MBA or MSF students only: List which four quarters this requests covers and the number of credits you will enroll for each quarter.

Quarters request covers (maximum 4): ______

Number of credits for each quarter listed above: ______