GPC-AACN Board Meeting
September 8, 2016
Room 1035
Attendance: Michelle Dedeo, LuAnn Staul, Tracey Loudon, Linda Meyer, Kim Kelly, Margaret Ecklund, Karen Godbole, Missy Thingelstat, Nancy McCally,
Meeting Called to order at 1730
Minutes approved. LuAnn and Margaret.
OCN Breakfast: Sept. Margaret Elkland will be there too.
Region 18 meeting: Who is attending? Tracey Loudon, Missy Thinglestad, Kim Kelly,
Budget: Nancy had an emergency, not here. Should we have another meeting to discuss the budget and Missy, Anna, Missy,
Education, member dinner, symposium, printing,
CSC CMC, March or April?
February CCRN/CCRN (Providence Portland January 30-31, June 19 -20) PPMC, 2017;
Education/Carolyn Cannard (Absent):
Symposium: Anna verified via phone that the bags will be available for the Symposium. 135 registered attendees, 17 board members. Need more attendees. Electronic reminders. Michelle has engaged the Seattle area. Keep recruiting attendees to attend. Sunset physio Control Margaret by Sage, Sunrise Genentech, Sage also grant for: Photo booth, vendors: Linda has got 47 vendors. Goal 55. Vendor tables are easier to sell than sponsorships. What does Michelle need ? Connections outside of Portland. Sunday the 6th at noon, at Vancouver. October 20th, USB drives ordered, October meeting at Michelle’s house. Thursday October 20th. Speaker travel arrangement. OHSU son students. PPP speakers sending signed agreements, disclosers, signed W9s. Hotel rooms being arranged. Donna ordering the poster boards, abstracts two so far. Need more.
Treasurer Report/Nancy via email: Set up a separate meeting to set up the budget. Over all, not worried at all. Money in: Paypal , etc, Board scholarships, Profit loss statements in Quickbooks.
Treasurer report: Deposits coming in. Checking Paypal, close to $9600. Preceptor conference and symposium, Would like the amounts separated out. Review courses. CCC. Expenditures, Donna, Monica, new computer for CCC.
GPC MM, fees, NW Virtual Achievers, NTI Scholarships, $750.00, Document fee; $150.91.
Debit: paypal withdrew and replaced the same day it came out. Vonage, Frontier, USPS, see Treasurer report. Ending balances up $9000.00
Projected budget for the Symposium, Action item to add MacAfee to all our computers.
September 30th.
Consortium/Karen: We need new speakers. Struggling with a few topics.
33 scholarships at $195. 26 potential attendees for Oct. Nov. Class. Alycia changing jobs. Geary Gardner moving to OHSU. Erin may be the only one at PPMC. Preceptor conference. 92 payed, donations still requested. October 13th at the Zoo. Push registrations.
Need Symposium scholarships by October 5th.
Account for every payment that will go into the Preceptor conference.
Chapter Website:
Square Space
Merit Scholarships:
September 15th deadline, plan out at October 5th!!
Members from Around. Pictures of staff. Advanced Preceptor conference.
Panel for the symposium
Introduce panel,
How the chapter matters to “us.”
Why do you stay involved?
How do you engage with the chapter
PPP to facilitate discussion.