Consistory Meeting Minutes - Jan 9, 2017
In attendance:
Pastor Taylor Holbrook
Kim Scoralick
Kurt Knoernschild
Ron Ruvo
Cyndy Gerber
Jan Bushey
Harvey Jennings
Bruce Smith
Mason Johnson
Guest - Brian Scoralick
Guest - Wes Joseph
Meeting began at7:30 pm
Pastor Taylor Holbrook led Devotions
Devotion centered around developing responses to the RCA's annual request describing the Life and Spiritual Health of our CongregationConsistory member provided responses in regards to signs of transformation, disciple development, equipping leaders,embracing missions, intentionally living the call, and sharing the Gospel. .Answers to be documented and provided to Taylor by Mason in written form
Approval of Agenda - approved as amended
Approval of Minutes from December Meeting - approved
Items for Discussion
- Tabby's Vision- Kim and Brian Scoralick presented a proposal on their efforts in building an Church-supported mission to raise funds for esight eyewear for the visually-impaired Kim noted that Tabby's eyewear has been funded and they wanted to create an organized structure to allow contributors to fund esight eyewear for others in the community. .This effort is in the early stages.
Consistory approved to support the efforts by providing an encumbered fund structure for contributions."Tabby’s Vision" would require a committee to work with potential recipients on how eyewear is funded similar to the way Love INC operates.
- Consistory Transition - Pastor Taylor reiterated the process for the Consistory Nominations. Nominations will be presented at the Congregational Meeting as well as publically noted 3 times. Ordination of new Elders and Deacons to be onFeb 11. The suggestion was made to have an informal Consistory meeting to share experiences and get to know everyone onFeb 11, 2018 at 2pmat the Scoralick’s house.
Items for Action
- Approval of the Missions Budget – APPROVED. The missions budget for 2017-2018 was reviewed. Taylor asked that "RCA Local Church Mission" be added to the missions budgets. Mason led the review of the total mission budget $61,750 noting changes in regards to changes from last year.John Young requested that a copy with a year to year comparison per mission recipient be set to Elders for review
- Approval of Choir Director Position – APPROVED. Wes Joseph presented a job description and proposal on a choir director. Mason to check with Lisa Ruvo on ability to handle financial costs expected. Consistory approved the framework presented - with the note that details on dollars and duties
- Approval of Consistory Nominations for 2018 - APPROVED
Slate of Nominees:
Deacon - Jan Bushey
Deacon - Scott Westgate
Elder - Cindy Gerber
Elder - Sheryl Silvern
Elder - Henry Mikhail
- Constitutional Inquiry ( RCA) - Pastor Taylor led the question and answer document provided by the RCA. Consistory reviewed the questions presented. The goal of the Inquiry is to insure that the organizational and spritual leadership of HRCoperates within the standard of the doctrinal, liturgical, and governing policy standards of the RCA. The official response will be sent in by Taylor to the RCA.
- Congregation Meeting Agenda Discussion- Congregational Meeting will beJan 21, 2018 at 12noon.
Agenda will include
Financial Report
Overall Giving by HRC ( within Budget, and everything else beyond that )
Whats New in Missions
Consistory Nominations
Year-in-Review Reflections
Choir Plan
Pastor's Report
Items for Information
Liasions Update
Kim provided an ask for update on monitor/TV installation in the Nursery so that theWorship Service can be viewed. Kim to ask Dave Schuster or Jeff Thompson for a statusand expected completion. Mason noted that we have been unable to get a respond from Scott Quimby.He is the one that facilitated the ask by a third party wiring contractor. The cabling work has been previously approved.
Deacons Report
Deacon provided an update on recent Deacon workincludingEagle Scout Project by Ray Malgiogliofor a GaGa Ball Pit next to the Youth House. Taylor asked Mason to check with the Grounds Crew for input
Elders Report - no updates
Pastor's Report - no updates
Closing Prayer