2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
When an accident occurs, it is important that the teacher take care of the injured child first. If the student is badly injured, call the office immediately and a person skilled in first aid will be sent to help the teacher. IN THE CASE OF A SERIOUS INJURY OR ILLNESS, DO NOT MOVE THE PERSON. CALL THE OFFICE FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE. USE THE SIGNAL “Code Blue” IN ROOM _____. IF A PHONE OR INTERCOM IS NOT AVAILABLE, SEND TWO STUDENTS TO THE NEAREST ROOM TO CALL FOR HELP. The teacher should never try to move a student with a possible broken limb, head injury or back injury.
Any student who becomes too ill to remain in class should be sent to the clinic with a completed clinic form regardless of the time of day. Send messengers with any student being sent to the clinic. If you know the child will not be returning to the class, please send all items for dismissal. The teacher will be informed of the action taken in the office.
Injuries sustained at school require the completion of an Accident Report located in the CAB conference by the supervising adult to be provided to the IMT the same day of the accident or injury. All head injuries and serious accidents or injuries require notification to parents. Chronic problems shall be referred to the public health nurse who services our school on an “as needed” basis.
Live animals of any kind are not allowed on the school campus unless they are a part of a school board approved program.
Florida State Law requires a written excuse from the parent or guardian the same day the child returns to school. Illness of student, serious illness or death in the family, are causes for excused absences. All parent notes and other documentation pertaining to a student’s absence must be submitted to the school IMT, the same day the student brings them. Teachers need to phone the student’s home to determine cause of any unexplained absences after three consecutive days. After 30 hours or five days of absences, excused or unexcused, please notify the guidance counselor. At this time, a letter will be sent home stating the importance of being in attendance at school. If needed, social worker will become involved. Attendance must be taken daily before 8:15 AM in Pinnacle.
Use of Sick Leave: An employee shall have the right to use sick leave in one half day (7:30 AM – 11:15 AM) or (11:15 AM-3:00 PM) or full-day units (7:30 AM – 3:00 PM), Each teacher will be responsible for recording all absences on the Sub Finder System, 754-321-0050 or on the web at https://sems.browardschools.com. Absences must be recorded in advance of the absence prior to the start of the school day. A “Job Number” must be recorded for each substitute. Teachers not requiring a substitute MUST record their absences in the Sub Finder System, including planning days.
TDA’s must also be recorded on Sub Finder (including field trip TDA’s). Job Numbers must be recorded on the bottom of all TDA’s. A TDA must be submitted, in advance (4 weeks), prior to TDA for principal’s signature and approval.
Teachers will be responsible for completing a substitute folder, including emergency plans, evacuation maps, emergency dismissal forms, and dismissal information that will remain in their classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to keep this folder up to date.
Teachers must sign a Certificate of Absence at the end of each payroll period if an absence occurred. No time is allotted during the school day for leaving and returning to school. If you have a concern, you must see Administration for approval to leave during the school day and complete a Request to Leave Early form (see request to leave early section). If you are given permission to leave, you must sign out, and in again when you return. The importance of regular attendance cannot be overstated, and in order for students to meet their academic potential, they need consistent and regular instruction from the same teacher.
Broward County provides bus transportation for students living more than two (2) miles from the school. Students who ride a school bus may not be kept in classroom after dismissal.
Parents are welcome to celebrate their child’s birthday during their lunchtime. We ask however, that you please send only store bought cupcakes, doughnuts or cookies. These items may be shared only with their child’s class during lunchtime.
NOTE: Balloons, cakes, pizzas, goodies, goodie bags, and birthday candles are not appropriate for a school setting and will not be permitted.
The keeping of a tight schedule in the cafeteria is necessary. Hundreds of students must be fed in a short length of time. The teacher is expected to walk the class in an orderly, quiet manner to the kitchen door entrance and meet the class at the cafeteria door exit promptly at the end of their lunchtime. Cafeteria manners are to be taught in the classroom as part of school rules. Students are expected to eat with reasonable tidiness, speak quietly with those immediately around them, and leave the area clean and free of litter. Teachers may eat with their students if they wish or teachers may have their lunch in the teachers’ lounge or classroom. Food or drink should not be consumed in the classroom at any time students are present except for snack time and approved celebrations. The Dolphin Bay Cafeteria Management Plan will start the second week of school. One class from each grade level will be able to earn class rewards based on monthly scores.
Any class parties are not to take the place of school lunch. All students, including free/reduced students, need to go through the cafeteria line daily. Parties will be held after regularly scheduled lunch times. No outside food is to be brought into the cafeteria for consumption.
The first and sometimes only impression of our school may be based on what is seen as one walks through the building or visits a classroom. Counters and center areas should be clear of clutter and set up with materials students need to work within that area. Paper and cardboard retain odors and dust. Storing food items is not recommended, because insects and rodents will be attracted. If food is necessary for an activity, it should be stored in plastic containers. Food should not be kept in cabinets and in classrooms for extended periods of time. Discuss or email any maintenance or cleaning concerns to administration.
Bulletin Boards should be current, and display student work. Boards should be changed regularly in and out of the classroom.
All doorways must have a 32” wide, unobstructed access.
The facilities staff is responsible for maintaining our building in a clean and attractive manner. Teaching Staff will establish a neat, attractive environment for learning that encourages respect for neatness and order. The floor must be kept free of inappropriate items, i.e., paper, sweaters, jackets, book bags, etc. Particular care must be taken when using water, paints, glue and other substances, which may damage or stain walls, carpet, and furniture. No staples are to be used in the walls. Use push pins on tackable wall surfaces only. Chairs should be short-stacked neatly in the classroom at the close of the day. Only School Board approved cleaning supplies may be used in the classroom. NO BLEACH OR BLEACH PRODUCTS MAY BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM!
Custodial Request forms are available for you to request services from the Head Facilities Service person. Report any needed repairs or problems to the Head Facilities Serviceperson, including any stained ceiling tiles. The Tools for Schools program, designed to promote healthy indoor air quality has learned we cannot use air fresheners, leave outside doors open, and to report temperatures/humidity levels that are not comfortable.
Turn out the lights and turn off computers and printers in the classroom when not in use. Please conserve energy whenever possible. Do not use printers to run class sets of anything.
Any furniture, carpets, curtains or fabric in the classroom must be made of fire retardant materials and must have the original fire safety label attached to it.
The safety department has requested that no microwaves, heating elements of any type be kept in the classroom.
Paper Cutters
Paper Cutters should not be out on counters, tables or desks in the classroom. They should only ever be used when students are not present in the classroom. When not in use by the teacher, all paper cutters need to be properly stored in cabinets with doors. Paper cutters, as pictured below, cannot be in the school building. Only models with the sliding style of cutter can be used.
No peanut products of any type can be used in the classroom.
Nothing is to be moved out of any classroom, including technology.
Make sure that all items in classroom refrigerators are not out of date and that the units are kept clean.
All doors should be kept locked. Exterior doors should never be propped open for any reason. Classrooms with exterior doors should keep them locked at all times.
All classrooms should have a word wall that utilizes high value words that will assist our students in increasing their vocabulary. Placement should be visible from any area of the classroom for students, at student’s eye level and should be interactive.
In an effort to reduce daily classroom interruptions and increase time spent on academic focus, parents are asked to please make sure their children have ready their homework, agendas, school supplies, lunches, etc. prior to the start of the school day. Classrooms will not be interrupted for delivery of these items. Exception will only be made for such essential items as eyeglasses or if a parent has to administer medication.
Refer to the First Day Folder for this information.
Teachers will be issued money collection envelopes. Record the student name, with the amount collected, and return the envelope to the Office Manager that same day. Use blue or black ink only on the envelope. No money can be kept in the classrooms. Field Trips over $15 will require a Receipt Book.????
Teachers are not permitted to ask parents for donations of money or gift cards for any reason including use for classroom parties, supplies, etc.
Room Parents and volunteers are not permitted to ask parent for donations of money or gift cards for any reason including use for classroom parties, supplies, etc.
Comments on student work papers are encouraged, but should be brief and positive in nature. Be sensitive when marking papers of poor quality. Large “F” or “N” grades can be demoralizing on a child’s paper. No assignment may receive a grade of less than 50%.
School Advisory Council Committee assignments are made at the beginning of each school year. All committees should have grade level representation. These responsibilities should be shared among the faculty. SAC Committees include Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Discipline/Safety. Meetings should be scheduled once per month. The SAC committees are responsible for implementing the activities that help meet the school improvement goal.
Teachers are responsible to bring students to the media center and actively supervise them with selecting appropriate materials to check out. In addition, students should be assigned to specific computer workstations for safety and monitoring of the equipment. Computer time should be used productively on iReady, FCAT Explorer, SRC, Riverdeep, making multi-media presentations or doing research on teacher approved websites. This should not be used as time for students to play video games. The Media Clerk is not responsible for supervision of students.
Our Micro Technology Specialist will preview new computer programs and train staff in utilization. She is also available to trouble-shoot any technical problems. Please complete a technology request from the Dolphin Bay CAB conference when you need assistance.
Computer time should be used productively on iReady, FCAT Explorer, SRC, Riverdeep, making multi-media presentations or doing research on teacher approved websites. This should not be used as time for students to play video games.
Each teacher will be provided with a laptop and a storage case. The laptop and storage case are the teacher’s responsibility. Each teacher assigned a laptop must sign a property pass with the original kept on file in the office. Please keep in mind that Broward County School’s Technology Use Policy (5306) applies wherever you use your laptop. Refrain from eating and drinking around your laptop. Keep all laptops secured in your classroom and in cases. Do not leave laptops in cars as they can be easily stolen. A stolen laptop must be reported to the police and a police report must be completed and kept as a part of the school records. Laptops should never be transported without their case.
All laptops, including the teacher’s, must be powered down daily and placed in a locked cabinet prior to leaving school for the day.
This form must be completed when taking any school equipment, including computers, home and signed by administration. Laptops are to be checked out in August and returned in May. A new pass may be completed for summer usage.
Conferences are an important part of reporting student progress to parents and can be great help in furthering home/school understandings. Teachers must hold a minimum of two (2) conferences each school year with parents. Part of your conference must be pre-written so your recommendations will be addressed.