Notes of the Meeting of

the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group meeting

Monday 11th June 2012 at 3:00 pm

in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall

  1. PresentRepresenting

Councillor Ken Brown Morpeth Town Council (MTC) – Chairman

Councillor Dr Nic Best“

Councillor Mark Horton“

Councillor David Parker“

Councillor Graeme Trotter“

Ian CampbellProject Co-ordinator

Jack PrattNorthumberland County Council (NCC)

David Rawlinson“

Kevin CassieClerk of Pegswood Parish Council

Councillor Mike SharpMitford Parish Council


Miss Gillian Turner

Mrs Stevie Matthews

Apologies for Absence were received from David English (NCC), Councillors Herne and Thompson (MTC) and Councillors Doherty and Wilcox (Pegwsood PC).

2.The Chairman welcomed all members present and invited introductions.

3.Appointment of Project Co-ordinator

Mr Ian Campbell, formerly of NCC Planning, has been appointed neighbourhood Planning Project Co-ordinator.

  1. Notes of the meeting held on 30th April 2012

The notes of the above meeting were approved and it was requested that these be circulated to all members of the Group.

  1. Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference were approved with the following supplementary points:

Thematic Groups - as specified, okay. There is a danger of hijacking if too many groups are included.

Membership of the NP Steering Group – Pegswood and Mitford Parishes have affirmed their willingness to be included; Hebron Parish has not yet replied; Hepscott Parish has expressed interest, but has requested that its financial contribution is made in three instalments. This was agreed.

Proposal: It was proposed that Hebron Parish be included for one month to allow time for a pledge of commitment and to make financial provision; after this period, if no positive response is received, then Hebronto be excluded from the Steering Group.

Membership of the NP Stakeholder Community Group – To include also one representative from Mitford Estate, Welbeck Estate and Piramel.

Decision Making - To include:

Regular reports “to be taken to all other Committees”; and

Morpeth Town Council ”and anticipated neighbouring parish councils of the Steering Group.”

  1. Planning Camp

Information regarding the above series of events was circulated and it was agreed representation would be beneficial.

Agreed:- To reserve two places for 13th and 14th July 2012and invite volunteers from the NP Steering Group. Councillors K Brown and Dr N Best indicated they would be willing to attend, following initial enquiries.

  1. CPRE Support

Support from CPRE has been missed. Information regarding Planning Aid England (PAE), offering financial support to Neighbourhood Plan Frontrunners, was circulated.

Agreed:- It was agreed to sign up for PAE.

  1. Scope: Defined Plan Area

Justification for Planning Boundary to be published and there should be scope to challenge this.

Thematic Groups and proportionality is important.

There should be a balanced approach, including some Local Development Framework (LDF)

  1. LDF Consultation

It was proposed that the MTC draft response to this document be brought to the next meeting of this Group, from which each parish may then use as a guide for preparing their own paper.

The NP Steering Group response will be drafted by Ian Campbell, Dr N Best and

G Trotter. All MTC councillors to be advised to liaise with Mr Campbell and Councillors Dr Best and Trotter regarding any comments they have.

  1. Community Engagement Plan

A copy of the draft Community Engagement Plan was circulated and it was agreed that resident groups and organisations should be included and a database be established.

Thematic Groups also to be involved.

  1. Project Plan

Mr Campbell to prepare an outline draft to be considered in greater detail.

  1. Evidence Base

To include Town and Parish Plans and NCC be requested to share information with the Group.

Agreed:- It was agreed that the NCC representatives would forward relevant information.

  1. Themed Groups

It was agreed that the following Thematic groups be reviewed and that draft Terms of Reference be specified, including what each represents and merged or included in the LDF if appropriate:



Green infrastructure





The NP Steering Group should appoint a leader for each Themed Group and it is desirable to have a facilitator also for larger stakeholder groups.

It was further agreed that Councillor Dr N Best undertake the preparation of this paper.

  1. Resourcing the Plan

The Plan should be community led rather than LDF and the Group able to tap into community resources.

£20k is provided to NCC for being a Frontrunner, and NCC should identify their help. NCC Group representatives to provide specifics for the next meeting.

Landowners and Developers could be invited to be sponsors for some areas of the Plan.

It was agreed to extend the hours of the MTC part-time officer to facilitate the increase in work the NP will generate with regard to bulk photocopying, mail distribution, etc. and to provide assistance to Mr Campbell, if required.

Electronic copies of papers to be included on the website.

  1. Any Other Urgent Business

There was no other urgent business to discuss.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 9th July 2012 at 3:30 pm in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, when the main items will be:

Community Engagement Plan

Evidence Base

LDF Consultation

Project Plan

Resourcing the Plan


Themed Groups

Councillors Dr NBest and G Trotter gave advance notice of apologies and the meeting concluded at 4:45 pm with all members present.