Honors French III
Course Syllabus
Pebblebrook High School
Instructor: Betsey Ellingsen
School Phone: 770-819-2521, ext. 238 for World Languages
Home Phone: 770-732-1329
Cell Phone: 770-722-5381
Email addresses: r
Textbook: Bon Voyage Glencoe Level 3
Replacement Cost: $65
Course Description:
The Level III language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have completed a Level II course or are at a Novice-Mid to Novice-High level of proficiency.
Students use basic language structures with accuracy and recombine learned material to express their thoughts. They are exposed to more complex features of the language, moving from concrete to some abstract concepts. Because students may begin formal language learning at various stages of development, teachers must adjust vocabulary and content to reflect developmentally appropriate interests.
An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world. The integration of technology is an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target language and in providing students the opportunity to interact with native speakers.
By the end of Level III, students will exhibit Novice-High level proficiency in speaking and writing and Intermediate-Low proficiency in listening and reading (ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 1999).
Cobb County School District
Advanced Content Course Standards
The Cobb County School District advocates high standards for honors teachers in the areas of content, pedagogy, and student performance. The following standards are provided to inform teachers, administrators, and policy makers dedicated to providing rigorous honors instruction for all CCSD’s students. The standards’ development process involved recommendations from teachers, administrators, and content area supervisors; standards were subsequently reviewed by teacher focus groups, administrators, and content supervisors.
Advanced content teachers modify content to facilitate higher-level learning goals.
Advanced content lessons and units:
- Integrate ideas across content areas
- Require significant use of primary data and/or documents
- Incorporate research and technology
Advanced content teachers use various instructional strategies that make challenging content accessible to all students. Teachers regularly adjust their instruction in response to student learning. Teachers appropriately match teaching methods to content.
Instructional strategies are designed to:
- Foster independent learning and self-discipline
- Emphasize higher-order thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills
- Encourage motivation and interest
- Allow for creative application of ideas
- Model and encourage scholastic dialogue
Advanced content students must demonstrate proficiency in essential, regular curriculum concepts and processes. Additionally, students must engage in differentiated, challenging performances and assessments.
Advanced content students:
- Routinely complete challenging out-of-class, independent assignments
- Demonstrate competence on comprehensive, interdisciplinary assignments developed in collaboration with other content areas as appropriate
- Analyze, evaluate, and apply knowledge on a comprehensive, written final exam
Year Long Course Outline Based on Thematic Units:
First Semester: Review of French 2, Leisure Time (Chapters 1 and 3), Teenage Life (Chapter 2), Francophone Heritage (Chapters 4 and 8)
Second Semester: Social Issues (Chapter 5), Rites of Passage (Chapter 6), personal and Public Health (Chapter 7)
Grammatical Structures to be covered: Review of French 2 structures from Allez-Viens and also bridge structures transitioning from Allez-Viens 2 to Bon Voyage 3,subjunctive mood, negative expressions, passé compose, imperfect, pluperfect, future, past future, conditional, past conditional tenses, past infinitives, present participles and gerunds, indirect and direct object pronouns, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, and possessive pronouns, and si clauses
Grading Categories based on Performance Standards for Modern Languages (as per Picasso):
Copy of Skills Developed in Level 3 is attached. ML=Modern Language; III=level 3
Interpersonal communication (IP)—Total 25%:
Summative Assessment:20%
Formative Assessment: 5%
Interpretive communication (ITN)—Total 10%
Summative Assessment: 7%
Formative Assessment: 3%
Presentation (P)—Total 15%15%
Cultural Perspectives (CU)—10%
Summative Assessment: 7%
Formative Assessment: 3%
Connect/Compare (CCC)—Total 15%
Summative Assessment:10%
Formative Assessment: 5%
Midterm—Total 5% 5%
Comprehensive Final Examination—total 20%20%
Grand Total 100%
Grade Scale:
90-100=A, 80-89=B, 74-79=C, 70-73=D, <70=F
Student Requirements:
- A notebook (3-ring binder, pocket folder, folder with brads) with dividers for Warm-ups, Notes, Assessments, Activities
- Writing instrument—dark pen or pencil
- Highlighter
- Dry-erase marker of dark color
- Lined paper—either college or wide ruled
- Regular attendance—Instructor will notify parents when you have missed 5 classes, and guidance will be notified when you have missed 7 classes.
- Arrival on time to class; Pebblebrook Tardy policy will be strictly enforced.
- Good attitude.
- Respect for your classmates, instructor, and yourself
General Daily Procedures: Students begin each class by doing daily warm-ups. During this time attendance will be taken. Warm-ups will be counted as extra credit points for summative exams. In the warm-ups I normally will check for mastery of material previously introduced. The students do not have the option to skip the warm-up!! After reviewing the warm-up the class undergoes an opening which they will memorize. Then the instructor will introduce the performance standard(s) and essential question(s) of the day. After that homework is reviewed or new material is introduced by active instruction. A period of activity meant to support the new or old learnings occurs. At the end of class the day’s learnings are summarized via varying techniques. A student has studying homework every day even if no written work is assigned.
Make-up work: A student is given the same amount of time to turn in missed make-up work as per EXCUSED absence. For example, a student misses 2 days of school with an EXCUSED absence, he/she has 2 extra days to turn it in. If a student misses a test, he/she will take it the day of return or by appointment with the instructor. Being absent the class session before a test or during a test review does not mean that your student can’t take the test on the proper day. It just means that he/she had an extra time to study.
Tutoring: I don’t have a specific day for tutoring. With a day’s notice I can always tutor in the morning before class or after school.
DON’TS: I do not tolerate talking without permission, rudeness to teachers (and that means talking back to an adult!!!) or other students, DRAMA in the classroom (unless the students are presenting skits!!), or SLEEPING in class. Eating food in class is also discouraged. I don’t intend to clean up after the students. Water bottles and sports drinks are allowed as long as the students dispose of the containers appropriately. The following “don’ts” have to do with appropriate things to bring to school. Some materials should be kept at home. Do not come to class with an active cell-phone. It must be turned off and HIDDEN during school hours. Phones and other like electronic devices (I-pods, PSPs, cameras, ear buds) will not be confiscated; however, a warning to put the device away will be issued. If your student chooses not to follow the directive, instruction will continue, and your son or daughter will be referred immediately to an administrator, and you will be notified. Please follow Pebblebrook’s dress code policy. I can’t teach and you can’t learn when distracting clothing is worn.