When viewing Jesus' sufferings, especially in Gethsemane and Gabbatha, the situation looked dark for God's Church. When Jesus was captured and condemned, the true believers' hearts were filled with fear. But when Christ was crucified, dead, and buried, defeat and despair overwhelmed them. The apostles fled; Peter denied Christ; the women wept; Jesus' body was placed in the grave; the men traveling to Emmaus confessed despairingly, "But we trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed Israel"; and Thomas saw no purpose for their meeting together anymore - all was lost.But as in nature, the greatest darkness is experienced immediately prior to the dawning of a new day, so the greatest darkness of despair was felt just before the dawn of Christ's resurrection day. The Church's experience of deep sorrow being turned into great joy is illustrated by the following story.
The English people anxiously awaited news of the historic battle between their general, Wellington, and the enemy, Napoleon. Finally, word arrived.
On top of Winchester Cathedral, the semaphore(A signing apparatus which was used for displaying public messages by moving lights or mechanical arms to spell words) began to spell out the message for the crowds below: "W-e-l-l-i-n-g-t-o-n - d-e-f-e-a-t-e-d" just as dense fog settled over the cathedral and land. The semaphore could no longer be seen. This discouraging, heartbreaking news spread rapidly throughout the land: "Wellington defeated!"
But, after time, the fog lifted and again the semaphore on top of the cathedral became visible, and now the completed message could be seen: "W-e-l-l-i-n-g-t-o-n - d-e-f-e-a-t-e-d - t-h-e - e-n-e-m-y!"
Great joy followed deep despair. England rejoiced. The message of defeat was changed into one of victory.
During Jesus' final sufferings, death, and burial, the Church read a partial message - "Jesus defeated" - and a dark, depressing fog settled over the Church.
But on the dawning of Sunday morning, when Christ arose from the dead, the full message became visible. Now the Church could clearly read "Jesus defeated the enemy!" What happiness, rejoicing, and thankfulness filled the Church, and still fills it today!
Is the victory of Easter, of Sunday, your deepest source of joy? Is sin your greatest enemy, and Christ your treasured Savior?
Jesus' resurrection testifies both of His people's salvation and glorification. They experience the wonderful beginnings of Christ's new life on earth and the glorious fullness of it eternally in heaven.Is this your present and future life?
A native woman who worked in the home of a faithful Korean missionary observed the death of his four-year-old son, who gave a clear testimony of God's saving work in his heart.
The boy's final words to his father were, "Don't cry, Daddy, I'll see you again - you will get me back." The family's calmness, prayers, and tears of joy as well as sorrow made a deep impression upon this woman.
At the burial service, she saw other native women crying and asked them why. "We're crying for the foreigners who lost their son," they answered.
"You do not need to do that," the native woman replied. "These foreigners have a way to get their dead back again. Don't ask me how - but I know it's true!"
God richly blessed the missionary's preaching regarding the hope of the resurrection. Many felt the truth of his message because of his own son's death.
What produces the great difference between the death of believers and unbelievers? /
A young believer lay upon her deathbed, suffering severely from a fatal disease. A friend, who had not seen her for some weeks, again visited her.
Shocked by her thin, pale, rapidly-deteriorating appearance, she cried out, "Oh, what has happened? You've lost so much weight! And your color..." With this she stopped and began to sob uncontrollably.
The sick girl turned to her and calmly said, "Don't cry, Anne." She then recited with beautiful clearness, power, and radiancy, Job 19:26, "And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God."
This sick girl and her friend had different "ends" in view - one saw the grave, the other saw beyond the grave.
/ Each of the major cults have been founded by people who have died, such as Jehovah's Witnesses (Russell), Mormons (Smith), and Christian Scientists (Eddy). The Christian faith has been founded by One who is alive forever. Why is this difference significant?
/ What rich comfort is missed by all those denying the truth of the resurrection?
/ The word "cemetery" is a Christian word. It is a term which means "sleeping-place. " How does this word reveal Christian faith and hope in the resurrection?
Source: Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young Adults by James W. Beeke