English => French

31 rue du Bourg Voisin - 21140 Semur en Auxois, France

Tel/fax +33 (0)3 80 96 60 36 Mobile : +33 (0)6 78 91 00 22

E-mail: OR

Skype: annikethierry

Website :

URSSAF: 210 13330073803 – SIRET: 438 869 935 00017


• Environment

-Environmental management, sustainable development, Climate change, Kyoto protocol, natural resources, pollution, environmental law, assessments, ..

• Energy

-Nuclear energy (safety, waste treatment, reprocessing..)

-Renewable energy, energy efficiency, oil and gas, fossil fuels…

• International organizations:UN programs, Developing countries, public health, gender issues, human rights, oil and gas revenues, global sustainability, democracy, NGOs…

Information technology and multimedia:

-Websites, telecom, software, multimedia, manuals, press releases, client presentations…

Corporate communication and Marketing

-Brochures, press releases, annual reports, websites, press articles, calls for tenders…



  • WORLD BANK INSTITUTE, Translation of 2 large online training coursescalled CDM Programme of Activities: Challenges and Opportunities and CDM and JI training course, on Climate Change, the carbon markets and international development projects (2012)
  • CNRS – Revue Hermès: Translation of 2 large reports for the Hermès scientific research journal, number 64, «Une science du libre-échange? La mise en scène de l’expertise scientifique à l’OMC» by C. Bonneuil, and «Établir la qualité des preuves pour les situations de décision complexes et controversées» by J. P. van der Sluijs (2012)
  • CIRAD: Translation of several scientific studies published in «Environnement, discours et pouvoir: l’approche political ecology» by Denis Gautier and Tor Arve Benjaminsen (Versailles, Quae, 2012)
  • FRENCH MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENTand IEPF: Between 2005 and 2010, translation of a bimonthly newsletter on the carbon market and climate change: available online on:Le Moniteur du MDP et de la MOC, published by PointCarbon.
  • CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL: Translation of several reports and training manuals on climate change and forests, for ex.: «De quoi le mécanisme REDD+ a-t-il besoin pour fonctionner sur le terrain» (2010)
  • UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM, RISOE CENTER,Translation of 2 reports on Climate change, Deforestation and bioenergy due for the Copenhagen Summit. (2009)
  • WORLD BANK, AGENCE FRANÇAISE DU DÉVELOPPEMENT, Translation of the summary of "State and Trends of the Carbon Market", latest edition (2009) available using this link: Etat et Tendances 2009 du marché carbone
  • AGENCE FRANÇAISE DU DÉVELOPPEMENT/CONSERVATION FINANCE ALLIANCE Translation of a large report: «Revue des expériences des fonds fiduciaires pour la conservation de la biodiversité», summary available online, May 2008.
  • OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE - SOROS FOUNDATION: Translation of brochures on Oil and Gas economics and development aspects.See for ex. «Follow Money»:"Suivez l'argent"
    Translation of reports for the AfriMAP program on justice, state of law, human rights in Africa. See for instance:Le secteur de la justice et l'État de droit au Ghana
  • FREEDOM FROM HUNGER: Translation of reports, overviews and training material for Microfinance, Health and Development projects in the developing world. Programs included Saving for Change, Social Performance Management, Technical Learning Conversations, Advice on Breastfeeding and Health problems.
  • INTERNATIONAL COCOA PRODUCER'S ALLIANCE (Nigeria): Numerous, specialized projects on cocoa & sustainable agriculture, Technical, research papers, contribution to scientific conferences, financial reports and analyses
  • WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES: Translation of epidemiological reports (INSERM ); Proceedings of a Symposium in the French National Assembly: French Nuclear Tests in Polynesia" (published July 1999)
  • YGGDRASIL INSTITUTE (U.S):Translation / proofing of 2nd edition of "La France nucléaire", a specialised book on nuclear energy in France (published 2001; M.B Davis -Wise Paris)
  • GREENPEACE FRANCE: Translation of a report on the use of GM agriculture in Argentina.
  • INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH : Regular translation of "Énergie et Securité", news bulletins on Environment, Energy and Disarmament
  • REGULAR VOLUNTEER WORK FOR :OXFAM, World Summit on Information Technology, Babels, Reporters sans frontières, Translators without Borders, Médecins sans frontières.

Some recent projects for agencies include

  • LEXCELERA-EUROTEXTE (France) : Corporate communication: Client brochures, press releases, websites – Energy: Official reports for French institutions, brochures and case studies for companies, technical documents - Oil and gas : Reports for petrochemical plants, highly specialized documents and specifications; Nuclear energy : Environmental impact assessments, client presentations, training material...
  • BTCS Translation (France) -Energy : Safety specifications for next generation nuclear power plants, HSE related documents, impact assessments…; Multimedia: video making material, software and hardware, client surveys, general IT projects…
  • Semantis (France) – Energy: Reports and articles on nuclear and renewable energy; Transport: Regular articles for a large group specialized in public transport and energy
  • RWS Translations(UK): Oil & gas: Highly specialized technical documents (oil exploration, drilling, platforms...), client brochures, staff newsletters for large oil companies – Corporate: Code of ethics and internal documents on transparency, accountability...
  • SEL-UK (UK): A couple of large projects for nuclear energy groups, technical specifications and tenders power plant decomissioning, waste treatment and disposal, etc.. Translation of websites: website for a company specialized in industrial adhesive tapes. Website for a timber-framed houses construction company. Website of a consulting company.
  • TECHNICIS (France) :Telecom : Client presentations, manuals ; Corporate : Annual reports, press releases, company brochures ; Environment : Environmental management, assessments.. Nuclear energy: a highly technical report on R&D needs for nuclear energy systems, IT :software, technical specifications, contracts..
  • ASK-GROUP (UK): NGOs: A large brochure on Freedom of expression and Censorship, reports devoted to child health worldwide for the UN; Corporate: marketing documents, advertising, press releases, medical instrumentation…
  • EXCEL Translations(U.S and Spain) : A large project involving IT platforms for the oil and gas industry.
  • TRAD'SMITH (France) : Nuclear energy and safety : A large project on training material about nuclear energy, safety and nuclear weapons proliferation; Industry : Process industry brochures and company journals, technical specifications and technical data sheets


  • 1998-2001 :Master of Arts in English, with a specialisation in Linguistics and Translation, Institut du Monde Anglophone, Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle. First class Honours.
  • 1996 :University of Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, Grade A
  • 1994-96 :"Nouvelles" Journalism school, Nice, France

Asset :Bilingual in French and English (brought up in France, by a British mother)


Work output : approx 3,000 words per day


OPERATING SYSTEMS : Windows XP – CAT TOOLS : TRADOS 2007 Freelance Edition, WORDFAST 5.61 k and WORDFAST PRO

- HARDWARE :HP Compaq nx9420 laptop, ADSL broadband Modem 8K, permanent Internet access, CD ROM and CD/DVD printer, color scanner and printer, etc

- SOFTWARE : for PC - MS Office XP and 2003: Word, Excel, Publisher, Power Point 2003


- LIBRARY : Continually expanding reference library with monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, specialised resources and internet access. Network of specialists for support and verification.