City of Kingston

Positive Ageing Advisory Committee

Expression of Interest

March 2013


Yvonne Honey

Positive Ageing Community Development Officer

City of Kingston

Ph: 9581 4646



Council endorsed theKingston Positive Ageing Plan in October 2007 as part of its commitment to developing a healthy community. The plan was developed after extensive community consultation and outlines the strategic direction for Kingston City Council to promote the wellbeing of the older people in the community.

The Positive Ageing Advisory Committee (PAAC) was established in November 2008. Since that time, they have worked with the Positive Ageing Officer to determine priorities, identify current issues and guide the implementation of the Positive Ageing Plan.

The period of time for PAAC membership is two years. We are currently looking for new members to join the committee to continue the implementation of the current Positive Ageing Plan initiatives for 2013. The PAAC will also support the review of the current Plan and the development of a new five year strategic plan for Positive Ageing in Kingston.

The Positive ageing plan

The Positive Ageing Plan outlines the strategic direction for Kingston City Council to promote the wellbeing of older people in the community under seven key themes. These themes were developed through extensive community and service provider consultation.

  • Community Planning
  • Community Participation and Engagement
  • Transport and Mobility
  • Living in the Community
  • Lifelong Learning and Employment
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Information, Communication and Service Access.


The Positive Ageing Plan relates to and is informed by:

The City of Kingston Council Plan 2009– 2013 (2012 Update)

Kingston Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2009 - 2013


The PAAC will play a critical role in overseeing the planning, implementation and evaluation of the Kingston Positive Ageing Plan and will:

  • Support a ‘whole of community’ approach to Positive Ageing
  • Develop partnerships to support positive ageing initiatives and projects
  • Receive regular reports and updates on the achievements of the plan
  • Give feedback on the development of Ageing Positively Projects/Programs
  • Identify emerging issues that need to be addressed
  • Set priorities for each year
  • Make any decisions regarding the plan
  • Develop and support key working groups (as required) to further some of the strategies
  • Identify funding opportunities that support the actions of the working groups
  • Develop a means of communicating achievements to the broader community
  • Ensure that the plan is evaluated each year and report back to Council
  • Review and monitor timeframes to ensure that the plan is implemented within the 5 year period
  • Encourage and support activities and events of the Kingston Positive Ageing Plan
  • Act as an advisory committee to council on issues of significance to older residents

Extent of Authority

The PAAC will provide advice on policy and strategy development to the Kingston City Council and Council Officers and does not have delegated powers under the Local Government Act.

The PAAC has no authority to:

  • Expend moneys on behalf of Council
  • Commit Council to any arrangement
  • Direct Council Officers in the performance of their duties

EXPERIENCE and knowledge

Expressions of interest are invited from older people living in (or with strong links to) the City of Kingston.

Demonstrated experience and knowledge in some or all of the following are considered desirable:

  • Service delivery or community development with a focus on older people
  • Commitment to the concept of Positive Ageing
  • A strategic approach to planning and implementation
  • Resource and funding opportunities and constraints
  • Governance of local community organisations


There are twelvecommunity positions available on the PAAC. The committee also has a Councillor and is supported by two Council staff. Other representatives will be invited to participate from time to time when specialised skills and knowledge are required and to contribute from their field of expertise.

Membership is for a two-year term with the option to re-nominate for a further two years.

Members are expected to attend bi-monthly meetings and to pro-actively bring information, discussion and opportunities to the PAAC.

Role of Council

Council will:

  • Ensure that members of the PAAC are advised of developments in policy and strategy as they pertain to older residents
  • Administer the PAAC and prepare and distribute agendas and minutes
  • File minutes and agendas of meetings on Council’s corporate filing system
  • Convene meetings of the PAAC and working groups

SElection process

Selection of the PAAC will follow a formal recruitment process. Short-listed applicants will be invited for a brief interview. If successful they will be offered the opportunity to join the PAAC.

Further Information

For further information about this expression of interest contact:

Yvonne Honey

Positive Ageing Officer

City of Kingston

Phone:9581 4646


Positive Ageing advisory Committee

nomination form

First Name…………………………………..Surname…………………………………

Postal Address…………………………………………………………………………..


Phone (Day)………………………………….Mobile…………………………………


Why would you like to join the Positive Ageing Advisory Committee?





What do you see as important issues for older people in the City of Kingston?





What do you think is good about living in the City of Kingston as an older person?





What do you think could be improved for older people in the City of Kingston?





What do think are some of the positive aspects of growing old?





Are you involved in your local community in any way? If yes, please give some details.





What do you think you would bring to the Positive Ageing Advisory Committee?




Do you have any experience participating as a member on committees or boards? (Please provide details)




Please return this form by 13 May 2013 to:

Yvonne Honey

Positive Ageing Officer

City of Kingston

PO Box 100

Mentone 3194


Privacy Statement

Personal information collected by Council is used for municipal purposes as specified in the Local Government Act 1989. The personal information will be held securely and used solely by Council for these purposes and/or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations if required or permitted by legislation. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the above purpose and that he or she may apply to Council for access to and/or amendment of the information. Requests for access and/or correction should be made to Council's Privacy Officer. A full copy of our Privacy Policy may be obtained from the Kingston website: or from one of our Customer Service Centres.