A regular meeting of the Mayor and Town Council of Central Valley Town was held on Wednesday, the 18th of February, 2015 at the Central Valley Community Center, 50 West Center, Central Valley, Utah at the hour of 7:30 p.m. after due and timely notice had been provided pursuant to Section 52-4-6, UCA, 1953, as amended.
Council Members: Mayor Kim Peterson, Charles Evans, Bryan Brown, Becky Bastian and David Nielson.
Absent/excused: None
Town Clerk: Allen Henningson
Town Treasurer: Shelley Brown
Mark Stewart, Honas Busk, Renae Busk, Craig Daniels, Paul Damron, Robert Farnsworth, Justin Porter, Aaron Elison, Christie Elison, Stan Poulson, Dave Jensen, Debbie Jensen, Dave Stratton, Sharon Stratton, Bruce Riddle, Scott Thomsen, Max White, Chet White, Susan Outzen, John Lloyd, Judy Lloyd, Carlyle Brown and Kayde Roberts.
1. Opening Remarks given by Allen Henningson. Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting called to order and roll call. Mayor Peterson welcomed those in attendance at the meeting. He stated that he would be changing the order of the agenda items. Items 13 and 14 will be moved with item 6 since they are related.
2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting. The minutes of the January 21st Town Council meeting were presented for approval. All members had reviewed the minutes. Mayor Peterson asked for a discussion of the minutes. The minutes were approved upon the motion of Bryan Brown and seconded by Becky Bastian. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.
3. Comments from Residents.
Justin Porter asked about the noise ordinance that was recently adopted. Mayor Peterson stated that it had been adopted in the last meeting. Copies were provided to those that were interested in it.
Carlyle Brown stated that there were a lot of dogs running loose in town.
4. Sevier County Mosquito Abatement Program. Approve county larvicide invoice. Mark Stewart.
Mark Stewart explained the county mosquito abatement program. The primary objective is to limit mosquito related diseases and the nuisance caused by mosquitoes. The county is proposing a change in funding the program. In the past we were billed for the larvicide by the manufacturer, Univar. The county proposes to bill the town $2,000.00 instead. This will allow the county to better manage the abatement funds. Mark stated that this may save the town in future years since he would be able to purchase and use different larvicide products. Bryan Brown made a motion to continue to support the county mosquito abatement program and pay the $2,000.00 county invoice. Charles Evans seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. Becky asked how soon they would be starting. Mark responded that it would be later. The larvicide is more effective when there is no movement in the water. Becky asked about the known problem areas in town. Mark stated the river and slews east of town were the worst areas. David Nielson stated that the canal on the east side of town was a problem as well, especially at the gates which all leak a little water. He suggested that the canal access road be fogged occasionally. The fog trucks are usually the last resort, but are effective. The county uses mosquito traps to monitor for mosquito outbreaks. Mark stated that grass areas such as the park and ball field could be treated as well. Becky asked that they be treated as soon as possible.
5. Waste Water Issues, Robert Farnsworth Property. Robert Farnsworth
Robert Farnsworth stated that there is a waste water problem on his property. He has installed culverts, paid for a fire hydrant and had his home and storage units flooded. He said it is costing him money and he is very upset. David Nielson reported that he had inspected the area. He said that the culverts that had been installed were to small to handle the water. They are smaller than other culverts in the area. The ditch also needs to be cleaned. Portions of the ditch had been cleaned with a backhoe that placed the material on the high side which allowed the water over onto the Farnsworth property. David stated that he has two options, he can either take the culverts out or install larger culverts. It is the property owners responsibility to keep the ditches clean. The town does not own the water. The water user should be working with Robert to solve the problem. Mayor Peterson stated that there are ordinances and state codes that direct how the waste water is handled. Robert stated that the feed lot was to close to his property and violates county ordinances. He proposed that he be allowed to move the water across the street and then down the lane and then back across the street so the water could pass his property without flooding. David stated that it would be a lot less expensive to put in bigger culverts. David stated that he was not in favor of diverting the water across the street.
6. C & M (Daniels) Subdivision and Storage Units, questions and issues. Craig Daniels, Honas Busk and Darrell Snedeger
Mayor Peterson stated that the storage unit issue was larger than just the Daniels Subdivision. Two other storage units have also been proposed in town. Agenda items 13 and 14 are related and will be discussed at this time as well. Our current ordinance requires a conditional use permit or a zoning change for construction of a storage unit facility. The town council needs to discuss the issue. The issue pertains to more that just the Honas Busk lot. This is not a public hearing. The planning commission will be asked to work on the issue.
Bryan Brown reviewed our current zoning ordinance. It says that "storage" is allowed in the R-1 zone under a conditional use permit. We are not sure if that was intended to include a storage unit business or just storage for a residence. Bryan reported that he and Mayor Peterson met with our attorney Richard Chamberlain this past week. He suggested that we define a commercial zone. Bryan invited Honas Busk to address the council.
Honas explained that he was proposing a storage unit facility on his property on north main street. He presented a preliminary plot plan for the council to review. He stated that it would meet the criteria in our land use plan for a use permit explained on page 25 of our ordinance. Bryan explained that there were residential lots on both sides of his property. The proposal would be to construct 101 storage units in four phases on his 2.5 acre lot. He would like to start construction on the first phase now. Bryan explained that our current ordinance requires that a residence be constructed before a conditional use permit can be considered. The storage units may not be compatible in a residential area. Becky Bastian asked if the 101 storage units would be a reasonable burden for Central Valley especially in a residential area. Bryan asked if there was a driveway planned around both sides of the storage units. Honas stated that there was access all around the units.
Craig Daniels the subdivision owner was invited to present his views on the proposed storage units. Craig stated that the subdivision was intended to be residential and not commercial. He wants to maintain the residential character of the area. He said there were security issues for the facility. He said the roads to the units should be paved and adequate lighting should be required. Craig said that his other lots would be devalued as well as the adjacent property. Mayor Peterson asked if the subdivision had requirements that would prevent a storage unit facility on the property. Craig stated that there were no requirements to prevent a storage unit. Craig stated that if the town approved the storage units then he would ask that his adjacent property be zoned commercial as well. Craig would like a quick decision since he has a pending sale on a lot that is adjacent. Bryan asked those that supported the storage units to raise their hands and also those that opposed the storage units to raise their hands. The Busks were the only supporters.
Comments were requested from the town council. The storage unit proposal will be placed on the planning commission agenda for their March 4, 2015 meeting. The decision will take at least a month.
7. GIS Mapping Update. Paul Damron
Paul gave the Mayor the log in instructions for the new mapping program. He asked the council to review and make corrections to a data request form that he could use to request town data that he needs to incorporate into the mapping. He reviewed the sign inventory, town center and zoning maps with the council. Paul asked that we check with the county recorders office to see if we can get a digital copy of the town plat maps that we recently purchased.
8. Mandatory Garbage Collection.
Mayor Peterson explained that about ninety percent of the town residents were currently having White's Sanitation pick up their garbage. There are some vacant homes that do not require garbage pickup. The average cost for our residents is about $13.00 per month. White's would charge the town $8.25 for each resident as a base rate. The town would need to add some administration costs to the monthly cost. The town is considering charging $10.00 to $12.00 per month for the service. This would result in a savings for our residents of up to $3.00 per month on their garbage collection. Mayor Peterson stated that the increased costs to the town would be minimal. White's charge $2.50 for an extra cart. Mayor Peterson proposed that we charge $3.00 per month for an extra cart. White's can provide assistance for widows in picking up their garbage. White's would provide two free pickups for a dumpster for the town cleanup. This would be a $300.00 savings for the town. For our residents that have a dumpster, White's would credit their accounts $8.25 per month. Mayor Peterson asked the council for comments. Carlyle Brown asked about charges for those that do not rent a cart. White's explained that everyone in town would get a cart. When fuel costs go up the base cost charged by White's will go up. Central Valley and Sigurd are the only towns in Sevier County that do not have mandatory garbage pickup. Bryan Brown suggested that the town charge $12.00 per month to provide some additional revenue. Mayor Peterson said that most other cities only add $0.25 to $0.50 to the base fee. David Nielson said that $10.00 per month should be adequate. Becky Bastian stated that she was in favor of mandatory garbage pickup and was okay with $10.00 to $12.00 per month. Charlie Evans stated that $10.00 per month would be great. Allen Henningson asked if the council wanted a public hearing and an ordinance to require the mandatory garbage pickup. Bryan Brown made a motion to move forward with a public hearing and ordinance development for mandatory garbage pickup with the monthly fee to be determined. David Nielson seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. White's asked that they be informed when the public hearing would be held. The public hearing was scheduled for March 18, 2015. July 1, 2015 is a realistic implementation date.
9. Park Project update. Splash Pad. Becky Bastian
Becky reviewed the splash pad maps that were in the packet. The tank will be moved to the west side. The equipment room will be moved away from the restroom and located against the fence. A new leach line will be installed for the splash pad. The septic tank for the restroom was located and pumped. A lid for the tank was installed. Bruce and Scott will attend an operation certification training in May. The splash pad will be installed in March. A new waterline was installed at the baseball field.
10. Public Nuisance complaints near park. Becky Bastian
Becky explained that she has been contacted by several residents in town concerning the unsightly Foot property adjacent to the park. She asked that the complaints be put in writing. She has two letters from residents complaining about the Foot property. The Foots did move the debris from the road right of way when requested. Becky explained that we have an obligation and right to require that the property is safe and esthetically pleasing. Becky proposed that we send the Foots a letter asking that they clean up their property. The problem has been getting worse. There was discussion regarding whether we could require cleaning up both the front and the back yard. The back yard may be more difficult. There are seven old trailers that could be a safety concern. There could be a wasp problem at the splash pad due to the trailers and debris. Bryan stated that he had visited with Charles Billingsley regarding the issue. Charles Billingsley has resolved similar issues for Salina, Richfield and Elsinore. Bryan suggested that we send the Foots a friendly letter asking them to clean up their front yard. Mayor Peterson stated that he had talked with Charles Billingsley as well about the problem. There are eleven vehicles parked on the road right of way. Bryan Brown made a motion that a letter be sent to the Foots asking them to come into compliance with our ordinance. Mayor Peterson stated that a letter may not resolve the issue. We did send letters about cleaning up the road right of way property in front of their property. David suggested sending a letter. He said the town did not have the funds to pursue the issue. Bryan suggested having Charles Billingsley come to our next meeting to explain his process for resolving the issue. Mayor Peterson stated that he would have Shelley write the Foots the letter. Mayor Peterson asked that we find out what was done in Salina, Richfield and Elsinore. Bryan said that he would find out.