
MD Club Lax Purpose:to provide highly dedicated and skilled youth lacrosse players the opportunity to compete at a high level and grow in their relationship with God, while developing Christ-centered leaders in the lacrosse community who maximize their God-given purpose and potential on and off the field.

Coaching Purpose:The reason I coach is ______

We believe that life’s greatest lessons, values and faith can be learned on the athletic field. Sports help to reveal and refine our character so we can become peoplewho love, serve and care. As an FCA coach, I support the corevalues of integrity, teamwork, serving, and excellence andwill try to model them to the boys as they grow in their relationship with God and learn how to compete and live for Jesus Christ.

As an FCA coach,I agree to:

  • Commit to the community of FCA MD Lacrosse Coaches by regularly attending our Coaches Lunches and meetings so that I may be fully informed and immersed in the FCA Lacrosse community.
  • Develop my personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the means of Church attendance, coaches’ huddles and/or personal devotion.
  • Develop myself professionally through the 3dimensional coaching curriculum. I will complete the assigned tasks given at our Coaches’ Lunches so that I may be properly equipped to coach players physically, mentally and spiritually.
  • Develop a Christ-centered, positive, encouraging and respectful culture within my team, deliberately focused on players, coaching staff, parents and referees.
  • Strive to fulfill the MD Club Lacrosse Purpose through my role as a coach.
  • Provide the necessary on-field organization and strategies to be successful in competition.
  • Engage and empower Huddle Leaders by providing opportunities to fulfill their roles and responsibilities successfully.
  • Engage with parents through communication and invitation so that they may become an active part of the team.
  • Lead in a manner that develops every player as a young man on and off the field rather than simply coaching to win at all costs.
  • Fully adhere to the necessary paperwork, systems and processes required by FCA Staff in order to properly coach for FCA.

Because I hold the position and platform to make a positive difference in the lives of my players, I commit to honor and live out this code of conduct.





Athlete’s Expectations

MD Club Lax Purpose:to provide highly dedicated and skilled youth lacrosse players the opportunity to compete at a high level and grow in their relationship with God, while developing Christ-centered leaders in the lacrosse community who maximize their God-given purpose and potential on and off the field.

Competitor Purpose:The reason I play lacrosse is ______

We believe that life’s greatest lessons, values and faith can be learned on the athletic field. Sports help to reveal and refine our character so we can become men who love, serve and care. Playing for FCA means I support the FCA values of integrity, teamwork, serving, and excellence andwill strive togrow in my relationship with God and learn how to compete and live for Jesus Christ.

As an FCA player, I agree to:

  • Grow in my relationship with God and in my desire to honor Him in all I say and do.
  • Accept responsibility for my behavior on and off the field. I understand that what I do and say affects my teammates, coaches, and family either positively or negatively.

•Live with integrity, doing the right thing regardless of the circumstances or consequences.

•Respect my parents, coaches, teammates, opponents, refs, and spectators.

•Find ways to make others around me better and bring out the best in them.

•Seek ways to serve my teammates and lend a helping hand.

•Serve as a role model– speaking with respect and acting courteously.

•Control my words, refraining from derogatory, demeaning talk and profanity.

•Give 100% effort to all practices, games, and events understanding that my effort demonstrates my commitment to the team and respect for the coaches.

•Display good sportsmanship, encourage my teammates, refrain from trash-talking or intimidation of my opponents, and win with humility and lose with honor.

Because I represent my family, coaches, team and FCA, I agree to honor and live out this code of conduct.

______Signature Date



Parent’s Expectations

MD Club Lax Purpose:to provide highly dedicated and skilled youth lacrosse players the opportunity to compete at a high level and grow in their relationship with God, while developing Christ-centered leaders in the lacrosse community who maximize their God-given purpose and potential on and off the field.

We believe that life’s greatest lessons, values and faith can be learned on the athletic field. Sports help to reveal and refine our character so we can become peoplewho love, serve and care. We support the FCA values of integrity, teamwork, serving, and excellence andwill try to model them to the boys as they grow in their relationship with God and learn how to compete and live for Jesus Christ.

As an FCA parent, I agree to:

•Let the Coaches coach by supportingthem as they help our boys become three-dimensional leaders – mentally, physically, and spiritually.

•Recognize and applaud behavior that demonstrates our values of integrity, teamwork, serving, and excellence.

•Acknowledge and appreciate the boys’ growth in faith and maturity.

•Affirm my/our son and his teammates when good character and healthy sportsmanship are displayed, not just when they have excellent performance on the field.

•Serve as role models for our sons, speaking with respect and acting courteously toward coaches, refs, parents, opponents, and spectators.

•Encourage our boys with positive statements, even when they make mistakes, and refrain from yelling criticism at any player, coach, ref, or spectator.

•Accept responsibility for our behavior. We understand that what we do and say affects the team, coaches, and family either positively or negatively.

•Find ways to serve others and be generous and encouraging with parents from other programs/teams.

•Find ways to make everyone around me better and bring out the best in them.

•Control our words and emotions, refraining from derogatory, demeaning talk and profanity.

•Be open to growing in our/my relationship with God, and participate in parent huddles when available.

Because we represent ourfamily, coaches, team and FCA, wewill honor and live out this Code of Conduct.



Team Captains Responsibilities

We expect every boy on the team to be both a follower and a leader. To be a great leader, you have to be a great follower first. Following those in authority like parents, teachers, coaches, and even Team Captains is a great place to start.

We expect Team Captains to live out 3 Key Leadership Actions, both ON and OFF the field:

  1. Follow First – this means that you embody the characteristics of servant leadership. We will expect our Team Captains to actively pursue growth mentally, physically and spiritually. We will help them grow in their relationship with God. We believe that you can’t lead others where you haven’t gone; you can’t ask others to do what you aren’t willing to do.
  1. Leading Yourself (By Example) – this includes both what they DO and what they SAY.

Leading by Example has 4 components:

  • Commitment (Work Hard) – working hard and wanting to win
  • Confidence (Believe in Yourself) – believing in themselves and wanting to make a play when it counts most
  • Composure (Control Your Emotions) – controlling their emotions and bouncing back quickly after mistakes
  • Character (Do the Right Thing) – doing the right thing even when no one is looking and regardless of the consequences
  1. Lead Others (Make Everybody Better) – this means that their teammates are encouraged to be their best by the way you act. Our overall team performance is elevated because of the way each boy operate. They will Make Everybody Better by:
  • Serving – the best leaders are the best at serving. They do the little things in practice, the things no one else really wants to do to serve their teammates and coaches.
  • Encouraging – leaders build up those around them – recognizing great effort, attitude, and ability – and they express it verbally.
  • Motivating – leaders are optimistic and find ways to keep their teammates uplifted and working for a common goal.
  • Challenging – leaders push others to do their best and put in their best effort. They challenge them to stay focused and do the right things. And, they address bad behavior.

Leadership Examples:

The greatest leaders Lead By Example and Make Everybody Better.

•They have a strong work ethic and determination to be their best.

•They have integrity – meaning that they are the same On and Off the field.

•They lead with Actions first, then Words.

We are expecting ALL the boys to Lead, but we will be expecting MORE from our Captains.