RERC Planner: September Primary: 4

Month/Season: September Class: Primary 4 Level: First

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
In the image of God
RERC 1-02a
I know that a loving God has created me and that my uniqueness can develop according to God's plan for me
HWB 1-10a
I recognise that each individual has a unique
blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to
making my school community one which
values individuals equally and is a
welcoming place for all.
HWB 1-47a
I recognise that we have similarities and
differences but are all unique.
HWB 1-47b
I am aware of my growing body and I am
learning the correct names for its different
parts and how they work.
HWB 1-48a
I am learning what I can do to look after my
body and who can help me.
HWB 1-05a
I know that friendship, caring, sharing,
fairness, equality and love are important in
building positive relationships. As I develop
and value relationships, I care and show
respect for myself and others
HWB 1-45a
I know that there are people in our lives who
care for and look after us and I am aware
that people may be cared for by parents,
carers or other adults.
HWB 1-45b
I am aware of the need to respect personal
space and boundaries and can recognise
and respond appropriately to verbal and nonverbal
communication. / I know that God created me, body, mind and soul.
I know that God has created me in his image (Genesis 1: 26-27), that he loves me and that his love for me will never come to an end.
I can hear, read and recall Genesis 2:18-23 (It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a help mate) and I can understand that God’s plan is for people to live in relationship/community, rather than living in isolation.
I understand that God created all human beings, male and female, in his own image.
I know that one of the gifts God gives us is the gift of choice, called "free will" and that this is a sign of his love.
I know that sometimes we choose to respond to God’s love, and when we do we become more like Jesus, e.g., loving, compassionate, merciful.
I understand that we can pray to God to help us to make good choices.
I know that, just as Jesus and others forgive me, I am called to forgive others even when this is difficult. I know that we remember this when we pray the
Our Father.
I have listened to the following scriptural narratives where Jesus called people to follow him and I
recognise that he called them into the community of faith:
• Matthew 4:18-22 – Peter and Andrew, the first of the twelve Apostles, called by Jesus to be
among his special companions. / Class: Teacher revises with the class that God created us, body, mind and soul. What makes up a body? Can you see your body? Can you feel your body? What makes up a mind? Can you see your mind? Can you feel your mind? What makes up a soul? Can you see your soul? Can you feel your soul? Teacher explains to the class that a soul is the part of you that never dies. If we love like God loves, our souls will become like God and we will go to Him when we die.
Class: Children complete Body, Mind and Soul worksheet (attached to planner)
Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible Genesis 1: 26-27 and explains that God created us in his own image. Teacher discusses with the children the meaning of the word image and how it is a representation of a person or thing in a sculptor, painting, photograph, model, etc. Teacher
shows the children an image of the painting by Michelangelo The Creation of Adam (attached to planner) and explains that this is an artist’s interpretation of what God looks like. Teacher discusses the painting with the children. What is happening? Who is God? Who is Adam? Do you think God looks like this? What makes you think that?
Class: Teacher explains to the class that God created both male and females in his own image and asks the children to consider how they are similar to other family members e.g. eye and hair colour, talents, likes and dislikes. Children paint/draw a detailed picture of themselves.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that human beings, unlike other parts of God’ creation, are unique. God made us in his own image and we are like God in many ways. God loves us and His love for us will never come to an end. We too can love God and we can show this by loving others.
Class: Teacher teaches the class the hymn My God Loves Me (lyrics attached to planner). Available at:
Class: Teacher explains to the class that one of the gifts God gives us is the gift of choice, called "free will" and that this is a sign of his love. Every day we make decisions and about good and bad choices. Teacher discusses the choices the children make daily – Who to play with? What to eat? What clothes to wear? What games to play? Teacher divides the class into drama groups to act out scenarios about good and bad choices (attached to planner). Children act out the scenarios and the other groups watch the performances, followed by a discussion about whether good or bad choices were made.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that when we choose to respond to God’s love, we become more like Jesus, e.g., loving, compassionate, merciful. Teacher discusses with the children stories in the bible that portray Jesus being loving, compassionate, and merciful:
·  Wedding Feast at Cana
·  Feeding of the Five Thousand
·  Zacchaeus
·  Jairus ‘ Daughter
·  The Ten Lepers
·  Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man
Home: Children research one of the above bible stories for homework.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that that we can pray to God to help us to make good choices and that He will always listen to our request. Children create their own prayers which could be displayed around the class altar and one could be chosen each day at class prayer time.
Class: Teacher explains to the class just as Jesus and others forgive me, I am called to forgive others even when this is difficult. Teacher discusses with the children times when it is difficult to forgive others e.g. someone breaks our toy, someone eats our sweet without asking and someone won’t play with us. Teacher explains that we remember this every time we pray the Our Father. Teacher leads the children in praying the Our Father.
Class: Teacher divides the class into active learning groups and distributes Our Father Discussion Cards. Children work together asking and answering the questions written on their cards. Groups come together to share their thoughts with the rest of the class.
KEY VOCABULARY: created in God’s image, free will, loving, compassionate, merciful
Read Matthew4:18-22 and discuss why Jesus chose these particular companions and the gifts that they possessed. / Body, Mind and Soul Worksheet
Image of The Creation of Adam
Art Materials
God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 4, Worksheet 1 & 2
Quality Circle Time: whole school initiatives:
- Hearing Children’s Voices;
Recognising/celebrating achievement
God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 4, Worksheet 5 & 6
Learning more about the positive effects on the body of sleep,
diet and exercise.
Contrasting the negative effects and results of lack of sleep,
poor diet and insufficient exercise.
Beginning to explore the negative results of substances such as
tobacco or alcohol.
Learning about hygiene and keeping body parts clean
Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 4 pages 47-48
Lyrics of My God Loves Me
Drama Scenarios for Good and Bad Choices
Our Father Discussion Cards 1-3
Sharing ideas about each other’s skills and talents; giving
positive feedback to a partner after a particular activity, e.g., a
pairs challenge, reading aloud a story/poem or journaling what
each child admires about another in the class.
Quality Circle Time: Unit 1 - Core Values, Unit 2 - People
bouncing back
Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 4 pages 45 & 46
Discussion of family relationships (Appendix A) / Children know that God created us, body, mind and soul.
Children know that God created us in His own image.
Children understand that the gift of choice, called "free will" is a sign of God’s love for us.
Children develop understanding that when we respond to God’s love we become more like Jesus.
Children develop a greater understanding of the words of the prayer Our Father.


RERC Planner: September Primary: 4

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Signs of God
RERC 1-08a
I know that through the Community of the Church, people can experience God's love and care and I have reflected on how this
community celebrates together. / I know that the community of the Church celebrates feasts and seasons throughout the year, and this is called the Liturgical Year. I can name some of these
seasons and feasts.
I understand that the celebrations of First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion are community celebrations which involve home, parish and school.
I understand that we are called to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist regularly in order to grow in holiness and strengthen our faith.
. / Class: Teacher shows the class a liturgical calendar and discusses the different seasons and liturgical colours:
·  Advent-Purple
·  Christmas- White
·  Ordinary Time- Green
·  Lent – Purple
·  Easter -White
Class: Children complete The Liturgical Calendar Worksheet.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that throughout the Liturgical Year there are feast days. Some of these feast days are holy days of obligation:
·  January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God;
·  Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension;
·  August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
·  November 1, the solemnity of All Saints;
·  December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception;
·  December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Class: Teacher explains to the class that other are also other feast days that the Community of the church celebrates together:
·  September 8, Our Lady’s Birthday
·  November 2, All Souls Day
·  November 30, Feast of Saint Andrew’s
·  March 17 Feast of Saint Patrick
·  March 19 Feast of Saint Joseph
Teacher could select other e.g. patron saint of the school.
Home: Children could research as a homework activity the date of the feast day of the saint of their Christian name or a saint that is of particular interest to them.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that Primary Four is a very special year because they will be receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist. Teacher discusses how their family, their school and the parish were involved in Primary 3 when they received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Where did the Sacrament take place? What priest administered the Sacrament? Where any other members of the parish involved? Which members of your family celebrated with you? How did the school prepare you for the Sacrament? Teacher explains to the class that that the celebrations of First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion are community celebrations which involve home, parish and school.
Home/Parish: Teacher invites members of the parish community e.g. catechists, parish priest and parents to a prayer service celebrating the start of the Sacramental year for Primary Four.
Class: Teacher discusses with the class what their bodies need to grow and to be strong e.g. food, water, exercise, sleep. Teacher explains that in order to grow in holiness we are called to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. This will strengthen our faith and bring us closer to God. Teacher revisits their faith journey so far and the Sacraments they will receive in Primary Four- Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation and the Eucharist.
Class: Children complete Our Faith Journey in Primary Four worksheet (attached to planner).
KEY VOCABULARY: liturgical year, community celebrations / The Liturgical Calendar
The Liturgical Calendar Worksheet.
Art Materials
Our Faith Journey in Primary Four Worksheet
Art Materials / Children can name the seasons and some feast days of the Liturgical Year.
Children develop understanding that the celebrations of First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion are community celebrations which involve home, parish and school.
Children understand they are continuing on their faith journey in Primary 4.


RERC Planner: September Primary: 4

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Hours of God
RERC 1-18a
I know some of the signs and symbols related to Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Advent and Christmastide and I can use this understanding