
4CSNS Newsletter

July, 6 2009 / SECOND QUARTER 2009
Providing you the potential to make money under any market condition
Four Seasons Capital Growth

Stan Linsenbardt Managing Member


Second quarter

April ended down 2%, Mayup 10%, and Junedown5% for a quarterly gain of 2%. So 2009 continues on track to better last year’s stellar result. For comparison, the first 6 months in 2008 had a 17% gain, while 2009 is at a 43% gain.
I am really becoming intrigued with a book I mention below on word of mouth marketing, and how it already is being applied by some of you. One client has mentioned my site and results on multiple investment blogs, one has told other family members, and I am sure there are other examples out there. The 2 step process is:
1) “Give people a reason to talk about your stuff” and
2) “Make it easy for that conversation to take place”.
Number 1 is accomplished as long as this remains a premier alternative investment. Number 2 occurs when you email someone a copy of a 4CSNS newsletter, or send them the link or just tell a friend. Let me know if you have an interest in this and would like more info from me.

Answers to recent questions….

I like to think that quarterly is a good time frame to review results for market timers. Less than that tends to focus on the swings that trading leveraged funds can give. For the past 22 quarters, we have had only 4 quarters that had negative results, and those averaged a minus 3%.
The most recent charity of choice is the EDAR. See
San Diego de Alcala
/ Recent readings:
Word of Mouth Marketingby Andy Sernovitz ; How smart companies get people talking.
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch ; An inspirational piece, will make you think about your life, and if it is going in the right direction.