Brown Bread Sandwich

This one is made with canned brown bread and you can use pretty much any sandwich filling you want. Feel free to experiment, combine ingredients and add your favorite spices.

Now what`s the deal with brown bread?

Is it better than white bread? And if so, why?

I don`t know what to say about the taste. Some people like it, others don`t. I, personally, like it much better than white bread. But that`s just a personal preference. However, when it comes to health benefits, brown bread is proved to be better.

When I started writing this, I vaguely knew that white bread was chemically bleached, but I didn`t know what this process was all about. I researched and what I found was quite disturbing:

“White bread is made from wheat flour from which the bran and germ have been removed. This is where much of the nutritional bread value is. White bread is lower in zinc, fiber, thiamin, niacin, trace elements and “good” fats and oils.

White bread in many countries has to be fortified with vitamins and minerals *by law* during the bread making process. These are usually sprayed into the mix. It’s somewhat ironic that the nutrients that are removed from wheat are re-added by this means. Nature provides, we destroy, then add it back in via a man made form.” (

Yikes! Had no idea it was that bad… Now I`m glad I`m a brown bread fan. Especially since there are so many benefits:

·  You get a healthier heart — brown bread reduces the risk of high blood pressure

·  You stay slim – brown bread is lower in calories, so if you want to lose some weight, a brown bread diet will help

·  You get a better digestion — brown bread is high in fiber, which helps you keep digestive problems under control

·  You feel “full” longer — brown bread is very nutritious, so there`s no need to rush to your fridge every couple of hours. This will be of great help during the crisis, so get lots of canned brown bread for your stockpile.

·  You fight off cancer — that`s right, brown bread even prevents cancer if consumed regularly.

Now it`s recipe time! Here`s what you need:

·  3/4 cup chopped dried fruit or your favorite chopped dried fruits

·  1/4 cup chopped nuts

·  1/3 cup mayonnaise or sour cream

·  1 can prepared brown bread, cut into 1/4″ slices

Preparation is as easy as it gets: in small bowl, you just combine all ingredients (except brown bread!) and blend. Then you put the filling between brown bread slices. That`s it. You`ve got yourself 16 yummy sandwiches.

If you`ve got some filling leftovers, cover and keep in the fridge, but not longer than 3 days.