
Peter Duran

Copyright © 2011 American Printing House for the Blind, Inc., Louisville, KY

Table of Contents


Excel Uses 7

Excel History 8

Excel in Education and in the Workplace 9




Worksheet tradition 13

Worksheet LAYOUT 13

Worksheet Navigation 14

Arrow Navigation Keys 14

Other Navigation Keys 15

About Columns and Rows 15

Number of Columns and Rows 16

Formula Bar 16

Column Heading Bar 17


Cell references 18

Worksheet Tabs 18

Worksheet Glossary 19


Program Window Layout 21

Office Button 21

Ribbon Bar 22

The Two Bars & Four Buttons 22

Work Area 23

Customizable Status Bar 23

Program Window Navigation 24

Office Button Overview 24

Left Pane Commands 24

Right Pane Workbooks 25

Ribbon Bar Overview 26

Ribbon Bar Layout 26

Ribbon Bar Navigation 28

Command Group Overview 29

Command Group Layout 29

Command Group Navigation 30

Command Group Arrangement 33

View Command Overview 36


Cell Navigation Keys 38

Region Navigation Keys 40

End Navigation Keys 41

Worksheet and Workbook NAVIGATION Keys 42


The Erase keys: The Del Key and the BackSpace Key 44

The Edit Keys: The F2 Key and the Erase Keys 44

The undo Keys 45

The Edit Line Keys 45

CHAPTER 5: Adjust cell size 46

Determine Cell Size 46

Specify Cell Size 46

Adjust Cell Size 47

Adjust Row Height 47

Manually Adjust Row Height 48

automatically ADJUST Row Height 48

Adjust Every ROW 49

Adjust Column Width 49

Manually Adjust Column Width 49

automatically ADJUST Column WIDTH 50

Adjust Every COLUMN 51

Specify a Standard Column Width 51


Select a Cell or a Cell Range 52

Shift Key + Navigation Keys 52

Extend key + Navigation Keys 52

Go To Dialog Box 53

Select an Entire Column or Row 54

Select Most of a Column or Row 54

Select an Entire Worksheet 54

Select Cells with Specified Content 54

Selection Types and Their Options 55

Read CELLS WITH Comments 57

Format CELLS with Titles 57

Clear CELLS with Data 58



Work with Single Cells 61

Erase Multiple Cells 61

Copy Multiple Cells 62

Move All of the Data within the Active Cell 62

MOVE Part OF THE DATA within the Active Cell 63

Merge Data within ANOTHER CELL 63

Move Data Range 64


Arithmetic Operations 66

Perform Single Operations 67

Perform Multiple Operations 68

Perform calculations with Formulas 69

Perform calculations with Cell ranges 72

About Cell ranges 72

Label Cell ranges 73

Use Named Cell Ranges 74

Manage Cell ranges 74

Perform Calculations with Functions 75

Use the other sum Functions 77

AutoSum function 77

SumIf Function 78

AutoCalculate Sum 80

Find and Correct Errors within formulas 80

Show Formulas within Cells 80

Correct Errors One by One 81

Run the Error Checker 81

Formula Glossary 82


Relative Cell References 83

Absolute Cell References 84

Mixed Cell References 85

References on Different Worksheets 86


AutoComplete Column Items 87

AutoFill Cell Items 89

Repeat an Item across a Row 89

Repeat an Item down a Column 89

AutoFill Cell Commands 90

AutoFill Adjacent Cells with the Same Item 90

AutoFill Adjacent Cells with Sequential Items 90

AutoFill Tasks with Examples 91

AutoFill with Personal Lists 96

Create Custom AutoFill Lists 97

Edit or delete Custom AutoFill Lists 97


Number Format Overview 99

Number Format Category 99

Number Format Commands 102

General Format 103

Number Format 103

Currency Format 104

Accounting Format 104

Date and Time Formats 104

Percentage Format 106

Fraction Format 107

Scientific Format 107

Text Format 108

Special Format 108

Number Format Shortcut Keys 108

Format Shortcut Keys 108

Related Shortcut Keys 109


Welcome to Excel, your math whiz. Excel can handle your simple math chores—add up the items on your grocery bill, calculate your mortgage interest or loan payment, schedule your time or budget your money, and much, much more. Excel does basic math—add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers as well as deal with many of those formulas that gave you fits in algebra class.

Excel does for numeracy what Word does for literacy: it handle the routine, tedious chores for you. For example, just as Word spell checks and sorts a list of words, Excel sums and computes the average of a typed list of numbers.

You can lay out a table of data in both Excel and Word. However, there's a big difference between these two programs. Excel performs calculations on a table of data and displays the results in various forms, such as charts or graphs. Word can't do most of that stuff. Nevertheless, both programs work together. You can create a table, chart, or graph in Excel and move it into a Word document as part of a financial report for the boss; as part of a term paper that summarizes data from scientific experiments; or as part of a dissertation that requires tables of statistics to impress professors.

Excel Uses

There are many reasons to learn and use Excel. You may use Excel as a simple calculator which also keeps track of any transactions you have completed. For instance, you can list all of your personal expenses for January in Column A, list all of your personal expenses for February in Column B, and so on. You can then tell Excel to add up the columns of numbers for you so you can review and compare your monthly expenses throughout the year.

Unlike an ordinary handheld calculator or the Calculator program in Windows, Excel saves all your work so you can review it at any later time. You are able to make changes (correct entries or add more entries) and have Excel recalculate the values for you. You may use Excel as a graphing calculator: just type all the data, and then tell Excel to display those data as a chart or graph for you.

Access note: I find Excel much easier to use than the dedicated graphing calculators or programs developed for blind and visually-impaired users. I only need to type up the data and Excel does all the rest. It performs the calculations and creates the charts or graphs I need. This way I use the same software as my business partners and science colleagues. As an additional benefit, any tables, charts, or graphs I produce in Excel can be dropped into any Word document.

Excel knows about many math topics. In algebra or trigonometry class, you may need to plot the graph of a function such as y = sin x; let Excel compute a few values for you and then plot them as a pretty sine curve. Or, in business math, you may need to figure out the profit of a sale based on the cost of goods and the profit margin; Excel can do that for you.

Excel has many professional uses. For instance, a teacher can list student names across columns, list student grades down columns, and let Excel sum, average and compare student grades. A salesperson can list client names across columns, list client purchases down columns, and let Excel figure out total sales and profit margins.

Excel History

A spreadsheet is a computer program that displays a worksheet used for financial and business calculations—budgets, profit and loss statements, etc. It displays a grid (chessboard layout) of rows and columns that overlap to form little rectangles called cells. Cells may hold labels (column headings, row headings, table titles, chart titles), values (ordinary numbers, dates, currency amounts), or formulas that define how the contents of cells are to be calculated from the contents of other cells. For instance, place the sum formula within a cell; that cell will show the sum of the numbers from other cells that you specify.

A spreadsheet program can recalculate all the values on a worksheet automatically whenever you alter a single cell value or multiple cell values. This means that you can try out various scenarios to a financial calculation. For instance, you may change the interest rate for a mortgage or a car loan from 6.5 percent to 5.25 percent to see how much money you would save if you refinanced your mortgage or car loan. The ability to try out "what if" calculations makes a spreadsheet program invaluable to institutions that deal with money such as banks, groups that lend money, and to customers who want to save money.

The word "spreadsheet" came from "spread" in its sense of a newspaper or magazine item that covers two facing pages that spread across the center fold; the two pages are treated as a single large sheet of paper. The compound word "spreadsheet" came to mean the format used to present bookkeeping ledgers—with columns for categories of expenditures across the top, invoices listed down the left margin, and the amount of each payment in the cell where its row and column overlap.

Microsoft released the first version of its spreadsheet program, Excel for Windows, in November 1987, and has released updated versions of Excel for Windows every two years or so. The current version for Windows is called Excel 12, but it is also called Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Microsoft encouraged the use of the letters XL for the program. That usage has been abandoned, but the Excel icon on Windows still consists of a stylized combination of the letters XL, and the default Excel format is xls (where s stands for spreadsheet).

Excel in Education and in the Workplace

Excel and Word are used in many middle and high school courses so students can gain basic skills with these programs and learn how to manipulate quantitative data and how to write with a word processor. The modern office depends on both programs to carry out daily tasks. These two programs are also essential for college work and many vocational education courses.

Like Word, Excel includes the Office Ribbon Bar. You must understand this user interface before you can navigate and use either program efficiently. Verbal View of Office Ribbon Bar from the American Printing House for the Blind describes in detail the Ribbon Bar and the other user interface elements introduced with Office 2007. Also, Excel and Word share common format styles and themes. Refer to the Verbal View of Word 2007 tutorial from the American Printing House for the Blind for information on styles and themes. This tutorial only covers the basic uses of Excel 2007; consult the other tutorials for related information.

Excel and Word run on computers that have Microsoft Windows as the operating system. Again, you are referred to Verbal View tutorials on Microsoft Windows from the American Printing House for the Blind for any necessary information about Windows.


Excel displays a table (called a worksheet) many columns wide and many rows high. Many blind readers, no doubt, will have no or limited familiarity with worksheet layout and navigation. Consequently, I begin this tutorial with a gentle introduction to worksheet layout and navigation. Those of you who play chess and are familiar with the chessboard layout, with letters for column headings and numbers for row headings, already know what an Excel worksheet looks like. I recommend that you purchase or borrow a tactile chessboard or ScrabbleÒ board to play with, as there is nothing like "hands-on" experience to help you understand what a worksheet grid looks like and how you move around on it.

There are two ways to use Excel. You can create a worksheet to perform a specified task such as tracking income and expenses to form a budget, tracking student performance to form a grade book, tracking daily tasks to form a calendar of events, and so on. You can use a worksheet (already created) to carry out educational pursuits or to perform job-related tasks. Most readers of this tutorial will rely on worksheets created by others. Therefore, only a modest acquaintance with Excel features is necessary.

You may apply Excel to any problem or task where calculations are required. Throughout this tutorial, I will discuss a topic in Excel and then show you various ways to apply it. Applications of Excel are taken from coursework at the middle school level; that way you aren't required to have highly specialized knowledge to practice your Excel skills.

This tutorial offers only a brief glimpse at the possible uses of Excel. After reading this tutorial, go onto the Internet for more information from Microsoft and from hundreds of online college level handouts and tutorials.

Excel does algebra; that is, it evaluates formulas you pick out of a list or create yourself. I present the basics of algebra so you can understand why Excel uses formulas. Formulas are essential for any meaningful use of Excel!


Excel performs calculations for you, and it has a vast array of options to meet virtually every need. You can create order forms, purchase order forms, timesheets, and countless other forms used in business. You can create math worksheets, charts and graphs, data sheets for experiments, and many other tools used in the classroom. Excel can carry out mundane computations: add fractions, sum columns of numbers, figure out percentages, and the like. Excel can also carry out advanced math tasks: generate arithmetic and geometric progressions, find prime numbers via the Sieve of Eratosthenes, graph the Ulam spiral for the primes, and much more.