Medical Student Cardiac Ultrasound Pre and Post test

1)  In a resting state, how much does atrial contraction contribute to left ventricle filing? (physiology)

  1. 10-20%
  2. 30-40%
  3. 50-60%
  4. 70-80%

2)  The mitral valve has how many leaflets? (anatomy)

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

3)  The mitral valve opens during which cardiac cycle? (physiology)

  1. Systole
  2. Diastole
  3. Isovolumic contraction
  4. Isovolumic relaxation

4)  What is the normal left ventricular ejection fraction? (physiology)

  1. 35-45%
  2. 45-55%
  3. 55-65%
  4. 65-75%

5)  What structure is this? (anatomy)

  1. Right atrium
  2. Right ventricle
  3. Left atrium
  4. Left ventricle

6)  What are clinical signs of cardiac tamponade? (pathophysiology)

  1. Hypotension
  2. Elevated jugular venous distension
  3. Muffled heart tones
  4. All of the above

7)  What is a normal left ventricular wall thickness? (anatomy)

  1. 1 cm
  2. 1.3 cm
  3. 1.5 cm
  4. 2 cm

8)  What type of murmur do you hear with mitral regurgitation? (pathophysiology)

  1. End Systolic
  2. Holosystolic
  3. Diastolic crescendo-decrescendo
  4. Mid-diastolic rumbling

9)  What valve is between the right ventricle and the right atrium? (anatomy)

  1. Mitral
  2. Aortic
  3. Pulmonic
  4. Tricuspid

10)  What is the diagnosis in this image? (pathophysiology)

  1. Pleural effusion
  2. Left ventricle
  3. Pericardial effusion
  4. Left atrium

11)  The T-wave on the EKG represents? (physiology)

  1. Atrial repolarization
  2. Atrial depolarization
  3. Ventricular repolarization
  4. Ventricular depolarization

12)  During ventricular systole ______. (physiology)

  1. The atria are contracting
  2. AV valves are closed
  3. The pressure inside the ventricles is less than the atria
  4. Blood is injected into the atria

13)  Which two great vessels bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart? (anatomy)

  1. IVC and SVC
  2. Aorta and pulmonary arteries
  3. Pulmonary veins and SVC
  4. IVC and pulmonary arteries

14)  A patient comes into your clinic with a history of rheumatic fever and palpitations. What is the EKG likely to show? (pathophysiology)

  1. Sinus tachycardia
  2. Supraventricular tachycardia
  3. 1st degree AV block
  4. Atrial fibrillation

15)  What happens during ventricular diastole? (physiology)

  1. The ventricles contract
  2. The ventricles fill blood
  3. The atria fill with blood
  4. Isovolumic contraction

16)  A bicuspid aortic valve predisposes patients to what condition? (pathophysiology)

  1. Aortic dissection
  2. Endocarditis
  3. Hypertension
  4. Atrial fibrillation

17)  Strong connective tissue strings that attach the papillary muscles to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves are? (anatomy)

  1. Cordae tendonae
  2. Moderator band
  3. Crista terminalis
  4. Foramen ovale

18)  Passive filing of the ventricles happens after? (physiology)

  1. Isovolumic contraction
  2. Isovolumic relaxation
  3. Ventricular diastole
  4. Atrial systole

19)  During inspiration, blood flow to the heart from the IVC ______. (physiology)

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Stays the same
  4. Is reversed

20)  A patient comes into the ER with shortness of breath, you use your ultrasound to look at the patients IVC and you see a 3cm IVC with little collapse with inspiration. What is the most likely cause of the patient’s symptoms? (pathophysiology)

  1. COPD
  2. Asthma
  3. Pulmonary embolism
  4. Congestive heart failure

Answer Key

1) a 11) c

2) b 12) b

3) b 13) a

4) c 14) d

5) d 15) b

6) d 16) a

7) a 17) a

8) b 18) b

9) d 19) a

10) c 20) d