STAR Teaching School Alliance- Action plan April 2016 – August 2017

The success criteria should demonstrate how you will measure performance and impact; refer to improvement of pupil attainment and progress, reduction in closing the gap, achievement of Ofsted ratings, increased engagement with challenging schools and improved ITT employment outcomes.

The progress column allows you to self-evaluate throughout the year against your set success criteria.

1 Initial teacher training/School Direct
Specific objectives
1.  Commence the delivery of ITT
2.  Recruit to placements for 2017 – 18
3.  Work with HEI to ensure high quality delivery of training
Success criteria
-  School Direct programme has run smoothly with first cohort successfully accredited with QTS
-  Placements for 2017 are recruited with increased number of trainees
-  QA of placements indicates effective training
-  Evaluation of programme and plans for growth in years 2 - 4 / Overall Summary of Progress
-  Operational plan – meeting with Rebecca Lear and Julia Lawrence – summer 16
-  Further meeting with STAR team to allocate tasks– Oct 16
-  Initial Marketing meeting 9 June – plan drawn up and shared with TSA manager/schools
-  2016 cohort underway and QA monitoring in place
-  Marketing implementation underway
How will performance and impact be measured? / -  Successful accreditation of cohort 1
-  Increased number of placements for cohort 2
-  Positive feedback from trainees
Action steps / Specific Objective Link / By whom / By when / How measured / Progress / RAG Status
1.1.  Placements organised and programme for year managed successfully / 3 / TSA manager / Dec 2016 / Feedback from trainees and placement schools.
Positive relationship maintained with Hull / Mandy Langan – ACE days at Monk Fryston, contrasting placement Athelstan, Main placement Monk Fryston.
James - ACE days at Riverside, contrasting placement Barkston Ash, Main placement Riverside.
Mentors assigned at all placement schools and attended the initial mentor training.
Mentors are able to get free accreditation from Hull Uni at end of the year if they submit evidence – all aware of opportunity and requirement.
Hull Uni approached us about meeting the EAL requirement ine ACE week 3 – decided experience could be found locally. / Green
1.2.  Clarify our role in the process / 3 / ITT lead / July 2016 / Operational plan in place and relevant people clear as to role. / Met with Julia Lawrence, Head of School Partnerships on 27th June to clarify. / Green
1.3.  Make contact with ITT team in STAR / 3,2,1 / ITT lead / Sept 2016 / Share operational tasks / Meeting held between Andrea Commins, Monica, Val Law and Liz T-12/10/16. Workload and ideas shared. Initial actions allocated / Green
1.4.  QA of ITT work / 3 / ITT lead / March 2017 / Work closely with Hull University– Rebecca Lear. Look at relevant documentation and visit current placements. Discussions with schools / associate teachers / AC and LT attended Mentor Training at MF – thorough – links made between all mentors and LT/AC – contact details shared for all mentors
AC to attend placement schools informally to meet trainees and see how things are going – LT arranging with schools / mentors/trainees for Mon 31 Oct.
Termly mentor Networks to celebrate successes and share solutions and support. Look at accreditation. First one Afternoon Tea at Saxton – 24 November 3.45-5.15pm with AC and MG. At this, agree date for spring and summer terms.
Dates to be agreed for visits to Trainees at they begin Contrasting Placements – to ensure all is in place.
1.5.  Build Marketing Strategy / 2 / ITT Lead / End Sept 2016 / Uptake / interest in programme increases / AC met JC 1/7/16 and 6/8/16 to seek free advice regarding PR and marketing. Given very limited budget, media best way forward – cheaper and wider reaching done well.
Areas for focus - reach not just graduates, but parents and potential career changers
STAR school websites are good starting place – key- need all to link to same ITT info as STAR website– LT to get content for inclusion in all. Schools to speak with site providers if not able to link themselves. Agreed use of SD leaflet.
Photos requested from current round to promote offer (ideally with children in background if appropriate permissions in place for websites/social media/publications).
If budget permits after printing, Facebook campaign - £50/£100
Need hook/ USP! Sweeties – idea for pick n mix, but cost per head too high. Lollies? Offer of support sessions to achieve required skills for Maths, English and Hull Uni Assessment. (Discuss with Hull 18/10/16)
1.6.  Market the Offer / 2 / ITT Lead / Oct 2016 / Number of applications / LT- Website, Twitter feed – needs promoting or shouting to empty place – STAR schools to support please
Launch article for press agreed – LT to take photos Tuesday 18th at Athelstan. AC draft press release with JC.
BBC interview – awaiting date
Minster FM – awaiting date
All schools - Letters to be given to parents. Get info into Parish magazines etc… AC template to send out.
Events to be attended to promote our offer:
15/10/16 Leeds -LT and Val Law
18/10/16 – Strategy meeting then Train to Teach event afterwards – AC, VL, RW attending
10/11/16 Sheffield – AC + LT (Same day as possible interviews)
28/1/16 – York 10am-2pm – MG + VL
LT to set up Selby event.
Student’s Union Stands – AC communicating with SUs at YorkSJ, Leeds and York Uni – awaiting dates/info -any costs to be cleared from budget before proceeding.
1.7.  Monthly Checks on UCAS
1.8.  1st of Month / 2 / ITT Lead / Ongoing from Oct 2016 / Team of HT collaborate to reject or make an offer – dates in place to discuss. / LT/AC to do checks 1st of month. LC to circulate to HTs.
Need to know which HTs / AHT in group. AC, MG, VL, ??
1.9.  Interviewing and appointment of new trainees / 2 / ITT Lead/ TSA manager / March 2017 / 10 Successful offers made / Interview Dates set: 10 November, 8 December, 19 January, 9 February
At different venues – volunteers? Same process.
Hull tests at different time (Awaiting confirmation)
1.10.  Ensure that trainees remain engaged in time between offer and start of programme / 2 / ITT Lead / From offer to start of programme / Trainees do not walk away from offer. / Offer of support sessions to achieve required skills for Maths, English and Hull Uni Assessment.
Offer of visit days to schools/ shadow
Events invitations
1.11.  Placements organised and programme for year managed successfully / 1,3 / ITT Lead/ TSA manager / Dec 2017 / Feedback from trainees and placement schools.
Positive relationship maintained with Hull / LT met with Claire Black at Hull University – ensuring that we are UCAS Ready.
1.12.  Explore possibilities for growth including secondary, EY, different providers / 2 / ITT lead / July 2017 / Attend DfEE regional networks to explore options
Consider other FE institutions – Katherine Ingham - Leeds / 18/11/16 to attend
Contact Katherine
2 CPD / Leadership development
Specific objectives
4.  Develop a comprehensive programme for CPD throughout the year; market and manage this effectively
5.  Maintain high quality CPD experiences currently offered (middle leadership, networks, TLC)
6.  Evaluate potential new programmes and prepare these ready for delivery 2017 – 18
7.  Consider how to embed the effectiveness of CPD offer; evaluate and enhance for years 2 - 4
Success criteria
-  STAR has a thorough planned programme of CPD
-  Evaluation of CPD is positive and impacts upon school improvement
-  New national programmes are evaluated and included in future planning where appropriate
-  Plans are in place for future CPD offers / Overall Summary of Progress
-  A calendar of events has been set up for the year.
-  Meetings have taken place between CPD lead, business manager and representative of teaching assistants in the Alliance.
-  A suggested plan for the training day has been outlined to be agreed by HTs at the next STAR Head’s meeting.
How will performance and impact be measured? / -  Evaluations of CPD events
-  Impact upon pupil progress, teacher performance, and broader outcomes
Action steps / Specific Objective Link / By whom / By when / How measured / Progress / RAG Status
1.  Programme of CPD for 2016-17 is agreed / 1 / CPD lead / Sept 2016 / By completion of CPD STAR brochure to be distributed to schools. That schools have opportunities to access the relevant CPD opportunities. / A calendar of events has been set up and is to be finalised and distributed to schools at the head’s STAR meeting.
1.1.  Align programme of plans into one specific afternoon/evening. This should initially include: maths network, literacy network, send, EYFS, admin, NQT/RQT, moderation (termly). / 1, 2 / Network meetings have been set up for all of the areas mentioned although not always on a specific day of the week.
1.2.  Form and maintain relationships with other teaching alliances in order to tap into training providers and materials for the networks above. Send out brochures of events – commitment to feedback / 2,3 / Other training providers have been contacted and used as guides to plan further CPD opportunities for STAR. Materials to be shared with STAR schools where relevant to give opportunities for them to access training.
1.3.  For High School staff to have the opportunities to go into Primary School to gain insights into level of work and maturity of children. / 2 / Not yet organised.
1.4.  To have an area of the website where documents and training materials can be located and found. / 1 / Specific area not yet set up – but have added button on front page which takes you to Middle Leaders Programme flier.
2.  CPD programmes are planned, marketed, delivered successfully / 2 / CPD lead/ TSA manager / Dec 2016 / Feedback from delegates/schools.
Administrator role description clearly defined. / Evaluation template to be finalised.
2.1.  Administrator role is clear to ensure that programmes are organised, financed and resourced appropriately. / 2
3.  Staff are tasked with learning new training packages / CPD lead / Jul 2017 / Attendance of staff accessing training packages.
The collation of forward training needs.
3.1.  Forward training needs to come from evaluation of network meetings / 3
4.  Evaluation of CPD and planning for years 2 – 4 / CPD lead / Jul 2017 / Analysis of evaluations and data feeding into a 2-4 year plan of CPD.
4.1.  Using analysis of evaluations and data / 3, 4
3 Succession planning and talent management
Specific objectives
8.  Conduct needs analysis of potential leaders in the alliance and create a directory of highly effective practitioners that are willing to be shadowed by other staff
9.  Plan, consult upon and deliver a progressive programme of support and training for leaders at all levels
10. Devise strategies to further enhance the leadership skills of headteachers and senior leaders
11. Evaluate the effectiveness of career progression and leadership development programmes, and plan strategies for enhanced delivery in years 2 – 4
Success criteria
-  Evaluation of current talent pool in the alliance completed and compiled in a central directory; needs analysis identifies new programmes that will complement our existing offer
-  A progressive programme of leadership development to support career progression at all levels is developed
-  Opportunities for shadowing job roles are provided and taken in order to nurture emerging talent
-  Experienced headteachers apply for NLE & LLE roles
-  The provision for succession planning is evaluated and decisions inform planning for years 2 - 4 / Overall Summary of Progress
-  IY to circulate survey form to all STAR schools by Oct halfterm 2016
-  IY to link in with RW previous survey thereafter
-  Currently no new applications went in for LLE or NLE
How will performance and impact be measured? / -  There is successful recruitment to vacancies arising across alliance schools, particularly for leadership positions
-  Accredited programmes have a high take-up and this influences leadership within alliance schools
-  Staff are recruited to positions such as NLE, LLE, & SLE
Action steps / Specific Objective Link / By whom / By when / How measured / Progress / RAG Status
Devise a STAR middle/senior leader career pathway discussion protocol and feed into talent pool discussions. / IY to draft and email to DB/CC / Impact in appraisal discussions in Oct 16 / IY to develop and have key questions in place and shared around all of STAR by end summer term – these to link in to mapping exercise, SLE etc / To be circulated wk 17/10/16
Conduct mapping exercise and needs analysis of potential leaders in the alliance. / CC / Dec 16 / Mapping completed during aut term appraisal round – shared with all schools and linked in to STSS work. / To follow above