Date Authorised By Council: 11 December 2013

Commencement Date: 11 December 2013

Review Date: December 2017

Responsible Department: Corporate Services

social media POLICY


Moreland City Council recognises that social media provides new opportunities for dynamic and interactive two-way communications which can complement existing communication and further improve information, access and delivery of key services.

The intent of this policy is to provide understanding and guidance for the appropriate use of social media by Moreland staff and contractors. This relates to the use of social media in the course of conducting Council business, and to personal use of social media where Moreland City Council is referred to (whether explicitly or implicitly).

The rules and ramifications outlined have been designed to protect Moreland City Council as well as its employees.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, agents and volunteers of Moreland City Council who purport to use social media on behalf of Moreland City Council. This policy will also apply to agencies and individuals who provide services to Moreland City Council and policy information will be included in all relevant external supplier contracts.

The policy outlines requirements for compliance with confidentiality, governance, legal, privacy and regulatory parameters when using social media to conduct Council business. It aims to:

·  Inform appropriate use of social media tools for Moreland City Council;

·  Promote effective and productive communication and community engagement through social media;

·  Minimise miscommunication or mischievous communications; and

·  Help Moreland City Council manage the inherent challenges of speed and immediacy.

The policy applies to those digital spaces where people may comment, contribute, create, forward, post, upload and share content, including:

·  Blogs

·  Bulletin boards

·  Citizen journalism and news sites

·  Forums and discussion boards

·  Instant messaging facilities

·  Microblogging sites (e.g. Twitter)

·  Online encyclopaedias (e.g. Wikipedia)

·  Podcasts

·  Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, LinkedIn)

·  Video and photo sharing sites (e.g. Flickr, YouTube)

·  Video podcasts

·  Wikis

·  Any other websites that allow individuals to use simple publishing tools or new technologies emerging from the digital environment.

As it is not possible to expressly refer to or list the specific sites or kinds of social media outlets, the absence of a reference to a particular site or kind of social media activity does not limit the application of this policy.

This policy is not intended to cover personal use of social media where:

·  The author publishes information in their personal capacity and not on behalf of, or in association with, Moreland City Council; and

·  No reference is made to Moreland City Council, its Councillors, staff, policies and services, suppliers or other stakeholders or Council related issues.

Personal social media sites must be registered using a personal email address, not a Moreland City Council email address.

Personal use of social media during work hours should be kept to a minimum. This includes on Council equipment or personal devices. However, employees are permitted to use social media during work hours for the consumption, creation or promotion of information that relates to Council. This might include sharing information about a Council event or initiative with social or professional networks, or consuming information relevant to an employee’s role which has been posted on a social media site.

Due to issues of employee productivity, IT systems resource limitations and vicarious liability, Moreland City Council may limit access to social media sites in the workplace.

This policy should be read in conjunction with other relevant policies and procedures of Moreland City Council.


Staff of Moreland City Council is expected to demonstrate standards of conduct and behaviour that are consistent with relevant legislation, regulations and policies. A list of relevant legislation which may be used as a guide is included in Annexure A. Moreland Council policies and guideline provisions which must be adhered to in relation to the use of social media (whether in the course of Council business, or in a personal capacity where Council is referred to) include the following:

Code of Conduct

·  The Moreland Way

·  Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy

Acceptable Use Policies

·  Email Policy

·  Internet - Acceptable Use Policy

Human Resource Policies

·  Recruitment and Selection Policy

·  Senior Executive Officer Contracts Policy

·  Senior Officer Policy

Moreland City Council Employment Contracts

Communications, Media and Web Policies

·  Public Relations and Communications Strategy Policy

·  Use Of Corporate Logo Policy

·  Web and Web Links Policies

Public Engagement Policy

·  Community Consultation and Engagement Policy

Privacy and Information Policies

·  Access To Information Documents Of Council Policy

·  Correspondence and Information Management Policy

·  Information Privacy Policy

Information and Communications Technology Policies

·  IT Standards and Protocols Policy

·  Staff Mobile Telephone, Laptop Computer, Fax Machine and Internet Policy

·  Records Management Strategy


Council uses social media to increase awareness of Council services, facilities, initiatives, events and consultations. Being a two-way communication channel, the public also uses social media to communicate with Council, and social media sites are increasingly becoming tools for the delivery of customer service. Social media also helps Council understand the way it is perceived by the community, and to improve Council’s reputation by partaking in relevant social media conversations. More detail on what Council aims to achieve by being active on social media is contained in the Social Media Strategy.
When using social media, staff and contractors are expected to:

·  Seek prior authorisation from the Communications Branch (see 5.1 and 5.2)

·  Adhere to Moreland City Council’s codes of conduct, policies and procedures

·  Behave with caution, courtesy, honesty and respect

·  Comply with relevant laws and regulations

·  Reinforce the integrity, reputation and values of Moreland City Council.

The following content is not permitted under any circumstances:

·  Abusive, profane or sexual language

·  Content not relating to the subject matter of that blog, board, forum or site

·  Content which is false or misleading

·  Confidential information about Council or third parties

·  Copyright or trade mark protected materials

·  Discriminatory material in relation to a person or group based on age, colour, creed, disability, family status, gender, nationality, marital status, parental status, political opinion or affiliation, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, race or social origin, religious beliefs or activity, responsibilities, sex or sexual orientation

·  Illegal material or materials designed to encourage law breaking

·  Materials that could compromise Moreland Council, employee or system safety

·  Materials which would breach applicable laws (defamation, privacy, trade practices, financial rules and regulations, fair use, trademarks)

·  Material that would offend contemporary standards of taste and decency

·  Material which would bring Moreland Council into disrepute

·  Personal details or references to Councillors, Council staff or third parties, which may breach privacy laws

·  Spam, meaning the distribution of unsolicited bulk electronic messages

·  Statements which may be considered to be bullying or harassment

If you have any doubt about applying the provisions of this policy, check with the Communications Branch before using social media to communicate. Depending upon the nature of the issue and potential risk, it may also be appropriate to consider seeking legal advice.


Ensure appropriate authorisation has been obtained before using social media including but not limited to uploading content and acting as a spokesperson on behalf of Council.


Do not comment outside your area of expertise. Do not commit Council to actions or undertakings.


Only discuss publicly available information. Do not disclose confidential information, internal discussions or decisions of Council, employees or third parties. This includes publishing confidential, personal or private information where there is sufficient detail for potential identification of Councillors, Council staff or third parties.


Be accurate, constructive, helpful and informative. Correct any errors as soon as practicable. Do not publish information or make statements which you know to be false or may reasonably be taken to be misleading or deceptive.


Be clear about professional identity or any vested interests. Do not use fictitious names or identities that deliberately intend to deceive, mislead or lie. Do not participate anonymously or covertly via a third party or agency.


Clearly separate personal opinions from professional ones and be mindful of Council’s Code of Conduct when discussing or commenting on Council matters. Be aware that information shared on social media is public and potentially permanent (i.e. deleting information is no guarantee that it has not been replicated elsewhere on the internet).

Where this is not possible, use a formal disclaimer to separate official Council positions from personal opinions and distance Council from comments made by public and other outside interests:

<Social media name e.g. oxYgen Facebook page> is run by Moreland City Council in Victoria, Australia. The contents of the reply posts do not represent the official views of Moreland City Council and Moreland City Council accepts no liability for the content.For clarification, you can direct any correspondence to .


Be sensitive to the privacy of others. Seek permission from anyone who appears in any photographs, video or other footage before sharing these via any form of social media. If asked to remove materials do so as soon as practicable.

Intellectual Property

Seek permission from the creator or copyright owner, to use or reproduce copyright material including applications, audio tracks (speeches, songs), footage (video), graphics (graphs, charts and logos), images, artwork, photographs, publications or music.

Also seek permission before publishing or uploading material in which the intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, are owned by a third party e.g. company logos. Seek permission from the website’s owner wherever possible before linking to another site (including a social media application).


Do not comment, contribute, create, forward, post, upload or share content that is malicious or defamatory. This includes statements which may negatively impact the reputation of another.


Do not publish content in exchange for reward of any kind.


Do not seek to buy or recompense favourable social media commentary. Encourage online publishers to be open and transparent in how they engage with, or review Council personnel, services or wares.

Political Bias

Do not endorse any political affinity or allegiance.


Always be courteous, patient and respectful of others’ opinions, including detractors.


Be mindful of anti-discrimination laws and do not publish statements or information which may be discriminatory.


Be mindful of language and expression.

State of Mind

Do not use social media when inebriated, irritated, upset or tired.

Be safe

Protect your personal privacy and guard against identity theft.


Be mindful of the requisite government web standards for accessibility. Information made available via non compliant platforms should be made accessible in another form where practical.

Modification and Moderation

Ensure that any social media sites created or contributed to can be readily edited, improved or removed and appropriately moderated.

Moderating a social media site is not designed to manipulate participation, but to ensure that it is appropriate, informative and productive.

Staff managing the social media site has the discretion to tell any contributor the reason for removing or not publishing their comment or post and similarly offer the option to resubmit an edited contribution.

This principle should be published to potential users of the social media site:

Moreland City Council reserves the right to remove content that violates its Social Media Policy or any associated policies. Materials authored or posted are subject to public disclosure.


Bloggers, forum editors and web managers should be afforded the same professional courtesy as traditional media sources.

Do not issue statements or make announcements through social media channels unless authorised. Do not respond directly if approached by media (new or traditional sources) for comment through social media. Refer the inquiry to the Communications Branch as per Council’s Public Relations and Communications Strategy Policy.

Be Responsive

Specify the type of comments and feedback that will receive a response and clearly communicate a target response time.

If a request is received via social media that requires ‘actioning’ (i.e. a request for a Council service or correspondence for a Councillor), please ‘action’ it through Council’s Customer request system and sending a reply message to the social media user stating:

‘Thank you for your message which has been received at Moreland City Council. It has been forwarded to an action officer who will provide a response directly to you.’

Make it easy for audiences to reach Council via other methods by publishing Council’s phone number, generic email, Facebook, Skype and Twitter accounts.

Public record

Materials authored and posted on social media – including comments, email, followers, friends, posts and subscriber lists – will be public records if the communication is created or received as part of the staff member’s duties as a Council employee.


5.1 Staff and Contractors

·  Seek approval from relevant manager for business strategy incorporating social media

·  Seek authorisation from Communications Branch on using social media and developing a communications plan to support business strategy

·  Seek approval for Council branding of social media

·  Once approved, arrange a meeting with the Communications Branch which is responsible for creating and setting up social media accounts and tools

·  Use an identifiable work email address for social media accounts or tools. This email address must be generic to the Business Unit e.g. . Speak with IT to set up a Business Unit email address if one doesn’t exist.

·  Register social media account, tool or site with the Communications Branch

·  Ensure the Communications Branch is always registered as an alternate administrator of the social media account or tool

·  Seek training and development for using social media

·  Manage the social media account or tool, ensuring it is kept current and is responsive. The site should be monitored and edited on all business working days.