I John

Lesson 6

Kay Arthur

How can we have that Perfect love?

How do I know the difference between the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error?

  1. By what they say about Jesus Christ
  2. By what people say about loving God

I John 4:20

I John 4:1-4

Why was this book written?

  1. So they might know they have eternal life
  2. So they would be aware of those that were trying to deceive them.

Deceivers were saying:

  1. You don’t know the truth about Jesus Christ
  2. You don’t know the truth regarding sin and love
  3. You don’t have eternal life

I John 4:1 Test the spirits to see whether they are from God

If a spirit confesses that Jesus Christ HAS come in the flesh, then that spirit is from God.

If a spirit does NOT confess that Jesus has come in the flesh, then that spirit is NOT from God.

An evil spirit may “say” that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, but it will NOT “confess”, homo logeo (I John 1:19), to say the same thing, that Jesus has come in the flesh.

When I confess that Jesus has come in the flesh, I am siding with God and agreeing with everything that God says about Jesus.

Jesus means God our Savior. So if I confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, then I am saying Jesus is God and He is the Savior.

Is Jesus THE Christ? Messiah?The Promised One from God? And has He actually come in the flesh?

If they do not confess that, then they are NOT from God. But this is NOT an infallible test.

Matt. 7:21

I John 4:4 Holy Spirit is inside me and He guides me into all truth.

I John 2:20 I have an anointing.

John 14:20 The Father and the Son have made Their abode in me.

So when I come face to face with the enemy, HE has to bow the knee and retreat, NOT ME!

Luke 10: 17-20

I John 4:5 They are from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them.

John 8:44

I John 4:6 We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

Is Jesus God? Is He equal with God?This must be answered correctly

Will you listen to God’s Word? If they do not, if YOU do not, they are not from God.

Scripture IS God’s Word, not just from God.

I John 4:7-5:2 Love

Perfect Love

  1. Love’s source: God is love I John 4:7-8 Present tense – keeps on loving

Another test to see if someone is of God. Do they love?

  1. Love’s measure I John 4:9-10 Love is measured by its sacrifice, by what it gives. God gave His Son, the highest, most supreme treasure. Jesus. And Jesus loved so much that He came. The spotless Lamb. John 15:13, John10:11,15,17-18 When does love Love you? When you were a sinner.Romans 5:8
  2. Love’s manifestation I John 4:9-12God is the source of love, He initiated it, I John 4:9, 19and it is displayed in Jesus I John 4:10. It is completed through us I John 4:11-12

How is the world going to see love? Jesus? They will see it through us, as His love is displayed and completed in us. We are to love unconditionally.

“If I Perish” Esther Ahn Kim (it’s on Kindle and available on Amazon)

  1. Love’s habitation I John 4:12-13,15-16 Abiding in God How do I know if I am abiding in love? I keep His commandments I John 5:3
  2. Love’s confidence I John 4:17-18If I understand God’s perfect love for me I can live without fear. (perfect/matured) If my love for Him keeps on being matured, then I can live without fear. John 1:12 God brought me to Himself! He loves me as He loves His Son, so I can walk with a perfect love that casts out fear. Fear has torment and punishment.

If you fear, you do not understand God’s love for you.

  1. Love’s obedience I John 4:19-5:2 Love always obeys

Moravian slaves

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Moravian Slaves, a popular story about Christian Missions concerningJohann Leonhard DoberandDavid Nitschmann, describes how these two youngMoravian BrethrenfromHerrnhut, Germany, were called in 1732 to minister to the African slaves on the islands ofSt. ThomasandSt. Croixin theDanish West Indies. Allegedly, when they were told that they would not be allowed to do such a thing, Dober and Nitschmann sold themselves to a slave owner and boarded a ship bound for the West Indies. As the ship pulled away from the docks, it is said that they called out to their loved ones on shore, "May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!"[1][2]

Mission to St. Thomas and St. Croix[edit]

The story of the Moravian Slaves has an element of truth in that the missionaries did assert that they were willing to become slaves if it was the only way to reach the slaves.[3]However, the facts have been greatly embellished, and many sources now claim that they actually followed through, sold themselves, boarded a ship, and were never heard from again. In fact, after being sent out by CountNicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf, the two traveled from Herrnhut toCopenhagen,Denmark, where their plan initially met with strong opposition.[4]When asked by a court official how they would support themselves, Nitschmann replied,

“We shall work as slaves among the slaves.”

“But,” said the official, “that is impossible. It will not be allowed. No white man ever works as a slave.”

“Very well,” replied Nitschmann, “I am a carpenter, and will ply my trade.”[5]

After some difficulty, the missionaries found support from the Danish Queen and her court, and although the Danish West Indian Company refused to grant them passage, a ship was eventually procured. Leaving Copenhagen on Oct 8, 1732, they arrived in St. Thomas two months later on December 13. While in the St. Thomas, they lived frugally and preached to the slaves, and they had a certain amount of success.[6]By 1734 they had both returned to Germany, but other Moravian missionaries continued the work for fifty years afterward, establishing churches onSt. Thomas,St. Croix,St. John’s,Jamaica,Antigua,Barbados, andSt. Kitts. Moravian missionaries baptized 13,000 converts before any other missionaries arrived on the scene.[7]

After returning from the West Indies, both men continued to serve in the Moravian church, and both were ordained as bishops. Dober remained in Europe, but Nitschmann traveled withJohn Wesleyand helped to found the mission atBethlehem, Pennsylvania.[8][9]