FSA SDLC News Items – 2008-2015 (Archived News)

Dec 08, 2015

·  Uploaded user documents t MRT DA.

Dec 02, 2015

·  Updatednew version and link for CMBS Release Notes.

Oct 29, 2015

·  Updated Memos with SDLC Migration to Percussion Memo Final.

Oct 15, 2015

·  Changes related to migration of SDLC site.

Jul 02, 2015

·  Uploaded new revisions of IB-136 and IB-143 to the "Information Bulletins & Memos" page.

Jul 01, 2015

·  Updated artifact lists on individual SDLC phase pages to align with the lists provided on the "Templates & Documents" page. Made minor corrections to lists on "Templates and Documents" page.

Jun 22, 2015

·  Corrected all found links to the FSA Records Management Web Site to point to the actual site.

Jun 10, 2015

·  Updated links to the K: drive to point to the renamed location.

May 14, 2015

·  Uploaded FSA SDLC Documentation Memorandum to the "Memos" page.

·  Added verbiage to the "Templates & Documentation" page to clarify that the listed templates are suggested formats for the phase deliverables.

Apr 24, 2015

·  Uploaded new bulletin (IB-158 Jasper and iText, Java 2EE Rptg & Doc Generation) to "Information Bulletins & Memos" page.

Apr 22, 2015

·  Identified and updated links to use the correct URL to SharePoint locations, since redirects from the old URLs will be retired as of May 1, 2015.

Apr 21, 2015

·  Redesigned the layout of the "Templates & Documents" page to enhance clarity. Required and optional deliverables are listed by phase.

Apr 20, 2015

·  Replaced "SDLC Waiver Process" diagram on the "Architectural Decisions / Waivers page" with a new version.

·  Created link to the "SDLC Waiver Override" template on the "Templates & Documents" page.

Apr 16, 2015

·  Created link to "FSA NITC Mainframe SDLC" document on the "Mainframe & System 36 SDLC" page.

·  Searchable IB space was created on the WIKI.

Apr 14, 2015

·  Uploaded "CBS Release Notes" for version 2.3.19; document accessed from "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page.

·  Uploaded latest version of "NPS Services Description" document; updated label and file size on "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page.

·  Uploaded new "Farm Service Agency Systems Inventory - February 2015" document; updated label and file size on "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page.

Mar27, 2015

·  Uploaded latest version of Eligibility EJB Shared Service Interface Guide (accessed from "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page).

Mar06, 2015

·  Updated Legislative and Policy Drivers broken links. Impacted:
• USDA Information and Technology Transformation
• USDA Enterprise Shared Services (ESS)
• Web Site Development and Maintenance
• USDA eLearning Services, Courseware and Content

Feb 19, 2015

·  Updated the system inventory link label on the "FSA Assets and Shared Services" page to "Farm Service Agency Systems Inventory Book - July 2014", and added informational text about the document.

Jan 28, 2015

·  Modified the "FSA Eclipse Software" hyperlinks on the "Approved Software" page to point to generic locations for the latest file versions.

Jan 15, 2015

·  Updated the "Architectural Decisions / Waivers" page to reflect changes to the waiver process, including links to a new Waiver Override template and a new Waiver Process flow diagram. Uploaded a new version of the Waiver template.

Jan 13, 2015

·  Uploaded the latest version of the "Farm Records Web Service Implementation Guide" to the "FSA Assets and Shared Services" page.

Dec 18, 2014

·  Updated this "News" page to consolidate all items from 2013 and earlier into a single searchable Word document which is organized by year. The link to the new document is located at the bottom of this page.

Dec 12, 2014

·  Updated the link on the "Approved Software" page to point to the FSA Eclipse 5.0 files; added a link to FES installation instructions.

Dec 10, 2014

·  Uploaded latest version of the "Statement of Understanding Template" (accessed from the "SDLC Development Process" and "Templates & Documents" pages).

Dec 8, 2014

·  Uploaded latest version of the "Eligibility EJB Shared Service Interface Guide" (accessed from the "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page).

·  Updated verbiage on the "Architectural Decisions / Waiver" page to reflect that signed waivers should be submitted to PMO for retention.

Nov 21, 2014

·  Uploaded latest version of the "Deployment Plan Template"; updated file sizes for document references on the "Release & Maintenance Phase" and "Templates & Documents" pages.

·  On the "Active IBs" page, added link to a new IB site in Confluence that provides the ability to search bulletins as well as generate a pdf of all bulletins.

Oct 29, 2014

·  Uploaded new "Farm Service Agency Systems Inventory - July 2014" document; updated label and file size on "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page.

·  Uploaded version 3.0.14 of "NPS Services Description" document; updated label and file size on "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page.

Oct 2, 2014

·  Uploaded revised version of IB-130; updated file size on "Information, Bulletins and Memos" page.

Sep 23, 2014

·  Replaced SHAM zip file with latest version.

Aug 29, 2014

·  Uploaded additional artifact examples for the "Requirements & Analysis" and "High Level Design" phases.

Aug 27, 2014

·  Uploaded version 1.3 of the "Eligibility EJB Shared Service Interface Guide", accessed from the "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page.

·  Created reference and link for version 1.2 of the "Eligibility EJB Shared Service Interface Guide" on the "Archived FSA Assets & Shared Services" page.

Aug 14, 2014

·  Replaced SHAM zip file with latest version; updated SHAM link label on "FSA Assets and Shared Services" page to remove version information; updated file size to accurately represent size of updated zip file.

·  Corrected invalid link to Business Delegate article in IB-137 - Reference Architecture.

Aug 12, 2014

·  Replaced calendar.js file in the JavaScript Calendar zip file with updated version. This is accessible from the "Approved Software" page.

Aug 7, 2014

·  Updated the Deployment Plan Template document with version 3.1, and updated the Templates and Documents page to reflect file size for the updated document.

Jul 24, 2014

·  Removed version numbers from several document references to initiate an ongoing effort to simplify maintenance of the "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page

·  Uploaded latest version of Eligibility EJB Shared Service Interface Guide (accessed from "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page)

·  Updated "Archived FSA Assets & Shared Services" page with references to prior versions of Eligibility EJB Shared Service Interface Guide and SCIMS Web Service Interface Manual

Jul 23, 2014

·  Replaced existing documents under Stellent section of "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page with a new Release Notes document for Content Management Business Service (CMBS)

·  Updated "SDLC Approved Software" page with additional links and information associated with the Websphere product

Jul 18, 2014

·  Uploaded latest version of AGI Service Interface Guide (accessed from "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page)

Jul 2, 2014

·  Updated SDLC Waiver template with corrections and additions to signature lines; updated the "Architectural Decisions/Waivers" page to reflect correct signature requirements

Jun 20, 2014

·  Updated "News" page with missing items going back to January 2013

Jun 18, 2014

·  Updated the "Visual Paradigm" links to reflect and point to version 11.1 on the "Developer Tools - Approved Software" page. Links are provided to both 64-bit and 32-bit software versions.

Jun 12, 2014

·  Added IB-157 (Migration from WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 6.1 to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 5.1), dated June 11, to Active Information Bulletins page

·  Moved IB-131 (Migration from Websphere Application Server (WAS) 5.0 to WAS 6.1), which was made obsolete by IB-157, from Active Information Bulletins page to Archived Information Bulletins page

May 14, 2014

·  Added new "SCIMS Web Service Interface Manual" (final) version (1.13) to the "FSA Assets and Shared Services" page

Apr 30, 2014

·  Added "Guiding Principles" section to the "Architectural Decision" template

Apr 16, 2014

·  Added new SCIMS Web Service Interface Manual version (1.13 DRAFT-MIDAS) to FSA Assets and Shared Services page

·  Updated Visual Paradigm to Visual Paradigm for UML version 11.0 on Approved Software page

·  Updated Eligibility EJB Shared Service Interface Manual with new version (1.1) on the FSA Assets and Shared Services page

Mar 31, 2014

·  Updated SCIMS Web Service Interface Manual with new version (1.12) on the FSA Assets and Shared Services page

·  Corrected typo on Templates & Documents page - Updated SDLC Quick Start Guide version from 1.4 to 1.5

Feb 24, 2014

·  Updated FSA CCB Charter template with new version (2.3, dated January 27, 2014)

Feb 7, 2014

·  Updated FSA Deployment Plan template with new version (3.0, submitted January 30, 2014)

Jan 6, 2014

·  Updated YSlow Firefox plugin, from version 2.1.0 to version 3.1.4, on "Approved Software" page

·  Updated "Archived Assets and Services" page to include previous versions of CBS Shared Services Release Notes that had previously been published on the active page: 2.3.13, 2.3.11, 2.3.7, 2.3.6, 2.3.5, and 2.3.2

·  Updated "Archived Information Bulletins" page to include IB-151 (Revision 1), which was archived on November 21

Dec 23, 2013

·  Updated CBS Shared Services Release Notes to version 2.3.15

Dec 6, 2013

·  Added a new section for "Stellent UCPM Documentation" on the "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page, with links to five related documents

·  Corrected the broken link to the "Section 508 Wiki page" on the "Enterprise Architecture; Legislative and Policy Drivers" page

·  Updated site text on the "FSA Configuration and Change Management Program" page; replaced linked documents with current versions on the "FSA Configuration and Change Management Program" page; added Word and PDF links to the "FSA Systems Configuration Management Plan" documents on the "Templates & Documents" page

·  Updated the "FSA Interactive Web Application Style Guide" to revision 1.2.3-1 on the "Templates & Documents" page. This revision contains multiple corrections and updates to link URLs.

Nov 26, 2013

·  Updated FSA CCB Charter Template, available from "Templates & Documents" page, to version 2.2, published on October 22

·  Updated the "Statement of Understanding" template with multiple changes. A link to this template is found on the "FSA SDLC Development Process" page.

Nov 21, 2013

·  Updated IB-151 (Java Build Process, Quality Reporting, and Deployment Standards) to Revision 2, on Active Information Bulletins Page.

·  Added Stellent API documentation to FSA Assets and Shared Services Page

Nov 13, 2013

·  Published version 1.2.3-1 of the FSA Interactive Web Application Style Guide

·  Updated CBS Shared Services Release Notes to version 2.3.13; removed Release Notes for 2.3.7 and 2.3.11

·  Corrected link to Section 508 Landing Page (FSA Developer Wiki) from Enterprise Architecture Programs Page

Oct 29, 2013

·  Updated Site Map to align its content with the current site structure

Sep 30, 2013

·  Corrected broken links on the "Developer Tools - Approved Software" page and added descriptions

·  Added new Information Bulletin: IB-156 - Audit Table Standards

·  Replaced the reference and link to "Data Source Connection Pool Settings" (which is obsolete) with the reference and link to "Standard Data Source Configuration Form" on the "Templates & Documents" page

·  Updated the text of IB-0094 to remove the reference and link to the position paper entitled "Externalizing Application Initialization Information" (document not found)

Sep 19, 2013

·  Updated tool references on the "Developer Tools Overview" page

·  Updated existing links to "Wiki" sites to point to Confluence. Links were found on the "SDLC Home" and "Developer Tools - Overview" pages

Aug 6, 2013

·  Corrected external link to "508 Compliance" site on "Discover Constraints" page

Jul 29, 2013

·  Added new Information Bulletin: IB-155 - J2EE and .NET File Processing Standards

July 1, 2013

·  Updated link to Putty with new version of software on "Developer Tools - Approved Software" page

May 6, 2013

·  Uploaded "CBS Release Notes" (version 2.3.11) to the "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page

·  Updated the "Production Data Change Policy" memo with changes issued by DBMO. This memo is found on the "Information Bulletins & Memos" page under "Other Memos"

·  Updated the "Developer Tools - Overview" page to reflect JIRA as the approved tool for "Defect Tracking/Change Management"

·  Replaced the "(KC Employees only)" link qualifier with "(FSA Intranet Access Only)" for the file link associated with "FSA Eclipse Software Distribution" on the "Developer Tools - Approved Software" page

·  Updated "Quality Control" paragraph on "FSA SDLC Development Process" page

Apr 16, 2013

·  Updated the "SDLC Waiver" template to version 1.2. This document is accessible from the "Architectural Decisions / Waivers" page

Apr 9, 2013

·  Updated the contents of the "Mainframe and System 36 SDLC" page

Apr 8, 2013

·  Added new Information Bulletin: IB-154 - SSIS Package Platform Upgrade

·  Uploaded the new version (for CM 2.X), of the "JIRA CCB Implementation Guide" accessible on the "Templates & Documents" page

Feb 28, 2013

·  Made the "FSA Systems Inventory" document generally available on the "FSA Assets & Shared Services" page (no longer protected behind eAuth)

Feb 7, 2013

·  Added a link to the "Production Data Change Policy" memo on the Memos page under "Other Memos"

Jan 29, 2013

·  Added "BPMN Visio Stencils" to "Developer Tools - Approved Software" page

·  Jan 22, 2013

·  Updated FSA Change Management Plan and CCB Charter template with new versions

FSA SDLC News Items - 2012

Dec 20, 2012

·  Updated IB-152 (Rev. 1), Deployment Management Standards

Oct 10, 2012

·  Updated Farm Record Web Service Implementation Guide from v1.5 to v1.6 on FSA Assets and Shared Services page

Oct 09, 2012

·  Fixed broken link on Legislative Policy Drivers page

Sep 14, 2012

·  Updated CCB charter template v2 with v2.1 on Template and Documents page and on FSA Configuration and Change Management Program page

Aug 30, 2012

·  Updated Supplementary Specs Example document link contents on Requirements and Analysis Phase page