Special Edition August 23, 2010

---Special Task Force Edition---


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Special Edition August 23, 2010

What’s New 1

CSN Corner 1

ICD-10 Task Force 2

Mission Statement 3

Health IT Workforce Training 4

Puzzles 5

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Special Edition August 23, 2010

What’s New?

By Deanna Neff, RHIT/Certified ICD-10 Trainer

Welcome to NvHIMA’s first ICD-10 newsletter. I am one of five ICD-10 trainers that have been through AHIMA’s ICD-10 Trainer Academy thus far. We are looking forward to being your guide as we starting this new coding endeavor. I am sure everyone knows that October 1, 2013 is the date we all will start using ICD-10. I invite you to e-mail me with any questions you might have and they will be addressed each month in the newsletter.

Future columns will have “Where to Begin” ideas that will assist you in preparing for this new coding adventure. There will be future ICD-10 seminars for you to obtain your ICD-10 CEU’s either presented by your local association or our state association. Please watch your e-mail for training lectures in the future and I look forward to all your e-mails where I can answer all your ICD-10 questions.

CSN Corner

Cassie Gentry, M.Ed., RHIA, CHP – HIT Program Director, CSN

ICD-10 is coming! The College of Southern Nevada (CSN) is preparing to help whether you are a new student to HIT and Medical Coding or a current coder needing ICD-10 training. The coding courses currently offered at CSN introduce students to the concept and structure of ICD-10. Courses will transition by going hybrid, then on to full ICD-10 content.

For those already in the workforce, CSN will offer ICD-10 workshops. Possibilities include weekend and/or evening sessions. The actual contact time is to be determined.

You can reach me at 702-651-5896 or by email at with any questions.

Oct 1 2013 is just around the corner and our ICD 10 task force is hard at work putting together a program. This will help takeNevada and members of NVHIMA and get them ready for this great CHALLENGE that lies in front of ALL of US.

We as a task force want to target the following audiences in our Transition to ICD 10 CM and PCS

1. HIM Coders

2. Physicians

3. Educators

4. Nurses

5. Physician office staff

The following people are on this important task force.

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Special Edition August 23, 2010

Greg Schultz, Task Force Chair

Jo Ann Jones Task Force Co Chair

Hyla Winters

Cassie Gentry

Deanna Neff

Becky Bratten

Peggy Perkins Arnot

Connie Ruether

Carrie Ayala

Mary Lawrence

Crystal Mattson

Traci Stotts

Mary Furetto

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Special Edition August 23, 2010

Any one interested in joining the ICD 10 Task Force is WELCOME. Please email Greg Schultz at

Our meeting are scheduled at the following dates and times

Sept 18 ,2010 at 9 30am to noon

Oct 16, 2010 at 9 30 am to noon


Nov 13, 2010 at 2 pm to 4 pm.

We would love to have you join us. We are meeting at 4 sites in Nevada which include CSN Charleston Campus, Hawthorne, Winnemucca and Reno.

As you can tell the WHOLE STATE of NEVADA is involved.

Our task force is busy putting together a program of education for all members and non members for their benefit in getting ready for Oct 1, 2013

Please look for future newsletters for up to the date activities of the ICD 10 TASK FORCE.

Gregory Schultz, RHIA

President NVHIMA and ICD 10 CM and PCS Chair

A colleague recently asked me if I missed the practice of health information. I have been thinking about that question and have arrived at the conclusion that health information professionals stand at the crossroads of the most significant changes known since I entered this profession many years ago. With the implementation of ICD-10 and electronic health record technology, this is an exciting time for professionals and health information associations.

So, with all this encircling excitement in the profession, why would a mission statement be important? Mission statements serve as the succinct representation of the organization’s existence. Mission statements address the public image of the association. Mission statements should be the first consideration for any association before making strategic decisions. Articulating a mission statement for the Nevada Health Information Management Association as ICD-10 looms seems to be the appropriate framework for the Association to establish strategic directives for the implementation of ICD-10 throughout the healthcare industry in Nevada.

It is for these reasons that the Nevada Health Information Management Association states the mission (as it relates to ICD-10) is “to serve Nevada as the leader in increasing competence in the knowledge and expertise of ICD-10”. Keeping this mission statement in full view will enable the Association to make clear strategic decisions about how best to serve the needs of Nevada’s providers with the implementation of ICD-10. This mission statement validates my personal values as my career has steadily advanced: we are servants, leaders, competent in knowledge, and competent in expertise. Perhaps each of us can take this Association mission statement and retool to fit our personal mission statement as health information professionals: “to serve our employer and our Association as the leader in increasing competence in the knowledge and expertise of ICD-10”.

I challenge each of you to consider your personal professional mission statement. With all the exciting and challenging issues in the profession, this is truly the time to step up, and be the leader that is desperately needed in these times. So, do I miss the profession? Most assuredly, YES; but I am still a health information professional, and no one can take that away.

Submitted by: Hyla Winters

Health IT Workforce Training

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Special Edition August 23, 2010

The College of Southern Nevada is part of a consortium to deliver health IT workforce training. The project is still in development so I do not have concrete details on some items. You may share this with your colleagues, friends, etc... If anyone is interested, they should email me their contact information to so I can add them to my distribution list. As always, if you have any questions, please contact me.

1. The training program, at least a part of it, will begin September 30, 2010.

2. A student will have a maximum of 6 months to complete their assigned courses. A certificate of completion will be awarded once all courses are completed successfully.

3. The workforce roles CSN will offer are *Practice Workflow and Information Management Redesign Specialist * Clinician/Practitioner Consultant * Implementation Manager or Support Specialist

4. The courses will be offered as non-credit courses. CSN is offering the courses online. There may be some on site (sitesto be determined)meetings/conferences.

5. At this time, I do not know associated costs for the program. I do know it will be minimal and the discussion is underway about a stipend for students upon successful completion of a certificate.

6. A competency based exam is in development and should be ready by end of 2nd quarter 2011. The first 27,000 exams will be free. There is no certification or credentials for this training at this time.

If you are interested, email me so I can add you to my permanent email list. Please send me a resume for your file.

This is an exciting time. We are in pursuit of an extraordinary transformation in healthcare. Thanks for joining in on the journey.

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Special Edition August 23, 2010

Cassie Gentry

Cassie Gentry, M.Ed., RHIA, CHP

Program Director, Health Information Technology

Program Manager, Health IT Workforce Training

College of Southern Nevada ~ 6375 W. Charleston Blvd., W2B ~ Las Vegas, NV 89146

702-651-5896 Office ~ 702-651-5077 Fax

CSN Health Information Technology Programs


Please complete the crossword puzzle below

9 / 14
3 / 2 / 20
17 / 10
1 / 15
1. absence of breathing
3. windpipe
5. outer layer of the heart wall
7. combining form meaning white
8. combining form meaning kidney
9. type of leukocyte
11. prefix meaning many
12. suffix meaning cell
13. suffix meaning crushing
15. inflammation of the larynx
17. protein in the blood / Down:
2. spitting up blood
4. surgical removal of the stomach
6. difficult breathing
10. blockage of a blood vessel
14. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
16. combining form meaning small intestine
18. suffix meaning urine
19. combining form for lung
20. suffix meaning digestion
D / S / C / N / M / M / T / M / M / P / T / I / S / S / U / E / G / M / S / E
L / N / E / L / O / A / Y / U / N / H / E / I / E / T / D / A / E / L / A / N
T / I / G / N / L / A / M / R / C / Y / S / L / E / I / N / I / I / E / E / O
N / U / C / L / E / I / M / B / N / S / C / C / A / G / E / S / P / E / I / I
A / D / A / I / A / R / T / E / R / I / E / S / L / C / M / D / L / I / M / I
S / T / G / I / I / Y / V / R / S / O / C / I / T / A / H / P / M / Y / L / R
A / I / E / F / L / A / G / E / L / L / A / O / R / T / S / R / T / O / E / O
C / O / S / N / I / I / V / C / S / O / R / C / A / A / O / R / L / R / T / A
I / V / Y / H / O / M / C / M / S / G / B / A / Y / L / L / S / O / I / A / A
I / M / G / O / O / M / S / E / A / Y / O / G / M / Y / S / L / R / D / R / S
N / S / O / M / S / U / R / N / L / O / H / M / O / S / T / I / I / E / T / V
P / T / L / E / I / N / D / O / M / L / Y / O / T / T / S / A / M / P / R / P
S / N / O / O / S / E / A / U / H / E / D / L / A / E / O / S / H / R / A / E
M / E / T / S / Y / S / S / U / O / V / R / E / N / L / A / R / T / N / E / C
N / M / Y / T / L / Y / P / V / E / V / A / C / A / I / I / I / L / D / H / D
I / E / C / A / A / S / C / L / E / I / T / U / A / C / E / L / N / A / N / E
I / L / E / S / I / T / S / B / A / I / E / L / O / T / S / A / I / D / M / E
H / E / P / I / D / E / R / M / I / S / N / E / G / I / T / N / A / P / E / A
E / L / C / S / U / M / H / T / O / O / M / S / I / S / O / T / I / M / U / C
O / S / M / O / S / I / S / S / D / C / V / A / L / O / A / D / M / E / R / P

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Special Edition August 23, 2010

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Special Edition August 23, 2010









Central nervous system













Heart rate



Immune system













Smooth muscle





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