Primary 5 – God Gives Me Life

Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Themes/Month
Mystery of God
P5 RERC 2-01b Mystery of God
I explore the Biblical stories of creation and I can reflect on how we understand these truths inour modern world. / I recognise that God saw His creation as being good (Gen.1:10, 12 and 18) and I too canappreciate the goodness of His work. / 1. Christianity comes to our country
2. The Psalmists
3. Jesus and the new Covenant
Revealed Truth of God
P5 RERC 2-03a Revealed Truth of God
I can examine God’s relationship with myself and others. I have reflected on how the gift offaith can permeate my whole being. / Having read the words of Isaiah (Isaiah 42: 1-9), I recognise God as a loving creator and a God ofjustice. / 1. Christianity comes to our country
2. The Psalmists
3. Jesus and the new Covenant

Primary 5 – God Delights in Me

Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Themes/Month
In the image of God
P5 RERC 2-02a In the Image of God
I know that God wants me to develop my God-given gifts and I have reflected on how I can usethem for the common good. / I know that when I use my God-given talents I can live in harmony with God and with other people
and so I grow in the likeness of God (Genesis 1: 26-27).
I recognise that I am created in the image of God and have many talents which I can use to buildrelationships. /
  1. Recognise your talents
  2. Created in God’s image
  3. Use your talents for the good of others

Primary 5 – God Calls Me To Love

Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Themes/Month
Revealed Truth of God
P5 RERC 2-03a
I can examine God’s relationship with myself and others. I have reflected on how the gift offaith can permeate my whole being.
Reign of God
P5 RERC 2-20a
I know that I have been called by God to grow in love, justice and peace in my relationshipswith others. / I know that God always calls me into relationship with him and I recognise that this relationship is
deepened through my prayer and trust in his love
I know that “acting justly” means living in a “right relationship with God” and therefore treating
others fairly.
I have responded to opportunities to reflect on Micah 6:8 and I recognise that in all encounters
with others, including moments of conflict, I am invited by Got to “to act justly, to love tenderly and
to walk humbly” with Him.
I know that God calls me to demonstrate compassion and mercy to others and to offer sacrifice. / 1. What is a Saint?
2. Catholic Christian Community
3. Remembrance

Primary 5 – God’s Loving Plan Guides My Choices

Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Themes/Month
In the image of God
P5 RERC 2-02a In the Image of God
I know that God wants me to develop my God-given gifts and I have reflected on how I can usethem for the common good. / I acknowledge that, like the first man and woman, I have the ability to hurt others and I see theimportance of accepting responsibility and asking for forgiveness for doing so, rather thancovering up or blaming others. /
  1. Story of Adam and Eve
  2. Accepting responsibility
  3. Asking for forgiveness
Lent /Easter
Revealed Truth of God
P5 RERC 2-03a Revealed Truth of God
I can examine God’s relationship with myself and others. I have reflected on how the gift offaith can permeate my whole being. / I know that the Holy Spirit strengthens my faith, informs my conscience and guides me in allmoments of my life. /
  1. Story of Pentecost
  2. Sacrament of Confirmation

Primary 5 – God’s Loving Plan Guides My Choices

Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Themes/Month
Reign of God
P5 RERC 2-21a
I can recognise how my relationship with God and others can be shaped by the values of
Jesus’ Kingdom. / I have examined and discussed what I know of the life of Jesus and I can list some values which he demonstrated in his life.
I know that I am called to follow his example in practical ways in all aspects of my daily life.
I can recognise that the call to follow Jesus sometimes involves making sacrifices, putting others before myself or giving up things which are contrary to Jesus’ values. / 1. Christianity comes to our country
2. The Psalmists
3. Jesus and the new Covenant
August / September
Reign of God
P5 RERC 2-23a
I know that God has given me the freedom to make choices about the way I live my life. I havereflected on how the decisions of my conscience affect my relationship with God and others. / I know that the commandments are given in love by God to be obeyed and followed in our lives so
that we may live in a right relationship with God and others. / 1.The Ten Commandments
Reign of God
P5 RERC 2-22a
I have explored the call to forgiveness and reconciliation and have reflected on how this canrestore my relationship with God and others. I can put this understanding into practice in myrelationship with God and others. / I have reflected prayerfully on the story of the Repentant Thief (Luke 23:39-43) and I know that I am called to accept responsibility for my actions and to seek reconciliation with God and others.
I have developed my understanding of forgiveness and reconciliation and I know that I am called to
be a peacemaker and mediator in difficult situations. / 1. Moses and the Ten Commandments
2. Abraham
3. Prophets and Kings