Summary of Issues raised by individuals and one community group in relation to the Discussion Paper on the Residential Development Strategy

L Pezzutti

§  Over supply of flats in Parramatta, and high vacancy rates.

§  Need more villas and townhouses which maintain character of area.

§  Zoning should be more uniform. On the corner of Macarthur and Thomas Streets (my property is in the 2A zoning of Thomas St.) three zones exist. The 2A zoning should be changed to be more in line with the higher density .development.

R Williams

§  Survey concerns – relevance of questions – survey will produce results that will be misread. In particular, 2a) there is no relevance between houses and jobs as people change places of employment and where they live; and 2b) Bus routes change depending on population movement; access to shops is not important because people will drive to these services.

§  There is inadequate road infrastructure for increase in population.

§  Speed limits should not be reduced to accommodate increasing population.

M Make

§  Need more flats and townhouses in Parramatta.

§  Development is needed because Parramatta is the second CBD of Sydney.

§  Parramatta to Chatswood rail link should be reinstated.

J Tanner

§  It is noted that Harris Park was not one of the areas that would be ‘given extra detailed consideration’. Harris Park has a good level of infrastructure and could be better utilised.

§  Strict heritage controls should be reviewed in light of the RDS so additional housing can be created.

W Lu

§  In light of the growth in Epping I feel higher density housing and business activities should exist in a 500m radius of Epping Railway Station.

§  Traffic problems and parking need to be addressed if there are to be higher densities.

§  Shopping facilities need to be increased if Epping is to increase in population.

§  There are too many conservation areas within Epping.


§  More flats and townhouses in the Dandarbong Avenue area will add to the existing traffic and pollution problems.

§  The only parks in the area are long, narrow and bushy, which present safety issues.

§  There are no shops in the area within safe walking distance – no pedestrian crossing across Marsden Road.

§  No pedestrian crossing.

§  Higher densities need to be near shops and transport to reduce car use.


§  Concern about overcrowding in Ermington area.

§  Too many flats and townhouses.

§  Need more public housing so people don’t have to move out west and suffer disadvantages, such as distance to work and lack of recreation.

§  Concern about issues such as sewerage, water and green power.

§  Council need to encourage people to build environmentally friendly houses and units.

J and J Oliver

§  Concern about lack of public transport in Old Toongabbie.

§  Concern about overdevelopment which is creating pressure on already stretched facilities.

§  Concern about any future rezoning of area across from Centenary Centre Hammers Road Old Toongabbie. This will destroy the area.

§  Concern about planning process and input for residents.

B McDonald

§  No more high rise.

§  Westmead, Harris Park, Rosehill and parts of Grandville already ruined.

§  Council should stand up to the State Government regarding directing further population to Parramatta.

N Woodin

§  Mobility corridors should be considered when planning – so the safety of motor scooter riders, bicyclists and pedestrians can be assured. These should also be considered around Retirement Villages.

§  The placement of underground Optical Fibre Cables should be considered before development to encourage businesses into the area.

§  New development should be in the form of small villages where everyday services are available.

Mr Rixon

§  Should encourage lifecycle housing – where houses are easily converted to allow two or more families/singles residence. This will increase densities in low density zones and increase affordability.

§  Thought would need to be given to appropriate design of such houses so that privacy, outdoor space and safety could be maintained.

Mr and Mrs Mowad: Submission prepared by Planning Direction

§  Believes subject land (Nos. 17 and 19 Lexington Ave) and precinct is well suited for medium density for the following reasons: availability of public open spaces, accessibility to public transport, accessibility to support retail and commercial facilities, the larger lot size lend to orderly development, no topographical constraints to development, apparent capacity of local road network, absence of significant environmental constraints to redevelopment including heritage and vegetation, availability of services, availability of social and educational infrastructure, and rezoning the subject land to medium density is in line with the draft 2005 DCP.

E Ashard

§  Concern about highrise development being allowed in Dundas Valley.

§  Concern about the impact further development will have on facilities and services.

§  Concern about developments impinging on amenity and neighbourhood character.

§  Specific developments in Stewart Street and Adamson Ave are inappropriate.

§  Single/double residential homes and discreet duplexes would be more appropriate.

§  Concern over loopholes in development regulations which allow inappropriate development.

G and R Zerafa

§  Need to ensure that inappropriate development and overdevelopment is avoided and that neighbourhood character is not eradicated.

§  Concern about overdevelopment of blocks close to their dwelling, and that their amenity will be impacted.

Colston Budd Hunt & Kafes: 294 to 302 Pennant Hills Road

§  Subject site has strong public transport linkages, and good accessibility to the Sydney motorway system.

§  Subject site is in close proximity to services and facilities.

§  Subject site is close to Parramatta CBD and major North Ryde employment area.

§  Subject land is physically suited for higher density residential being large, consolidated and underdeveloped.

E Boesel

§  Traffic implications for new developments need to be considered before building. There are already entry and exit problems in Dundas Valley – Coleman Ave, Evans Road, Morris Street, King Street, Quarry Road, Sturt Street, Manson Street and others.

§  Road infrastructure (particularly footpaths) needs to be upgraded – more footpaths in dangerous traffic zones need to be considered.

§  Mowing of footpaths and limiting tree planting to appropriate species needs to be considered for the safety of pedestrians – often people are forced to walk on the roads.

§  Heritage constraints to development should exist in the RDS.

§  Appropriate design of residential buildings is important for solar access, open space and aesthetics.

§  It should be mandatory to notify the community of any land sales, land amalgamations, subdivision and re subdivisions to allow local input to changes in their area.

§  A sense of place is important to people – this can be lost through indiscriminate development.

§  There is a maintenance problem at the K13 memorial – who looks after this?

J and R Seedsman

§  Infrastructure deficiencies need to be addressed as soon as possible.

§  Older residents need proximity to facilities, services and transport. Need single level dwellings on small blocks.

§  Areas that can sustain additional dwellings near railway stations are Granville, Clyde, and Harris Park.

§  Auto Alley should be moved further away from the CBD.

§  Our local area: Area bounded by Buller, Belmore, Brickfield & Gladstone Streets is well serviced by open space, public transport, schools and shops. However five houses in Buller Street have been deemed by Council as too narrow for redevelopment and are zoned Residential 2(b). We believe this decision should be revisited and those blocks and two adjoining blocks in Belmore Street should be rezoned to Residential 2(c).

§  Transport: light or heavy rail should service major residential, industrial and academic precincts. Rail system could be a circuit which feeds into State rail network.

§  Suggest an underground rail system overlaid by a ring road.

GGE Coleman for and on behalf of EW, E, GGE, and BR Coleman

§  Survey concerns – simplistic and subjective questions (questions subservience to the State Government).

§  Job creation causes development so transfer jobs to regional centres.

§  Concern about overdevelopment – developments on large sites destroys old communities and causes social problems.

§  A mix of different types of development in the same area doesn’t work – Council should look at new village type plans being considered for ADI site at Mount Druitt.

§  Higher density should be in centres with commercial development.

§  Current mix of development is producing – areas with inadequate transport, removal of mature trees, loss of soft surface on hillsides causing flooding, loss of character of areas, loss of amenity without compensation, visual pollution and environmentally unfriendly developments.

M Mushalik (MIEAust)

§  Mr Mushalik has submitted comments in relation to the RDS Discussion Paper that he submitted to DIPNR on the Metro Strategy. In this submission is listed reasons why growth in the Sydney Basin is unsustainable.

§  Increase in car use is unsustainable – world’s supply of oil will decline in the future and there are no alternative fuels in sight.

§  Sydney’s development is land sale driven, not shaped by master plans. The current concept of ‘plonking’ big blocks of flats near rail stations with the intention that residents commute to the CBD by train is wrong. With the rail system in bad shape more people will be forced to drive to work – jobs should be provided around train stations so that more residents can find jobs in their own suburbs.

§  Instead of villas, second floor extensions with separate dwelling should be allowed.

§  Gardens for vegetable planting will be needed in the future when transporting produce long distances becomes unsupportable.

§  Corner shops are more sustainable than car based shopping centres.

§  Council’s should organise its own rain water harvesting.

§  The heavy rail network has to be complemented by metro, light rail and tram lines. In Parramatta, the first candidate for light rail and/or trams should be Parramatta Road to Strathfield, also the Victoria Road to Ryde. A rail line could be put on the M4 (as has already been done in Perth).

§  RDS Discussion Paper has a lack of analysis – ignores the impact of the coming water and oil shortages and the global energy crisis.

R and R Yeomans

Submission No. 1

§  Council should not take Sydney’s population growth as certain – facilities and services are not able to sustain further growth.

§  Believes the State Government has contempt for Sydney’s natural resources and no solutions to NSW’s infrastructure crisis.

§  Survey questions needed to allow for real comment on whether residents wanted growth and what types of housing they wanted.

Submission No. 2

§  Planning major renovations to our home but don’t want to do this if Council is going to allow inappropriate development into the area.

§  Although area is zoned Residential 2(b) believes the area would be protected by the LEP and DCP (both reiterate that development should be appropriate and in keeping with the character of the area).

§  We want Council to prevent the destruction of Dundas Valley and our quality of life.

§  Medium/high density should be along transport routes, nodes and around shops.

§  Concerned about inappropriate development approved in Carver Place – have lost confidence in Council that they will prevent inappropriate development.

Mrs A Connelly

§  Discussions by three tiers of government should take place to determine if Australia can support further immigration – already overcrowded with natural increase.

§  The number of developments in a street should be limited.

§  Concern about overdevelopment, creating ghettos, social problems and unsafe atmosphere.

§  Concern about design of medium/high density dwellings – needs to ensure privacy.

§  Concern about high density flats – unhealthy, unsafe and creates on-street parking.

§  Support appropriately designed double storey townhouses on main roads with access to adjoining side streets.

§  Single storey villas are more appropriate amongst houses with adequate provision for parking.

§  Support appropriately designed lifecycle housing.

§  Need houses with backyards for children.

§  Support government to supply infrastructure and services to country towns to attract the increase in city population.

Ms K S Mak

§  Encourage Council to build more units in our area, which includes our site (8 Hill Street, Wentworthville).

N and R Dreise

§  Our area (around Marsden Street) should be rezoned to high rise development. Area is old and needs to be updated. Residents don’t have the money to do this so redevelopment could be the answer.

G Pike

§  Increasing high density raises problems of increased local traffic and parking issues.

§  There is inaction by State rail and local authorities on the issue of the rail bridge at Bridge St – no vision to resolve traffic flow.

§  Wall to wall units in West Bridge Street are unattractive – clusters with park, green grass, and trees and shrubs are more attractive.

G Halton

§  Council should set up a committee to look at congestion of existing traffic in Winston Hills (7.30am-9am) especially on main exit points: Caroline Chisholm Drive into Old Windsor Road; Churchhill Drive into Windsor Road; Oakes Road into Old Windsor Road; and areas outside LGA like Langdon Road into Gooden Drive Baulkam Hills.

§  Because Winston Hills is a plateau increasing hard surfaces could increase flooding problems in lower areas.

§  Narrowness of bridge on Moxhams Road over Quarry Branch Creek and surrounding approaches are cause for further traffic concerns.

§  High/medium density should be near railway stations and CBD.

§  Survey concerns – Council is not a mass provider of jobs; Question 2(b) should be worded differently.

Mr and Mrs J Fenech

§  Too much medium density creating traffic congestion.

§  Medium density creates more pollution from more cars, general litter.

§  Non RDS issue – unsightly and smelly garbage areas; increase in transient population with increased medium density.

§  Demand for more electricity because of inappropriately designed dwellings.

§  Decrease in park and bushland areas/or appearance of such because of huge buildings.