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c/o Huntington Community Centre,

26, Strensall Road, Huntington,


Tel: 01904 470670


Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 4th October 2017 in Huntington Community Centre at 7:00pm

PRESENT: / Councillor D. Jobling – Chairman, Councillor D. Geogheghan-Breen, Councillor J. Shann, Councillor M. Duncanson, Councillor D. Smith, Councillor A. Hawxby, four members of the public and Lorraine Frankland (Parish Clerk) – in attendance
APOLOGIES: / Councillor G. Shann and Councillor J. Willis
CIRCULATION: / To all attendees, apologies and all other members of the Parish Council.
MINUTES PREPARED BY: / Lorraine Frankland
DATE (Draft): / 05/10/17

1.  To Note Apologies for Absence

Councillor J. Shann; absent due to annual leave

2.  To Receive Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (not previously declared) on any Items of Business

No such requests made.

3.  To Approve Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held 06/09/17

Minutes of 06/09/17 were approved as a true and accurate record signed and dated by Chairman.

4.  Planning Applications Considered 04/10/17

The following applications received from City of York Council were considered and below are the comments of the Planning Committee which have been forwarded to the Planning Directorate.

CYC Reference / Address / Description
Kirkview 4 Church Ln
York YO32 9RE / Replacement pitched roof with dormer in conservation area
Committee Comment: It would appear that this dormer extension is being undertaken as permitted development, the planning committee has the following concerns:
·  Firstly, whether the alterations are eligible as permitted development due to previous alteration to the roof height
·  It would appear that the roof was raised in the mid 1980’s if this is the case then the amount of space created by way of extension to the original building will be in excess of 50 cubic metres
·  The home owner has indicated that only a part of the glazing is to be obscure glazed and there was no indication to what level, it is the committees’ belief that all glazing would need to be to a minimum of level 3
·  It would appear that the building is closer to the boundary than the 7 metres recommended in the City of York Guidelines, it would appear to be approximately 3.75 metres from the boundary
·  It has been suggested that the property owner failed to contact neighbouring properties before work began and has not been forthcoming in answering/addressing their concerns.
17/02094/FUL / 16 Stephenson Close
York YO32 9GG / Single storey side and rear extensions and replacement driveway
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
17/02277/FUL / Bracken Hill North Ln Huntington
YO32 9SU / Erection of replacement dwelling
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
17/01940/FUL / Magnet 13 Julia Avenue
York YO32 9JR / Display of 3no. internally illuminated fascia signs,
1no. non-illuminated fascia, 1no. non-illuminated vinyl & 1no. non-illuminated totem signs
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
17/02142/FUL / Beechwood
Malton Road
York YO32 9TH / Replace pitch 25 with reception caravan and increase width of section of adjacent access road to
create temporary car and caravan parking for reception purposes
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
17/02263/FUL / Beechwood Grange Caravan Club Site Malton Road Huntington York YO32 9TH / Provision of additional 26no. serviced all-weather
pitches accessed by new tarmac road and installation of new service point with bin store,
water and drainage pump
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
17/01775/FUL / 22 Hopgrove Lane North
York YO32 9TF / Erection of 1no. dwelling following demolition of
existing dwelling
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
17/02203/FUL / 2 Lang Road Huntington
York YO32 9SD / Two storey side and single storey rear extensions
and canopy to front
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
17/02075/FUL / 17 Lea Way Huntington
York YO32 9PE / Part two storey part single storey side and rear
extension and dormers to front and rear
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
17/02204/FUL / Marks and Spencer Unit A Vangarde Way
York / Installation of 2no. 40ft refrigerated storage containers annually from 1st November to 31st January the following year
Committee Comment: B We have no objections

5.  CYC Decisions re: Planning Applications

CYC Reference / Address / Description / Decision
17/00954/OUTM / Land Adjacent Hopgrove Roundabout Beechwood
Hopgrove York / Outline planning application with all matters reserved for erection of petrol filling station, restaurant and 50-bedroom hotel with associated access, car parking and landscaping (resubmission) / Refused
14 Sept 2017
17/01797/FUL / 10 Riverside Crescent
Huntington York
YO32 9SY / Two storey side and single storey rear extensions and dormers to front to rear / Refused
15 Sept 2017
17/01777/FUL / 194 New Lane Huntington York
YO32 9PS / Two storey side and rear extension and single storey side and rear extension / Refused
28 Sept 2017
17/01940/FUL / 10 Kingsclere Huntington
YO32 9SF / Single storey side extension (resubmission) / Approved
29 Sept 2017
17/01897/ADV / Sainsburys Monks Cross Drive Huntington York
YO32 9LG / Display of 2no. internally illuminated replacement panel signs, 1no. non-illuminated replacement panel sign, 3no. replacement internally illuminated fascia signs, 1no. non-illuminated replacement welcome wall sign, 1no. new non-illuminated welcome wall sign and 1no. relocated non-illuminated welcome wall sign / Approved
29 Sept 2017
17/01942/FUL / Beechwood Grange Caravan Club Site
Malton Road
York YO32 9TH / Replacement of 5no. grass pitches with all-weather pitches, improvements to site entrance,
erection of building to form static wardens’ accommodation, demolition of an existing toilet
block and construct new, relocation of motor van waste point, service point dog wash, bin store, LPG gas tank enclosure, replacement workshop and covered store and repositioning of septic waste tank and pumps (resubmission) / Approved
4 Oct 2017

6.  Planning Enforcement Issues


7.  To Consider any other Planning and Green Belt related Issues:

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan was circulated to members and the next Neighbourhood Plan meeting is on 23/1017.

8.  To confirm date and time of next meeting.

To be held on Wednesday 18th October 2017 after Full Parish in Huntington Community Centre, 26 Strensall Road, Huntington, York YO32 9RH (pending the receipt of any planning applications).

Meeting closed at 8:00pm

Planning Committee Minutes – 04/10/17