Center/Classroom: / Teachers: / Week of:

(A) General Information

Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: / Key vocabulary:
Children will continue to learn about their classroom environment, routines, and classroom rules. We will begin our Second Step Curriculum, talking about problem solving, and will investigate the school bus. / 1.  school bus-autobus
2.  solutions-soluciones
3.  measure-medir
4.  brainstorm-ideas
Monday “To Do” List: / -  Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once.
-  Review Small Group Activity guides and gather/create materials.
-  Before introducing new materials or placing in centers, label shelves and containers with pictures and words in English/home languages.
-  Add photos of children to pictorial daily schedule.
-  Add photos of children to pictorial rules poster.
-  Take a picture of each child’s family to hang in their cubbies if you haven’t already done so.
Second Steps (SS) Week-
Support for Dual Language Learners: / Teacher/Assistant will read the same story in English and Spanish as often as possible. Create a bilingual Listening Center by inviting parents who speak Spanish or other languages to record themselves reading a book aloud in their home language. Bilingual teachers should speak to children in their home language as often as possible. All labels should be in English and Spanish, using the color BLACK for English and the color BLUE for Spanish. Any other languages spoken by the children in the classroom should be included as often as possible.
Family/ Community Involvement: / We are beginning to use our Second Step learning program, which teaches your child important skills. Your child will gain skills to help them become better learners, to understand and manage their feelings, to make and keep friends, and to solve problems. Look for the Home Links that will be sent home so you can engage with your child in this wonderful learning opportunity!
Children will be coming home with notes to show how they were following the classroom rules. Celebrate with your child!
Ask the parents to come in and share songs/stories with the class.

(B) Materials to Enhance Children’s Play

Blocks / Dramatic Play / Toys and Games
Unit blocks (3-4 different shapes), Cardboard blocks, animals or people, informational book with illustrations of simple buildings and structures, paper and colored pencils, photos of bridges or buildings.
Add: Pictures of buildings in the neighborhood. / Cups, plates, utensils, tablecloth, play food, dress-up clothes and accessories for boys and girls, baby dolls (ethnicities of children in class), doll clothes, writing materials and pads, 2 telephones, small telephone book.
Add: books about homes and families, menus / Colored teddy bears, tongs, duplos, magna tiles, pegged puzzles, wooden framed puzzles, nesting cups, pegs & pegboards, lotto, collection of buttons, clipboard with paper and pencil, and number/counting books.
Add: unifix cubes.
Art / Library/Writing / Discovery/Science
Finger or tempera paint (2 colors), paintbrushes, palette for paints, cardboard, smocks, collage materials, glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils, cardstock, pipe cleaners, chalk, paper, playdough (1 color), dough tools, cutter.
Add: scissors, masking tape, staplers, glue bottles, markers, and container for scrap pieces of paper. / This week’s small group books, books about school, families, friendships, alphabet and numbers, flannel board and pieces, unlined paper, letter stamps, envelopes, pens, pencils.
Add: listening center with 2 headphones and book. / Collection of natural materials (leaves, rocks, sticks, etc), plant, balance scale, magnifying glass, mirrors, books with a variety of textures, small clipboards, paper, colored pencils, and magazines.
Add: books about plants.
Sand and Water / Music and Movement / Computers
Pails, shovels, molds, cups of different sizes, spoons, funnels, clear bottles, smocks, towel, child sized dust pan and broom.
Add: sieves and tubes. / Scarves, tambourines, maracas, Second Step CD, IMIL CD, and Kids In Motion CD.
Add: beanbags and egg shakers / Two computers, four chairs, mouse, timer, sign-up list.
Outdoors / Cooking
Sand box with buckets and shovels, water table, play structure, balls, colored paper and chalk, variety of books, foam blocks, drinking water, and 3 classroom rules poster.
Add: bikes and helmets, jump ropes, and hula hoops.

(C) Group Experiences

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /
Opening Circle
Closing Circle / Arrival: Attendance graph –graphing board with “home/school” columns and children’s name/picture cards. Teach children how to use the board.
Puzzles and paper with crayons on tables.
Opening Circle: Play “Something Good” & Second Step CD – Welcome Song
Briefly revisit attendance graph – Place the names of any absent children in the column for “home.”Are more people at home or at school?
Second Step Puppet Script – Welcoming
Review the daily schedule and classroom rules – continue throughout the day.
Transition: Second Step Brain Builder – Follow Along. Play the game a few times as a group and then dismiss children as you continue with each movement.
Music/Movement: Swing and Sway (IMIL) #7, Bean Bag Boogie (with bean bags).
Relaxation: Second Step Brain Builder – Follow Along with stretching motions. Practice the balloon breath and stretch.
Transition: A Tip for a Tap (Transition Magician pg. 75)
Closing Circle: Acknowledge children for following the 3 classroom rules. Let children share examples of what they did to follow the caring rules. Sing your favorite good-bye song.
Use the Second Step “The Clean Up Song” during clean-up transitions throughout the day. / Arrival: Paper and scissors, puzzles, unifix cubes.
Opening Circle: Play “Something Good” & Second Step CD – Welcome Song
Attendance graph – Have names available in a basket and encourage children to add them to the graph as they come to circle. Point out any changes from yesterday. (Ex. Xavier was at home yesterday, but today he is at school.)
Second Step Story and Discussion – Welcoming
Review the daily schedule and classroom rules – continue throughout the day.
Transition: Guess Again If You Can (Transition Magician pg. 38)
Music/Movement: Mix It All Up (IMIL) #5, School Family (introduce egg shakers and use with song).
Relaxation: Second Step Brain Builder – Follow Along with stretching motions. Practice the star breath and stretch.
Transition: Second Step Brain Builder – Follow Along. Play the game a few times as a group and then dismiss children as you continue with each movement.
Closing Circle: Bring out bike helmet and let children share the parts of the helmet. Acknowledge examples you saw of children following bike safety and the classroom rules.
Use the Second Step “The Clean Up Song” during clean-up transitions throughout the day. / Arrival: Puzzles, paper with markers, pegs and pegboards.
Opening Circle: Play “Something Good” & Second Step CD – Welcome Song
Attendance graph – Have names available in a basket and encourage children to add them to the graph as they sit down for circle. Point out any changes from yesterday.
Second Step Skill Practice Activity 1 – Meet and Greet
Review the daily schedule and classroom rules – continue throughout the day.
Transition: Dismiss children by something they’re wearing or a special physical attribute.
Music/Movement: Animal Action 1, Bean Bag Boogie
Relaxation: Second Step Brain Builder – Follow Along with stretching motions. Practice the drain breath and stretch.
Transition: A Tip for a Tap (Transition Magician pg. 75)
Closing Circle: Refer to classroom rules. Ask children how they took care of themselves, each other, and their things today? Sing your favorite good-bye song.
Use the Second Step “The Clean Up Song” during clean-up transitions throughout the day. / Arrival: Attendance graph/sign-in – Encourage children to add their names to the graph during arrival. Encourage children to use name cards to write own name. Point out anything different from the rest of the week.
Puzzles, dark paper with chalk, magna tiles on tables.
Opening Circle: Play “Something Good” & Second Step CD – Welcome Song
Introduce and post the voice volume card (mouse, cat, lion): Teach when/where to use each one. Use visual cues for examples (i.e. bus, outside, circle, mealtime, etc) and let children practice.
Review the daily schedule and classroom rules – continue throughout the day.
Transition: Second Step Brain Builder – Follow Along. Play the game a few times as a group and then dismiss children as you continue with each movement.
Music/Movement: School Family with egg shakers, Icky Sticky Bubblegum
Relaxation: Second Step Brain Builder – Follow Along with stretching motions. Practice the pretzel breath and stretch.
Transition: Guess Again If You Can (Transition Magician pg. 38)
Closing Circle: Review the voice volume card (mouse, cat, lion). Prepare children for their next day of school. Sing your favorite good-bye song.
Use the Second Step “The Clean Up Song” during clean-up transitions throughout the day.
Read-Alouds / Group 1: Bike Safety related book
Group 2: Talk and Work It Out – only read pages 1-15. Ask questions from page 32 as you read. / Group 1: Talk and Work It Out – only read pages 1-15. Ask questions from page 32 as you read.
Group 2: Bike Safety related book / Group 1: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (or other bus related story)
Group 2: Second Step Book – We All Sing With the Same Voice, Froggy Goes to School, or Have You Filled a Bucket Today? / Group 1: Second Step Book – We All Sing With the Same Voice, Froggy Goes to School, or Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
Group 2: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (or other bus related story)
Small-Group Activity / Group 1: Bike Helmet Mystery Bag – Take turns feeling in the bag and guessing what’s inside. Pull out and introduce the bike helmet. Have children share what it’s used for. Show them the strap, pads, buckle. Talk about bike safety and how we take care of ourselves, others, and our things.
Take children outside and practice using bikes. Discuss bike safety and rules, and how we take care of our things.
Group 2: Brainstorming – Write problem situations that occur in the classroom that children can relate to. Read the scenario then say, “Let’s brainstorm solutions to the problem.” Chart children’s responses (refer to activity on page 35 of Talk and Work It Out). / Group 1: Brainstorming – Write problem situations that occur in the classroom that children can relate to. Read the scenario then say, “Let’s brainstorm solutions to the problem.” Chart children’s responses (refer to activity on page 35 of Talk and Work It Out).
Group 2: Bike Helmet Mystery Bag: Invite children to take turns feeling in the bag and guessing what’s inside. Pull out and introduce the bike helmet. Have children share what it’s used for. Show them the strap, pads, buckle. Talk about bike safety and how we take care of ourselves, others, and our things.
Take children outside and practice using bikes. Discuss bike safety and rules, and how we take care of our things. / Group 1: Investigating the Bus & Practicing our Drill – Generate a list of things for children to find or investigate: how many windows, how many seats, measure the tires, measure the length of the bus by holding hands, etc. Then practice the evacuation drill per procedure. Have your center staff assist this small group to ensure two staff.
Group 2: Second Step Skill Practice Activity 2 – Classroom Tour / Group 1: Second Step Skill Practice Activity 2 – Classroom Tour
Group 2: Investigating the Bus & Practicing our Drill – Generate a list of things for children to find or investigate: how many windows, how many seats, measure the tires, measure the length of the bus by holding hands, etc. Then practice the evacuation drill per procedure. Have your center staff assist this small group to ensure two staff.
Special Activities / Tangible Acknowledgement System: / Free Exploration Choice Activity: Introduction to Listening Center (refer to Small Group Activity guide) / Free Exploration Choice Activity: Introduction to Tape & Scissors (refer to Small Group Activity guide) / Free Exploration Choice Activity: Introduction to Glue & Staplers (refer to Small Group Activity guide)
Outside / Inclement Weather Plan: / Introduce system for taking turns with bikes (timer, list, etc). / Second Step Brain Builder – Follow Along. Use large body movements.

Individual Child Planning Form

Center/Classroom: / Teachers: / Week of:
Focus Date / Child’s
Name / School Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s) / Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) / Why Chosen?
(IFSP, TS Gold Report, family input, conference goal, etc.) / Strategy/Activity
NOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.
Example: 1. Routine – activity, state how you are individualizing for this child. / Possible small-group? / CHECK when implemented
Soc-Emotional / Approaches to Learning / Language & Literacy / Cogn./ Gen. Knowledge / Physical

IFSP Child Planning

Child’s Name / IFSP Goals / Classroom Plan: What’s the Activity/Who’s Supporting the Child

*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.

*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist

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