North Central Community Collaborative
“We are a network of resources and services as well as a forum for advocacy and education aimed
towards empowering youth and families within our community”
Monthly Meeting
March 6th, 2013
In attendance: Patricia Anderson, CT Dept of Education; Sincilina Beckett, Family Life/Wheeler; Maribet Carrion, Community Health Network; Ryan Cichowski, Wheeler Clinic; Carol Desovich, Parent; Jennifer Hope, CHR-FFT; Mary Hryniewicz, Parent; Martine Kennedy, Parent; Ginny Lawless, CHR; Nick Lebron, FAVOR; Andrea Mashiak, EYS; Steven Maznidi, Parent; Jatna Nova-Tapia, CHR; David A Okae, Parent; Lori O’Neil, Suffield Public Schools; Betsy Palmer-Ehrenfeld, The Village; Kimberly Pepice, Wheeler Clinic; Paul Ross, Suffield Public Schools; Aisha Stephens, The Village; Patricia Vega-Dones, NAFI, CT; Doriana Vicedomini, chair/parent; Jillian Webber, The Village; Troy Williams, CT Behavioral Health Partnership
1.Welcome and Introductions
- Thank you to Betsy Palmer-Ehrenfeld, Jillian Webber,Aisha Stephens, from The Village, for providing the refreshments.
- Thank you to Ginny Lawless, CHR, for providing the copies.
2.Approval of Prior Month Meeting Minutes
- The February minutes were reviewed and approved.
3.Parents Concerns.
- Jillian Webber, The Village, is looking for summer camp ideas (day or overnight) which could support a child with autism (Aspergers). The family lives in Enfield. Recommendations were:
- FOCUS Center for Autism - - in Canton, CT – 860-693-8809.
- Easter Seals -
- JCC in Springfield MA -
- Camp CONNRI through the Salvation Army -
4.Care Coordination Needs/Update
- No Care Coordination Needs at this time.
5.CHR Reporting
- No CHR Reporting at this time.
6.CTBHP Update
- No CTBHP Update at this time.
- CBHAC, Children’s Behavioral Health Advisory Committee
The application went in on Friday for the Systems of Care Expansion Grant. CT is lined up to get it this time. It is a one year planning grant from the Federal Government with the hopes of funding the Collaboratives.
Nick Lebron, FAVOR, thanked all those who completed surveys for this grant. They collected close to 300 surveys statewide.
- CAAC, Connecticut Autism Action Coalition
The Autism Feasibility Study is out but not officially released. The DDS Commissioner, Terrence Macy, would like to have a Kick Off Meeting at the Autism Awareness Day at the Capital on April 3rd. It has been an intensive one year study on Autism in CT - the services, numbers, etc. There are recommendations with some money behind it for pilot programs.
8.Old Business
- No Old Business at this time.
9.New Business
- April 3rd Meeting – Same date as the Autism Awareness Day at the State Capital
The April 3, 2013 NCCC Collaborative meeting will be cancelled and members are encouraged to go and bring families to the Autism Awareness Day and the CT State Capital on April 3rdfrom 10am – Noon
- MonthlyTopic – Student Success Plans – Dr. Patricia Anderson, State Department of Education – coordinator Lori O’Neill, Suffield Public Schools
Dr. Patricia Anderson
Exhibit 1 – Presentation slides
Exhibit 2 – Student Success Plan Framework, Six Critical Skills that Form the Foundation for 21st Century Success
Exhibit 3 – Student Success Plan Mission and Overview, Aligning SSPs with IEPs, SOPs, 504s and IHPs
Student Success Plans (SSPs/Individualized Learning Plans) is a general education initiative in CT – PA11-135. Beginning July 2012, every student in grades 6 – 12 must have a SSP. It is designed to help with Transition planning. Need to look at everything through a transition lens to be able to build on those skills to be able to move to adulthood.
Under Special Ed for those with IEPS, the Summary of Performance (SOP) is a document when a child exits which looks at their academic and functional performance and their needs for learning/employment. They take it with them to an employer/school explaining what they need at the next level. It is completed towards the end of the last year.
SSPs are usually completed through the school’s counseling office using Naviance/Career Cruising software. Need to keep children engaged in their learning experience so they see what they need to do to get where they want to go. It is teaching children a process – what they want to do in 6th grade probably will change over time. It’s a career planning process – what do I want to do, how do I achieve it, am I good at it, what job can I do with it, etc. Over time it compiles the students best work – keep work in a file.
SSPs should be student driven with parents having input to it. It is important to have a caring adult who relates to them. The Advisor Model is where every adult has a small group of kids they are responsible for. Encourage the children to job shadow, get an internship, etc.
SSPs must be reviewed annually and discussed as a team. SSPs should be reviewed at a separate meeting from the PPT meeting. The SSP team can be different from the PPT team.
- good way to look up different jobs available for specific interests.
SERC is sponsoring a conference on May 17th at the UCONN Campus called “Preparing for the Road Ahead: Helping Students Transition to College and Careers”. There are 3 tracks during the day – parents, students, counselors). It will talk about education, employment and independent living skills.
For referral for Special Education, send in writing “I want my child evaluated for Special Ed Services”. Send the letter by certified mail to as many people within the school system as you can. The school has 5 days to respond to set up an initial PPT. The 2nd PPT should review the results of the evaluation. If parents need to they can file a complaint. For more information on this, parents should review the “Parents Guide to Special Education” -
There are 3 disabilities school districtshave the ability to diagnose – Intellectual Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Speech and Language. They may diagnose, for educational purposes, ADHD and Autism but those are medical diagnosis so you cannot get an actual diagnoseof ADHD and Autism without an outside professional.
11.General Announcements
- Exhibit 4. Transition Fair, April 4th from 6pm – 8pm at the East Granby Middle School. This fair is sponsored by East Granby, Granby, Suffield, & Windsor Locks Public Schools.
Next Meeting:
May 1st, 2012
Saint Francis Care Medical Office Building
7 Elm Street, Enfield, CT
Community Room Suite 301 – 3rd Floor
The following minutes respectively submitted by Diane Reynolds, Collaborative Admin.
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3
Exhibit 4