Please use the attached guidelines to help you complete this course/programme end of year review and then forward it directly to you Head of Division by 15th July 2011. The final course review document will be signed of following confirmation of achievements during the autumn term. These results will also form part of the first in-year review.

Funding Stream / SFA FCR Other
Course Title (s) / L2 Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair / Notional level:2 / End of Course Review Meeting Attendees:
Paul Simmonds
Tim Warner
Paul Brown
Graham Small
Course Code (s) / 2418 / AgeRange
16 - 25
Main Learning aim if more than one qualification is part of the course / 50098184 / Awarding Body
IMI Awards Ltd
1.1 How well did students achieve/ succeed in 2010-2011
Key Strength / Area for Improvement / Evidence / Source
1.1.1 Low Achievement rates
1.1.1a Low retention rates / 1.1.1 Achievement for L1 is at 80% (new QCF course)
1.1.1a Retention for this year is 65% / Pro-achieve
1.2 How well did students achieve/succeed functional skills and other additional qualifications
Key Strength / Area for Improvement / Evidence / Source
1.2.1 Poor success rates / Pro-achieve
1.3 How well do students have the knowledge and understanding to enable them to make informed choices about Health and Well being? Please state how you have supported your students to achieve this. (please refer to the guidance notes of the inspectors hand book page 48)
1.3 Students received Healthy living sessions in tutorials; Induction to H&S was given at the beginning of the program and reinforced through delivery of the unit. Large reductions on gym membership was organised by staff member; this was well received and students continue to attend.
1.4 How well do students make a positive contribution to the community? Please give examples of any community projects your students have been involved in
1.4 The centre has opened itself up to a local car enthusiasts club (Bexhill 100). The members use the facilities for their club meetings and allow students to become involved in classic restoration projects and community events. Many students have become junior members of the club and this enriches their full-time studies. Local businesses were invited to attend an end of year BBQ organised by students to come and see the work that they were doing.
2.1 Proposed Targets for 2011 -2012 for Main Qualification
Enrolment target after 6 weeks (This must match with the targets set in the curriculum plan) / Attendance target % / 10/11 Success rate % / NA uplifted by 4% / 11/12 Success rate target / Retention rate target % / Achievement rate target % / Progression* / Destination target
2 x 16 / 90 / 52 / N/A / 76 / 80 / 95 / 30 / HE / FE / EMP / Other
50% / 40% / 10%

*Please include predicted progression to year 2 or relevant level

3.1 Staff Views collected over the academic year 2011-2012
What has gone well this year?
3.1.1 The majority of students that achieved this year progressed into FE or employment. / What has gone not so well?
3.1.1a Student retention was low partially due to some students needing to find fulltime employment (3) and partially due to wrong course level selected at interview.
Students Views: Please include reference to how safe they feel
What has gone well this year?
3.2.1Students have enjoyed the practical hands on approach and appreciate the relevant industrial experience of the lecturing staff. They enjoy working in a realistic garage environment. / What has gone not so well?
3.2.1a The lack of some college (non-subject related) facilities that can be associated with a satellite centre. For example the lack of a canteen/refectory facility.
Employers Views
What has gone well this year?
The employers that have taken on level 2 students are happy with the skill and knowledge that they have acquired whilst on the course. / What has gone not so well?
External Verifier/Moderators comments/report
What has gone well this year?
3.4.1 Quality of Portfolio’s
3.4.2 Progress made from last year
3.4.3 IV records to good standard, constructive advice given
3.4.4 Pleased with standard achieved on the NEW qualifications / What has gone not so well?
3.4.1a Industrial CPD of staff
4.1 Additional Learning Support
Key Strength / Area for Improvement / Evidence / Source
Please provide examples where Additional Learning Support has ensured that the students have achieved their qualification / Areas to develop ALS and teaching staff working together
4.1.2 On line exams – 1:1 readers used. Exam success. / 4.1.2a Schemes of work / lesson plans
4.1.2b More involvement in team meetings
4.1.2c Student progress reports
4.2 Tutorial Curriculum
Key Strength / Area for Improvement / Evidence / Source
4.2 Variety of guest speakers / 4.2a General knowledge of curriculum staff delivering tutorials / Student engagement
1:1 feedback / Tutorial forms
4.3 Enrichment
Key Strength / Area for Improvement / Evidence / Source
4.3.1 Student involvement in Bexhill 100 restoration project (Spitfire) Contribution to community, team building,confidence building
4.3.2 Banger racing trip, team building, confidence building.
4.3.3 It’s a knock-out trip. Health & well-being, team building / 4.3.1a More Curriculum related trips / Enrichment board displayed at MV Centre displaying events, photos, etc. / Enrichment board displayed at Centre
5.1 The Quality of Teaching and Learning
Lesson Observation Grade Profile for the Department (All staff on teacher training; no profile available)
Grade / Number / %
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
% Good or Better
Key Strength / Area for Improvement / Evidence / Source
5.2 Assessment and Monitoring
Key Strength / Area for Improvement / Evidence / Source
5.2.1 Regular assessments illustrate progress made by students and areas of work to be covered and supported / 5.2.1a Learner driven assessment dates / 5.2.1 Tracking grids
5.2.1a assessment timetable / Portfolios
IMI schedule
5.3 Equality and Diversity
Enrolled 10/11 / Target enrolment 11/12 / Success Rate 10/11 / Target Success Rate 11/12
No / % / No / % / No / % / No / %
Male 16-18 / 34 / 78 / 36 / 82 / 32 / 52% / 35 / 76%
Female 16-18 / 2 / 12 / 5 / 11 / 0 / --- / 4 / 75%
Total / 36 / 42 / 32 / 39
Male 19+ / 4 / 10% / 3 / 7 / 3 / 75% / 3 / 100%
Female 19+ / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0 / 0 / --- / --- / -----
Total / 4 / 3 / 3 / 3
Please attach MIS Ethnicity data table
Key Strength / Area for Improvement
5.3.1 Good results across both age groups, 2 female learners / 5.3.1a Under-representation of female learners. Although there are 2 female learners
6.1 How suitable are the resources – please include staff, room and equipment in your judgements
Key Strength / Area for Improvement / Evidence / Source
6.1.1 Excellent well equipped industry standard workshops, a good supply and variety of vehicles. New industry standard tooling, good support through trade suppliers. Latest Interactive software aids effective teaching and learning (including personal home copy for self development of learners). Staffed by industry specialists with recent up to date experience and local knowledge of trade. / 6.1.1a Staff to engage in effective CPD within local dealerships. / 6.1.1 EV report / EV report
6.2 Staff Development needs of the team
6.2.1a The team need to engage with local dealerships to develop diagnostic technical skills using the latest techniques. Keeping up to date with the latest technologies and theories.
7.1 Action Plan
Course Title(s) / L2 Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance and repair / Curriculum Leader / Paul Simmonds
(Centre Manager)
Area for Improvement / Action(s)
Please ensure you cover any areas for improvement from 1.1 how well do students achieve and 5.3 Equality and Diversity. Then select the areas for improvement that the team will be concentrating on to make the biggest impact of the student experience and improved success rates/high grades / Who / When / Progress
1.1.1 Low Achievement rates
1.1.1a Low retention rates
1.2.1 Poor success rates / Increase to 85% by July 2012
Ensure students are on correct course at the start of there learning.
See combination of above. / P.S. / July 2012
3.4a Industrial CPD of staff / All staff to have 3 days evidenced CPD by July 2012 / P.S., P.B., T.W., O.M.,
G.S. / July 2012 / P.S & G.S evidenced CPD
4.1.2a Schemes of work / lesson plans
4.1.2b More involvement in team meetings
4.1.2c Student progress reports / Greater involvement of ALS staff into planning.
More regular standardisation meetings. / P.S / December 2012
5.3.1a Under-representation of female learners. / Increase opportunities for female learners.
Ensure where possible materials are diverse / P.S / March 2012
7.2 Improvement Plan
L2 Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance and repair
Course Code(s)
2415 / Curriculum Leader:
Paul Simmonds
Reason for the improvement Lack of progression to L3
Action / Who / When
Investigate opportunity and costs/equipment/space requirements to develop L3 programme / P.S / March 2012
Expected Outcome from the improvement
Opportunity to allow L2 progression to L3 qualification in Motor Vehicle