14th September 2016
Dear Parent(s)/Student(s),
Prince Henry’s High School Music Department 8 day tour to
Northern Italy – Lake Garda
17th-24thJuly 2017
This year the Music Department are embarking on their fifth European Music Tour this time to Lake Garda, Italy. This promises to be a very exciting experience for all involved which we are very much looking forward to.
This letter is to explain a little about the tour and to invite you and your parents to an information evening.
We propose to take approximately 54 music students and 6 staff on an 8 day Music Tour to Lake Garda, Italy. We are looking for versatile musicians who perform music in established ensembles either in or out of school, or who are willing to get involved.
We will be travelling with a specialist Music Tour company called ‘Musica Europa’. We have worked with this company several times and have thoroughly enjoyed the tours that they have organised. The concert venues have been fantastic, accommodation very comfortable, and the tour guides very professional.
We will be leavingschool on Monday 17th July 2017 by coach arriving at Lake Garda, the following day. We will be arriving back Prince Henry’s on the evening of Monday 24th July 2017.
There will be a full itinerary of concerts and activities. We will be performing in various beautiful locations and participating and performing mass in Saint Mark’s Basilica, Venice. As well as the opportunity to perform to possibly hundreds of people around the shores of Lake Garda and the surrounding area, the students will visit many places of interest including; Venice, Verona, Gardaland Theme Park, and attend an Opera in the world famous Arena in Verona.
The cost of the tour will be £995. This will include; P O Ferry crossing – Dover/Calais, five nights Bed & Breakfast accommodation at the Hotel Gardesano, Bussolengo, lunch and dinner on 3 evenings in the hotel and three evening meals out, entrance to Gardaland theme park and tickets to see the Opera Aida in Verona. A £100 deposit will be required by Friday 30thSeptember to secure your son/daughter a place.
To find out more about this fantastic opportunity please come along to an information evening where we will discuss the Music Tour in more detail and watch DVD footage of past tours to Munich, Bavaria and Barcelona.
The evening will be held in the Evesham Arts Centre on Monday 19th September at 7.00pm. We expect to finish at about 8.00pm – 8.15pm.
Further information about the tour companyMusica-Europa, can be found on their website at:
We look forward to seeing you at the information evening.
Yours sincerely,
Mr P BullasMiss N Heywood
Director of MusicAssistant head of Music
To be returned to the Music Department
Prince Henry’s High School Music Department 8 day tour to
Northern Italy – Lake Garda
17th-24th July 2017
Information Evening
Student: ...... Form: ......
I would like to come to the information evening on Monday 19thSeptember in the Evesham Arts Centre starting at 7.00 pm
Signed: ...... Date: ......