French Syllabus Madame Alarcón 3/4
Français langue étrangère
Course description:
Bienvenueá le premier niveau du cours de la langue Française. You are about to begin an exciting journey through language that focuses on three main areas: 1) Linguistics – this includes phonetics, auditory recognition, enunciation, grammar, and vocabulary; 2) Culture – this will draw upon cultural indicators from the entire Francophone community but will focus on France and French culture (arts, music, social life, education, gastronomy, politics etc.); 3) Expression – it is the aim of the instructor to cultivate an environment that encourages students to be comfortable and capable in expressing themselves in the French language.
High standards of academic excellence will also be central to success in this class. Yet the approach to scholarship incorporates fun ways of learning that are simultaneously rigorous and memorable.
Your grade distribution will be as follows:
· Journal writing - Students will be required to keep a journal. A composition notebook is needed for this assignment. Journal writing is daily and students will be graded on journals.
· Participation - includes both involvement in class activities as well as conduct during class.
· Essays – Periodic essays of 2 or more pages will be assigned.
· Mini-projects – these assignments range from in-class group work to longer-termed assignments that may be group or individual.
· Major class projects – two will be given per year. One in the Fall and another in the Spring
· Tests/Quizzes - Quizzes will be given at least once a week in order to evaluate progress. Tests are counted as two grades and may be given every other week (2wk intervals).
· Homework - homework will be given daily and must be submitted at the beginning of the class period.
· **extra credit** - opportunities to earn extra credit will be given. (Example: bonus question on tests, etc.)
· ABSENCES – If a student is absent, he or she must bring documentation for the absence. If an assignment is given during the absence the grade will temporarily be marked as a “Z”. The student has 3 class sessions upon return to make up the work before it becomes an “F” for failure to complete the assignment.
1. Listening - Comprehension of authentic materials (videos, movies, songs, etc.), conversations in French, teacher’s directions in French.
2. Reading - Learn French vocabulary, use French-English dictionaries, read and comprehend short articles and stories in French.
3. Speaking - Learn pronunciation and intonation, ask questions, give answers, participate in conversations, give oral presentations in French.
4. Grammar - Learn basic grammar structures, utilize learned grammar in listening, reading, speaking, and writing in French.
5. Writing - Write compositions, relate events in a journal, answer questions about written materials in French.
6. Culture - Learn the geography and customs of France.
Late work policy: Generally, late work is not acceptable nor encouraged. However homework assignments may be submitted during the next class following the missed assignment and it must be submitted at the beginning of class. In addition, student must fill out a form indicating the missed assignment and this will be stapled to the folder. If a student fails to submit the assignment during the make-up period, the grade will result in a zero.
Academic honesty:
Intellectual honesty is essential to the quality of your work. Cheating will also severely affect your overall performance. All papers submitted must be original work. If you cheat, plagiarize, submit work (or a portion of work) that is not your original work, talk during tests, or tamper with grades you will automatically fail the assignment.
1. ALWAYS SHOW RESPECT – Both to the instructor as well as to the fellow students and to yourself. The classroom is a space of mutual respect and a positive attitude is always appreciated.
2. NO EXCESS CONVERSATION/DISTRACTIONS – To ensure the optimal learning environment, silence is golden. Excess conversation takes away from some student’s ability to concentrate; therefore socializing during class is prohibited. Students will be graded on conduct and class participation. Excess talking can lower this grade.
3. NO USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES DURING CLASS – This is a school policy. If a student is texting or otherwise using portable electronic devices during class the item will be collected and turned into the school administrators.
4. NO CURSING OR USE OF THREATENING LANGUAGE – Once again, this is a space of optimal learning and this language does not belong in the classroom.
5. BE PROMPT AND ALERT – Once the tardy bell rings students should be at their desks ready to work – unless a note accompanies their tardy. Additionally once in class sleeping is not allowed. If a student falls asleep in class they will receive an “F” for the day in participation and may be asked to leave the classroom.
6. HAVE FUN – This is a language class with high academic standards, however I would like for you to enjoy language and exposure to French life. This will be a great year – if you make it that way, but a person can only get out of education what he or she puts into education!!!
Required Supplies:
2 notebooks; red, green, and black pen; No. 2 pencil;
Note/Index cards
French/English dictionary
Schmitt, Conrad J.. Bienvenue: Glencoe French (**provided**)
Recommended Books:
501 French Verbs* very important text