Youth Ministry
St. Bernard Catholic Church
Frenchtown, Indiana
St. Michael Catholic Church
Bradford, Indiana
2016 - 2017
St. Bernard Catholic Church in Frenchtown
Faith Formation Office
7600 Hwy 337 NW
Depauw, IN 47115
St. Michael Catholic Church in Bradford
Faith Formation Office
11400 Farmers Lane NE
Greenville, Indiana 47124
Fr. Aaron Pfaff
Director of Religious Education/Youth Ministry Coordinator
John Jacobi
Faith Formation Office Hours:
St. Bernard Church:Fridays – 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
St. Michael Church:Monday – Thursday - 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Phone Numbers:
Faith Formation Offices:812-364-6173 Ext 101 or 812-946-0873
Web Page
Fax:812-347-2172 – St. Bernard Church
812-364-6614 – St. Michael Church
Parish Office:812-347-2326 – St. Bernard Church
812-364-6646 St. Michael Church
“Go out to all nations and baptize them
in the name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. Teach them to carry out
everything I have commanded you, and
know that I am with you always, until
the end of the world”
- Matthew 28:19-20
In this commissioning of the Disciples by Jesus, He gave the Church the constant task of proclaiming to all people the everlasting Gospel. Jesus’ intent was that when He founded the Church, it should exist for all generations until He comes again. The purpose of the Church is not only to proclaim the Gospel Message, but to empower it’s members to service for each other through it’s sacramental life. One very important way to spread the Gospel is through Youth Ministry.
“Youth Ministry is the response of the Christian Community to the needs of young people, and the sharing of the unique gifts of the larger community” (A Vision of Youth Ministry, USCCB). The youth are a very important aspect of our Church. The youth of our faith community are the future leaders and guardians of the Gospel and Holy Traditions of the Church. If our Catholic tradition is to speak to the young people of today, we must be able to develop programs that address their needs, concerns, and questions, not only about the faith but also about life itself.
The philosophy of Catholic Youth Ministry is based on the belief that a youth ministry program must address not only the social aspects of a young person’s life, but also the spiritual, psychological, and educational aspects. It is a ministry rooted in relationships. The aim of Catholic Youth Ministry is to help a young person to examine and experience the power and joy that their Catholic Faith has for them.
The responsibility of ministering to the youth rests not just with one individual, but with the whole faith community. The commitment to the youth is a vital need and great responsibility that the Church cannot ignore. A Vision of Youth Ministry states that youth ministry is TO the youth when the gifts, talents, and resources of the adult community are utilized in meeting the needs of young people. It is WITH youth when the youth share the responsibility, along with the adult community, in carrying out the mission of the Church. Youth Ministry is BY the youth when the youth draw upon their gifts and talents to minister, support, and evangelize to their peers and the community. Finally, it becomes FOR the youth when those who work directly with the youth serve as advocates and interpret the needs and concerns of the youth to the community. True Ministry duplicates itself.
If the Church follows the command of her founder to “go out and teach all nations,” then we will begin to become “church with young people” and will make disciples of them so that they will be able to carry out the Mission of the Church.
Youth Ministry Works to Foster the Total Personal and Spiritual Growth of Each Young Person.
Youth Ministry Seeks to Draw Young People to Responsible Participation in the Life, Mission, and Work of the Church.
Youth Ministry Empowers Young People to Become Disciples of Jesus Christ, Who Witness to Their Faith by Living and Working for Justice, Peace, and Human Dignity.
Source: A Vision of Youth Ministry, United States Catholic Conference
Faith Formation Program
OurHigh School Faith Formation Program process is a diversified program that tries to cover a variety of topics that are important to the faith development of young people. The program offers young people a variety of opportunities to explore and learn about their faith. It also challenges each young person to become involved in the life of the parish. Catechesis is one of the eight components of youth ministry and a very important part of a young person’s faith development. The themes that we will cover over a four year period are as follows.....
Catholic Faith & IdentityScripture
PrayerPersonal Growth & Sexuality
Christian LeadershipMorality
JesusPeace & Justice
Liturgy and SacramentsCreed
Any high school youth seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation must be enrolled in the Faith Formation Program. We invite anyone in high school that has not already celebrated the sacrament to prepare for the sacrament of confirmation. The goal of this program is to enable a young person to continue to work to establish a relationship with God and his or her church community, and to be called into active participation within that community. We prepare youth for the Sacrament of Confirmation every other year. We will celebrate the Sacrament of confirmation next in the Spring of 2018.
Child Abuse
Child Abuse is of serious concern to us as a community. Parents need to be informed that, consistent with parish, archdiocesan policy and state laws, parish catechetical staff has a moral and legal duty to comply with the law to ensure the welfare of a child. Common policy is that any staff member or catechist who suspects a child may be the victim of child abuse will notify the DRE who will then notify the Child protective services, the pastor, and the Archdiocese. All Catechists have read and signed the Code of Conduct established by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis in light of their policy on Child Abuse, “To Be Safe and Secure. In addition, all volunteers who have regular contact with children and youth are asked to have a back ground check run on them. Also the Archdiocese of Indianapolis makes of the ongoing training process entitled “Safe and Sacred” to help volunteers recognize signs of abuse. Lastly, we will continue to use the “Circle of Grace” program to help our children be aware and protect themselves from certain situations. If you have questions about this process please call the Faith Formation Office. We must all work together to assure the safety of our children and always remember that we must remember victims, our Church, and our Church leadership in our prayers.
- provides opportunities in which young people can examine and reflect on what it means to be Catholic and it fits into their daily lives.
- provides opportunities in which young people can reflect on the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ and apply that message to their daily lives.
- brings young people together to discuss and examine current issues and topics.
- provides a forum to confidently share individual thoughts, emotions, and ideas so that they will have the opportunity to examine and develop their own identity.
- provides social, service, and faith formation opportunities in which young people can connect with Catholics within and outside the parish as well as connecting with other Christians.
- provides stewardship opportunities through which young people can use their time and talent so that they may be a part of parish life.
- encourages young people to share and celebrate their faith lives with their families and in the world.
Examples of Youth Ministry Events:
Youth Activities TeamNational Conferences (NCYC)Lock-Ins
Indiana Catholic Youth ConferenceRetreatsBasketball
Kings IslandHoliday WorldYouth Mass
Laser TagCedarPointAmusement ParkGames
Mission TripsFood FastPizza!
Indoor Rock ClimbingUltimate FrisbeeVolleyball
March for Life - Washington, DCSnow TubingMovies
Road TripsCanoeingDinner Out!
Permission Slips
I have heard from many of you about your distaste for filling our permission forms, however they are a necessary evil. Attached is a Medical Release form that will be used for the entire year. You need to fill it out only once a year and I will take it with us on all events. Your child will still need to fill out a permission form for each event stating that you give them permission to attend that event. The permission forms will be shorter since it will not be necessary to fill in the medical information. I hope that this helps and makes it easier on all of you.
Guideline on Respecting Persons
The good name, reputation and personal safety of each child, youth, adult volunteer, and staff member is vitally important. In order to protect children and youth, volunteers, employees, and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, each young person is expected to treat the good name and reputation of the others children, youth, volunteers, employees, and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis with dignity and respect and not engage in any activity or conduct, either on the parish grounds or off, that is in opposition to this guideline and/or inconsistent with Catholic Christian principles, as determined by the parish discretion. Any derogatory, slanderous, hostile, or threatening remarks or action directed toward any of the above by a young person will be seen as a violation of this guideline and will be viewed as an extremely serious matter, whether it is done physically, verbally, or electronically through the use of a home or parish computer, phone, IPAD, or other electronic media or by remote access. Some examples include, but are not limited to, social media, text messages, blogging, images, pictures, etc. Any individual found to have made or participated with others in making any such remarks or actions will be subject to disciplinary action by the parish/archdiocese, up to and including dismissal from the program.
Photographs and Personal Information
We love to recognize our children and youth who have done well in their classes and have participated in activities such as VBS and youth ministry events. We assume that posting pictures on the bulletin boards and on our parish website is ok with parents. We have included a consent release to our emergency information sheet at the back of this handbook. Please sign it to give us permission to post pictures (without personal information). If you have questions or object to the use of your child’s pictures please let us know in writing.
Cell Phones and Other Media
It is truly amazing at how connected we are through various means of technology and media. However, even though we are able to be much more connected than we used to be it is increasing more difficult to be truly present to those we are physically with when we are “wired in” to different forms of media. For this reason we request that children and youth leave all forms of technology, i.e. cell phones, mp3s, ipads, electronic games, music devices, etc. at home or at least turned off and out of sight. Many of our adult volunteers do carry cell phones for safety reasons but will not use them during class time. Thanks for your assistance with this.
Youth Activities Team
The Youth Activities Team is the group of high school youth that are responsible for planning and implementing all of the youth ministry activities that take place for the parishes of St. Bernard and St. Michael. They meet on the fourth Sunday of the month (unless conflicts arise) at St. Michael in the Faith Formation Center, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. They are expected to be leaders among their peers in youth ministry. If you would like to be a part of this group please contact John Jacobi at the Faith Formation Office.
Stewardship Opportunities For Youth
Stewardship is not just helping out when needed, it is a way of life. It is very important for all of us to learn that when we are part of a community, we all need to give part of what God has gifted us with back to the community.
Eucharistic Minister*
Help at Parish Picnic
Confirmation Retreat Leader*
Serve on Youth Activities Team
Help with parish service projects
Youth Mission Trip
Visit shut-ins
Altar Server
Vacation Bible School Crew Leader
Youth Ministry Fundraising
Teen Choir
What are your ideas?
*You must be confirmed for this ministry
Prayers Learned in Faith Formation Program
Pre - SchoolThe Sign of the Cross
KindergartenThe Trinity Prayer (Glory Be)
Grade OneThe Our Father and Hail Mary
Grade TwoAngel of God
Grade ThreeApostles’ Creed
The Great Commandment
Grade FourThe Prayer of Sorrow (Act of Contrition)
The Ten Commandments
Know the Corporal Works of Mercy
Know the Spiritual Works of Mercy
Grade FiveKnow the Seven Sacraments
Can Pray the Rosary
Order of the Mass
Grade SixRecognize the Eucharist as Prayer
Pray using Scripture
Holy Days of Obligation (and what we celebrate on that
Holy Day)
Grade SevenPersonal Prayer
Precepts of the Church
Grade EightNicene Creed
Can pray the Stations of the Cross
Grade NinePrayer to the Holy Spirit
Theological and CardinalVirtues
Grade TenPrayer to the Holy Spirit
Fruits of the Spirit
Grades 11 & 12Act of Faith and The Days of Fast and Abstinence
The Memorare (attributed to St. Bernard)
Prayer to St. Michael
Common Prayers
Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Fatherand of the Sonand of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Trinity Prayer (Glory Be)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Hail Mary
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb , Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Angel of God
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day (night), be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Apostles Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
The Greatest Commandment
"You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." – Luke 10:27
Prayer of Sorrow (Act of Contrition)
My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
The Ten Commandments
I.I am the Lord your God you shallnot have strange gods before me.
II.You shall not take the name of theLord your God in vain.
III.Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
IV.Honor your father and your mother.
V.You shall not kill.
VI.You shall not commit adultery.
VII.You shall not steal.
VIII.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
IX.You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
X.You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
Corporal Works of MercySpiritual Works of Mercy
1. Feed the hungry.1. Counsel the doubtful
2. Give drink to the thirsty2. Instruct the ignorant
3. Clothe the naked3. Admonish the sinner
4. Shelter the homeless.4. Comfort the sorrowful
5. Visit the sick5. Forgive injuries
6. Visit the imprisoned.6. Bear wrongs patiently
7. Bury the dead.7. Pray for the living and the
Sacrament of Reconciliation - (also Confession, Penance, Conversion, Forgiveness) [CCC #980,1422,1440]
- Individual Rite of Reconciliation
- Welcome
- Reading from Scripture (optional)
- Confession of Sins
- Act of Contrition
- Absolution
- Closing Prayer
- Communal Rite of Reconciliation
- Greeting
- Reading from Scripture
- Homily
- Examination of Conscience with Litany of Contrition and the Lord's Prayer
- Individual Confession and Absolution
- Closing Prayer
The Seven Sacraments