on WEDNESDAY, 21st September2016 at 7p.m.
in the Council Chamber of Colne Town Hall
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 17th August 2016 and 1st September 2016
- Additional Items of Business
To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chairman decides should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
- Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations of interest from Members relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
- Exclusion of the Public
To determine during which items, if any, the public are to be excluded from the meeting.
- Public Forum
To consider questions, statements or petitions from members of the public who are welcome to the meeting and have a total collectively of 15 minutes to make their representations to the Committee.
- Committee and Working Groups Updates
To consider verbal updates about the work of the following Committees who have met since the last Council meeting.
-Events Committee held 12th September 2016
-Finance and Employment Committee held 13th September 2016
-Allotments Committee held 14thSeptember 2016
The Chairman of each Committee or Group will give a brief two minute update of their Committee’s or Group’s work
- Financial Update
To consider a verbal update report on the financial position as at 14thSeptember 2016
- CCTV Progress Report
To consider a verbal progress report on installation progress
- Colne Town Hall
To consider a verbal update of the working group
- Toilet Scheme
To consider a verbal update from Cllrs Lord, Howarth and Butterworth
- Christmas Lights
To consider a verbal update on installation of new schemes
- Planning
Application Number / Applicant / Location / Proposal
16/0563/HHO / Mr John Macbeth / Claines
Skipton Old Rd,
BB8 7AE / Full: Demolition of single storey extension to rear and erection of 2, two storey extensions.
16/0561/ADV / Lidl uk GmbH / Unit 1
Glen Mills Retail Park
North Valley Road
BB8 9DJ / Advertisement Consent: Replace existing pylon signage with 1 x freestanding totem sign.
16/0525/FUL / MsMr Jane & Russ Ms J Rogerson & Mr R Holdsworth / Blue Bell Farm
Skipton Old Road
BB8 7ED / Full: Demolition of existing agricultural buildings and erection of a new agricultural building including activity day facilities.
16/0545/HHO / Mr R. Haigh / 9 Millbrook Court
BB8 7HZ / Full: Conversion of garages to habitable room.
16/0564/FUL / MrMrs P Woodhead / Ayneslack Barn Farm
Skipton Old Road
Lancashire / Full: Change of use of attached barn to dwelling, external alterations and formation of access drive
16/0600/LHE / Mrs Wendy Davies / 43 Harrison Drive Colne Lancashire / Prior Approval Notification: Larger Home Extension: Erection of a single storey
rear extension (3.3m length, 2.6m eaves height, 3.4m overall height)
16/0583/FUL / Mr Paul Snelling/ TJX UK / Unit 2 Glen Mills Retail Park North Valley Road / Full: Installation of plant equipment, consisting of 13 x condenser units and 1 x
air handling unit enclosed within 2m high palisade fence.
16/0609/HHO / Mr David Hayes / 8 Penrith Crescent Colne Lancashire / Full: Erection of a single storey extension to rear
- Correspondence Received
- Councillors’ Questions
Questions under this item are for discussion and information only and any debate should be limited to five minutes only.
- Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next Full Council meeting is scheduled for 21st October 2016.
Signed: …………………….Date 14th September 2016
C R Hill – Clerk to Colne Town Council
Tel: 01282 861888 Email:
Councillors:- SE Cockburn-Price, D. Clegg, G. Clegg, P. Foxley, M. Foxley, N.Butterworth,
I.Graham, J. Cooney M.Cooney, P.Howarth, J.Nixon, A. Sutcliffe
C.LiontiD.LordG Roach
S.PettyM. Thomas