on WEDNESDAY, 21st September2016 at 7p.m.

in the Council Chamber of Colne Town Hall


  1. Welcome
  1. Apologies
  1. Minutes

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 17th August 2016 and 1st September 2016

  1. Additional Items of Business

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chairman decides should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.

  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.

  1. Exclusion of the Public

To determine during which items, if any, the public are to be excluded from the meeting.

  1. Public Forum

To consider questions, statements or petitions from members of the public who are welcome to the meeting and have a total collectively of 15 minutes to make their representations to the Committee.


  1. Committee and Working Groups Updates

To consider verbal updates about the work of the following Committees who have met since the last Council meeting.

-Events Committee held 12th September 2016

-Finance and Employment Committee held 13th September 2016

-Allotments Committee held 14thSeptember 2016

The Chairman of each Committee or Group will give a brief two minute update of their Committee’s or Group’s work

  1. Financial Update

To consider a verbal update report on the financial position as at 14thSeptember 2016

  1. CCTV Progress Report

To consider a verbal progress report on installation progress

  1. Colne Town Hall

To consider a verbal update of the working group

  1. Toilet Scheme

To consider a verbal update from Cllrs Lord, Howarth and Butterworth

  1. Christmas Lights

To consider a verbal update on installation of new schemes

  1. Planning

Application Number / Applicant / Location / Proposal
16/0563/HHO / Mr John Macbeth / Claines
Skipton Old Rd,
BB8 7AE / Full: Demolition of single storey extension to rear and erection of 2, two storey extensions.
16/0561/ADV / Lidl uk GmbH / Unit 1
Glen Mills Retail Park
North Valley Road
BB8 9DJ / Advertisement Consent: Replace existing pylon signage with 1 x freestanding totem sign.
16/0525/FUL / MsMr Jane & Russ Ms J Rogerson & Mr R Holdsworth / Blue Bell Farm
Skipton Old Road
BB8 7ED / Full: Demolition of existing agricultural buildings and erection of a new agricultural building including activity day facilities.
16/0545/HHO / Mr R. Haigh / 9 Millbrook Court
BB8 7HZ / Full: Conversion of garages to habitable room.
16/0564/FUL / MrMrs P Woodhead / Ayneslack Barn Farm
Skipton Old Road
Lancashire / Full: Change of use of attached barn to dwelling, external alterations and formation of access drive
16/0600/LHE / Mrs Wendy Davies / 43 Harrison Drive Colne Lancashire / Prior Approval Notification: Larger Home Extension: Erection of a single storey
rear extension (3.3m length, 2.6m eaves height, 3.4m overall height)
16/0583/FUL / Mr Paul Snelling/ TJX UK / Unit 2 Glen Mills Retail Park North Valley Road / Full: Installation of plant equipment, consisting of 13 x condenser units and 1 x
air handling unit enclosed within 2m high palisade fence.
16/0609/HHO / Mr David Hayes / 8 Penrith Crescent Colne Lancashire / Full: Erection of a single storey extension to rear
  1. Correspondence Received
  1. Councillors’ Questions

Questions under this item are for discussion and information only and any debate should be limited to five minutes only.

  1. Date & Time of Next Meeting

The next Full Council meeting is scheduled for 21st October 2016.

Signed: …………………….Date 14th September 2016

C R Hill – Clerk to Colne Town Council

Tel: 01282 861888 Email:

Councillors:- SE Cockburn-Price, D. Clegg, G. Clegg, P. Foxley, M. Foxley, N.Butterworth,

I.Graham, J. Cooney M.Cooney, P.Howarth, J.Nixon, A. Sutcliffe

C.LiontiD.LordG Roach

S.PettyM. Thomas