An enthusiastic bunch of young and old congregants set out for the rocky hills of Krugersdorp on a warm Friday afternoon. The retreat was set for 2 full days out in the open, with an exciting programme of teachings, personal prayer times, devotions on the mountain, all night prayer sessions, great food, fun, fellowship and a real intimate encounter with the Lord.


The group arrived on Friday evening and despite news of a power cut, the evening programme led by Rev Malinga took off on a very high note! In this session individuals were given the opportunity to “burn” the past, cleanse all possible impediments to hearing the Lord’s voice. Each participant was immediately settled into the atmosphere of worship, surrender, and openness of heart so God could speak and be heard! The main message was the realisation that it was infact not our plan but God’s plan for each one of us to be gathered there that weekend. It is truly incredible how Christ is forever reaching out, despite our resistance, continues until He can get us into a quiet space where we can truly hear Him. Well other really hilarious stories of ghosts, cold water phobias and restroom horror stories will be reserved for another platform, all of these added to the amazing spirit of family and oneness established on the first night of our being there.


Was most probably the highlight of the camp on all sessions! The morning began with an early rowcall to the mountain, where all gathered at departure point at 05h50 to walk to the foot of the mountain. At the foot the significance of climbing the mountain was explained, sealed by a prayer. The enthusiastic group started out for the trail up the mountain, with the oldest of the group being a 64year old, Mam______, who made it despite the steep and rocky trail, and later testified how that experience helped her reflect on her own life, the ups and downs, the many people God availed to help her on the way…incredible! At the top of the mountain as we all gathered in worship, these are just some of the testimonials:

“…as I transcended to the top I looked back and realised that the path had uneven surfaces, at some places it was smooth enough to walk, at some very rocky with slippery stones and yet we made it. I learnt that life too is like that, we should go through life understanding that the surface will be uneven but we have a God who looks out to guide and protect us until we make it to the final destination..” Sr Linda Mtwitsha

“…I was assigned to help the group through the trail but as we walked I saw how everyone moved swiftly all according to some innate guidance, all I did was walk behind them. I realised that sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that the work of the Lord needs us, but God knows how to get things done, His way with His people. We need to count it a privilledge to be used by God…” Br Lubabalo Qabaka

“…at the bottom as I looked at the steep mountain, I was overcome with doubt thinking how unfit I am, even as I began I was really in doubt. Somehow a sense of supernatural strength overcame me as I progressed through the train and I now realise that in life we are sometimes overcome with all sorts of fears and doubts but God always come through. Infact, it is in those very times when we are weak that God’s strength is made perfect…” Mam Vilakazi

“…I realised how impatient I am. I kept wanting to get there and everytime I thought we had arrived, it seemed there was yet another lap to go. At times I’d be slightly discouraged, and allow others to pass by. I also realised then that there are times when we must allow others to pass us by as we stop and reflect on our own journey. It’s not about getting “there” first, it really is about knowing beyond doubt that with the Lord’s help, you will get there…” SrVuyo Dinwayo

The day was cupped with more lessons as we descended the mountain, all realising that whilst climbing was hard, walking down was just as difficult, contrary to common knowledge.

The day and evening sessions were summed up with sessions of introspection as individuals and as a church where the Lord Himself exposed our sense of luridness as a believers. We were challenged earlier on the mountain from Jeremiah 5: “…but my people have forgotten My Covenant…” During the course of Day 2, the Lord began to unpack to us in truths which we ourselves couldn’t handle. This led us into realising the need for repentance and seeking after God’s face to keep us abreast.

The concluding message for Day @ was really a conviction that it is no longer us who live but Christ in us, the hope of glory which means we must be available for the Master’s use in the work of the gospel so that we too may be reminded daily never to forsake His covenant.

The half night prayer session was a great way to round off with the following pointers:

  • Iculo 199 “………” Basically a servant vowing their servanthood unto the Lord.
  • We must be available as God’s vessels
  • God is ready to restore us if we are willing to obey


This was the lastday. We woke to the smell of freshly steamed bacon and eggs. We met at the dining hall in our greet t-shirts with the bold letters: Galatians 2: 20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me…”

We had breakfast, prayed and left for church with one thing in mind: It is no longer us who lives, but Christ in us…!