US History

Fort Burrows

Review Chapter 7


proxy -

constitution -

bill of rights -

execute -

Articles of Confederation -

cede -

currency -

Land Ordinance of 1785 -

Northwest Ordinance -

depression -

Shays’ Rebellion -

drafting –

reluctant –

confederation –

resolve –

ordinance –

survey –

township –

avert –


Constitutional Convention -

Virginia Plan -

legislative branch – branch of government that ______

executive branch – branch of government that ______

judicial branch – branch of government that decides ______

New Jersey Plan –

compromise –

Great Compromise –

Three-Fifths Compromise –

revise –

volume –

flaring –

assign –

endorse –


Founding Fathers -

republic -

dictatorship -

Magna Carta -

English Bill of Rights -

habeas corpus -

separation of powers -

devoted –

consult –

free enterprise –

dependent –

will –

contract –

essential –


Federalist -

Antifederalists -

The Federalist Papers -

amend -

Bill of Rights -

parchment barrier:

parchment -

barrier -

imbalance –

pen name –

spellbinding –

festive –

compelled –

subsequent –

*** Know the Bill of Rights (1st Ten Amendments)

Amendment 1 –

Freedom of ______

Freedom of ______

Freedom of ______

Freedom of ______

Freedom of ______

Amendment 2 – right ______

Amendment 3 – quartering ______

Amendment 4 – security ______

Amendment 5 – due ______

Amendment 6 – right ______

Amendment 7 – trial ______

Amendment 8 – fair ______

Amendment 9 – rights ______

Amendment 10 – powers ______

1. Who were the leading delegates to the Constitutional Convention ?

2. List the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation…





3. Complete the Provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.





4. The writers of the Constitution got the idea of natural human rights from which country’s traditions ?

5. How many states had to ratify the Constitution before it could become law ?

6. List the key issue during the process of ratifying the Constitution.

7. This list below summarizes some limitations of the national government under which plan?

·  No executive branch No levying of taxes

·  No regulation of trade No national court system

8. What two examples were learned by the Founding Fathers from the Roman Republic ?



9. Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

King George III has obstructed the administration of justice,

by refusing his assent (approval) to laws for establishing judiciary powers.

What was included in the U.S. Constitution in order to deal with the grievance expressed above ?

10. Which group demanded the Constitution spell out ways to protect people’s basic rights ?

11. What idea did the writers of the Constitution borrow from the Romans?

12. In 1787, James Madison and other Federalists supported a written plan for a new government. What did this plan call for ?

13. Which British document gave the idea for an American Bill of Rights ?

14. What were the two main reasons that individual states wrote constitutions ?



15. Why did Antifederalists object to the Constitution ?

16. Which group argued that a strong national government could be effective and protect states’ rights ?

“ A Bill of Rights was needed to protect such basic liberties as freedom of speech and religion”

17. Which convention leader would most likely agree with the statement above ?


House of Representatives Senate

•Number of representatives •Two members from each state

based on state population

18. The diagram above shows the compromise that helped guarantee the ratification of the U.S. Constitution by –

19. How did the Bill of Rights become part of the Constitution ?

20. Which Enlightenment writer expressed the idea that the relationship between government and the people it governs is a social contract ?

21. What was the main reason Antifederalist, Patrick Henry, opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution ?

22. List 3 issues that the writers had to compromise on in the Constitution.




23. List the parts of the Great Compromise that were agreed upon at the Constitutional Convention.




24. Describe the Land Ordinance of 1785.





25. Under the terms of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, new states admitted to the Union were considered…

26. As a result of Shays’ Rebellion, Americans main goal for calling the Constitutional Convention was to…

27. What did Ben Franklin and James Madison have in common ?

28. List the 2 basic ideas of the 1215 Magna Carta document.



29. Which Enlightenment writer thought government powers should be clearly defined and divided ?

“ So long as any individual state has the power to defeat the measures of the other twelve, our pretended union is but a name…..” Noah Webster, New England schoolteacher

30. Describe Noah Webster’s position/beliefs when he said the above quotation.

31. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress could…





32. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress could NOT…




33. Define Federalism –

34. Describe the Point-of-View the authors of The Federalist Papers most agree ?

35. What two ways does the Constitution describes propose an amendment ?



36. Why was the Northwest Ordinance is considered a historical milestone ?

37%. What caused trade between the states become increasingly difficult ?

38%. Why was the Northwest Ordinance created ?

39%. What was the essential difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan ?



40%. Which issue was agreed upon before the Great Compromise was created ?

41%. What caused the Anti-federalist at the Constitutional Convention not to sign the Constitution



42%. What idea from Baron de Montesquieu most influenced American government ?

43%. What was considered the major strength of the Articles of Confederation ?

44%. After the Revolutionary war ended, what caused the demand for farm goods to decrease ?

45%. Which historical document gave the Founding Fathers the ideas for parliamentary elections, right to bear arms, & right to habeas corpus ?

46. Describe the Bessemer Process –

Describe the Grain Drills –

4 of Chapter 7 â AUG 2017