Six Hundred and TwentiethMeeting


WEDNESDAY December 8, 2010



The President, Joan George (Mrs. Harris, J.) called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Wendy Serrell, Director, Zone II, delivered the invocation. (attached at end of minutes)

Recording Secretary:Karen Meyer










Former Presidents: Madam:Bissell

It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting on October 6, 2010


Kit Barker, RyeGC read by Kathy Metz, Director Zone III

The Garden Club of America lost a stalwart and cherished member with the death last Thursday of Kathleen B. Barker. A member of the Rye Garden Club for forty years, and an artistic judge for nearly twenty-five years, Kit was irrepressible in her love of flower shows, and her friendships all around the country with those who valued GCA as she did.

Kit was President of the Rye Garden Club from 1976 to 1978 and held her first Zone position as Area Vice Chairman in 1979. She served as Zone Judging Rep, Chairman of GCA Finance Committee, on the Nominating Committee, on the New York Committee, as a Director, and a Vice President serving on the Executive Committee of the GCA.

Kit received many awards including the Katherine Thomas Carey Medal, the Barbara Spaulding Cramer Zone Flower Arrangement Education Award, the Zone Flower Arrangement Award, the Zone Creative Leadership Award and the Zone Judging Award. Her flower arrangements received two Harriet D. Puckett Creativity Awards, the Fenwick Medal, and many Best in Show awards. On the club level she received a Medal of Merit, Conservation Achievement Award and Club Flower Arrangement Certificate.

Kit was a prolific flower arranger. Nothing made her happier than “playing around” with plant material and containers in the basement of her beloved 1 Forest Avenue, and coming up with a good idea for her next creation. She was such a frequent visitor to the flower market on 28th Street; she was on a first name basis with the owners of each shop she frequented.

Kit was a teacher and mentor who generously shared her knowledge. She had a great influence on the interest and abilities of many new arrangers and judges. Kit collected as many friends as she did containers! She gave innumerable lectures and demonstrations to clubs to encourage new arrangers. She developed a slide show and lecture on Abstract Art and Flower Arranging traveling all over the US sharing her knowledge with GCA clubs.

Any one who judged with Kit knew that she was one of the best judges. She was prepared, discerning, fair, and expressed her thoughts in comments that were educational to all. As her good friend, Nancy D’Oench noted in a letter supporting Kit’s Zone Judging Award in 2008, “Kit’s work as a lecturer, demonstrator and judge had significance in the evolution of flower arranging in the Garden Club of America. Kit reinforced the concept of flower arranging as an art-form and opened judges’ eyes to artistic possibilities heretofore undreamed of”.

Kit’s creativity, friendship, demand for excellence, classiness, dedication and frankness were legendary.

Somehow we can’t help but imagine her reunited with her dear GCA friends, Betsy Jennings, Kay Donohue and Phyl Mallory, in the place where all good garden club ladies go, and overhearing them plan a “heavenly” flower show, or maybe just a little road trip…. Kit we will miss you.

Rosie Jones, Diggers GCread by Kay Klunder, Director Zone XII

It is with a heavy heart that we pass along the news that Rosemary Tilt Jones died October 21, 2010 at her home in Balboa, CA. Rosie was born May 21, 1930, attended VassarCollege and earned an associates degree at OrangeCoastCollege, Costa Mesa, CA, in Horticultural Design.

In 1952, Rosie married Graham “Beezie” Jones, who preceded her in death, and they raised 3 children. Through her husband she developed a passion for sailing and raced competitively.

Rosie’s enthusiasm for gardening and the GCA was infectious. Indeed, if you had the chance to visit her at home in Balboa or attend any of the Diggers GC meetings, you probably have one of Rosie’s “babies” thriving in your own garden! We feel blessed to have those plants now as a remembrance of our sweet, funny, cheerful and amazingly knowledgeable Rosie!

Rosie was a second-generation member and past president of the Digger’s Garden Club in Pasadena. Rosie enjoyed traveling the country for many years as an approved GCA Horticulture judge. She also served the GCA as the Zone XII Director, Vice President, Judging Chairman and was a member of the Rare Plant Group of GCA.

Rosie was awarded the Zone XII Horticulture Award in 1996 and in 2000 she was the recipient of the Zone XII Creative Leadership Award. In addition, Rosie could grow anything from seed and her propagation skills were second to none. So much so that the GCA named an award for her: The Rosie Jones Horticulture Award: “This award celebrates the ineffable joy inherent in the beauty and pursuit of horticulture.” That is so Rosie! Lucky are we who knew Rosie Tilt Jones; luckier still are we who gardened with her so that we can keep growing!

TREASURER’S REPORT – June Smith Brugger

GCA's investment portfolio hadincreased to a November 22, 2010 market value of $24.4 million from a June30, 2010 market value of $21.8 million. GCA's investment approach remainsconservative in a market described by our investment adviser, OxfordFinancial, as "still volatile."


Since the October BOD Meeting there have been 2 outstanding Zone Meetings (Zone V and Zone II) and 2 Mini Meetings (Zone IV and Zone VI) and an exceptional Horticulture Conference in Birmingham. This was 2 1/2 days of total immersion in all things horticultural. It was beyond wonderful.

The House Committee under the leadership of Nancy Ladd has outdone themselves in making HQ’s so festive with fresh holiday arrangements in every quarter and a beautiful Christmas tree in the reception area. Trish Albus even brought in her own dishes to complement the decorations in the large glass case. You have inspired us all to rush home and start our own holiday preparations. We are grateful to the Hospitality Committee which rose to the challenge of wining and dining us during these past 2 days and evenings. And finally, The Directones making a return visit – this time as lovely pink poinsettias – under the fearless and nearly voiceless leader, Margaret Hall. We now have a couple of new GCA Christmas songs.

Wishing everyone a most Christmas holiday with friends and family.

AREA COMMITTEE – New Jersey - Linda Seelbach

Early in the year, our efforts focused on developing a New Jersey Committee display for the 2010 Annual Meeting. In September, with fund-raising chairs from the Short Hills and Somerset Hills clubs, the Committee held an extremely successful plant sale, lecture and lunch. The bulb-themed event featured speaker Brent Heath, of Brent and Becky’s Bulbs, speaking on “Bulbs as Companion Plants.” Included was a sold-out, hands-on, workshop, and opportunities to purchase bulbs and books.

The annual Growing Fund appeal, distributed to each club member by her club’s New Jersey Committee representative, was launched in October and featured a freshly designed brochure. Donations fund the Committee’s annual grants program which, to date, has supported more than 70 projects, including a rain garden at Rutgers University, an Outdoor Learning Center at Greater Newark Conservancy, landscaping at Habitat for Humanity residences, and extensive work at parks, historic sites, arboretums and public gardens. Educational forums and materials have received funding.

Also in October, the two Rutgers students who received Summer Internship Scholarships from the NJ Committee reported on their projects, which were in plant biology and pathology, and in natural resources management. More than $38,000 in scholarships has been granted since the scholarship program was established in 1999.

AREA COMMITTEE – Philadelphia - Laurie Marshall read by Jane Moore

The Philadelphia Committee of The Garden Club of America is a vital city organization that raises funds from the ten area garden clubs in Zone V and from the Joint Meeting to support urban neighborhood projects. The monies raised go into the Fertilizer Fund, established in 1964, and are used to support projects that could not be carried out by any single club, and to provide seed money to small and new organizations.

As the new chair, I had the pleasure of welcoming 150 guests to our November Joint Meeting. This event had the largest attendance in the past four years; the draw came largely from the renowned landscape designer, Julie Moir Messervy, who was our speaker.

For the last fiscal year 2009-10, the Fertilizer Fund distributed $27,500 to eighteen grantees. The grants supported a diverse group of projects.

An Oversight Committee was established last year to better evaluate the projects rather than rely on Committee liaisons from member clubs. In addition, the Philadelphia Committee is moving towards supporting fewer projects to have better oversight over the funded projects.

Fundraising remains a challenge. The Committee’s goal – and challenge - will be to increase our visibility while also finding new ways to raise money. The Committee intends to create a facebook page, and reach out to newspapers for publicity to meet this goal.

CENTENNIAL – Ray Thompson

I am happy to report that the design for the 69th Street Entrance to Central Park is underway. We will have the ground breaking in the fall of 2011 – and we will be using ‘The Garden Club of America’ daffodil in our area.

Congratulations and a big thank you to the clubs in Zones I, II, III, IV, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII. The clubs in these zones have participated 100% either with partial or complete pledges to the Centennial Park Founders Fund Project. These clubs have all participated either with partial or full pledges to the 2013 Central Park Founders Fund Project. After 10 more clubs participate we will have 100% - which would be great for the ground breaking.

Katie Stewart says there is lots of interest in the Countdown to the Centennial table flags. She has the information for ordering these small flags. She also would be glad to send you a flag and or the banner for any of your meetings.

I hope that you have noticed the wonderful Countdown to the Centennial around headquarters. A big thank-you to Katie Stewart for the nifty "Count to Centennial" signs and coasters at Headquarters.


As the GCA liaison to the Royal Horticultural Society, I have been working on a new program now available for the British students applying for the GCA Interchange Fellowship. In addition to the traditional offering to attend a graduate program in the US, they may now choose a horticultural program for a year as a Longwood Gardens International Intern. We are delighted to offer this alternate program since many very well qualified British horticulture students are seeking an opportunity to learn about American horticultural practices, our native plants, and public garden management. Although this option has been in development since January 2009, this is the first year the internship could be offered due to the lengthy, two-year application process to obtain a visa for the intern from our Department of State. So, a new partnership has developed between the GCA, LongwoodGardens and the Royal Horticultural Society that will provide exciting opportunities for mutual collaboration.

A bright student, Alexander Summers, presently in the Kew Diploma program has been selected to be the 2011-2012 GCA Interchange Fellow and will be an international intern at LongwoodGardens. Stay tuned, you will hear more about him next year.

To foster the new relationship with LongwoodGardens, I organized a UK tour last month for their Head of Education and the Coordinator of Domestic and International Studies. The purpose of this whirlwind week was to learn about the major horticultural education and training programs, meet with staff and students, and visit gardens. The trip included visits to the RoyalBotanic Garden in Edinburgh, RHSGarden, Wisley and KewGardens. Introductions were also made to Sir Kenneth Carlisle and key RHS staff involved in the Interchange Fellowship. Both gentlemen were wowed by the warm hospitality they received on this trip, their first to the UK, and the establishment of many new partnerships. The outreach of the GCA continues to grow!


Admissions –Connie Oliver

The Admissions Committee has been wrapping up our gifts for the GCA. The first was really too large to cover with paper so I chose to envelop it with sunshine, fluffy clouds and a blue sky. Inside you will find GCA’s 200th club and also the 18th club in Zone XII. Marin GC of Marin County CA, proposed by Hillsborough GC and seconded by Orinda GC. will be a wonderful addition to Zone XII and they are thrilled to join the Garden Club of America 16 of us descended on Marin GC in October to spend 2 nights and much of the time in between visiting their lovely hillside gardens, attending a club meeting and eating and sharing time together. Just ask Betsy Bliss, Kay Klunder, Carol Stoddard or Sally Broughton about this club – most superlatives are inadequate to describe what is in our package.

A second package is impossible to wrap because the pieces are spread out across the country from Zone I to Zone X – our 4 new Honorary Members. It is with great pride that the Admissions Committee presents them to you today.

Patrick Chasse, an eminent Landscape Architect whose lectures and accomplishments are known up and down the East coast, proposed by GC of Mt Desert, Zone I, seconded by Piscataqua GC, I

Brent and Becky Heath are well known for their small but innovative bulb business in VA.

Becky Heath, proposed by GC of Rumson, IV seconded by North Shore GC, I

Brent Heath, proposed by GC of Englewood, IV, seconded by Virginia BeachGC, VII

Ken Cochran, proposed by Akron GC, X seconded by Shaker Heights GC, X is the Curator/Program Director of Secrest Arboretum and Gardens in WoosterOH.

Easier to wrap up for you is a message from TalbotCountyGC in Zone VI.

TalbotCounty became a new member club of GCA in 1994 and this is the year in which the members should vote whether to ask for permanent membership. Bobbie Brittingham, President of Talbot County GC, joyfully informed me that the vote to remain with GCA exceeded 75% positive so we collectively rejoice that this most active club will continue to be a part of Zone VI.

Archive– Edie Loening

The past two months have been dedicated to the centennial book. We have been through drafts I and II of over 250 pages line by line - fact checking and making suggestions. The final copy of the book reads smoothly and William Seale has woven a good history of the G.C.A. with a narrative that is quite disarming.

For two days in November, both William and Nancy Murray were in New York choosing photos for the book. This entailed two days which started at 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. and went through the afternoons - narrowing down from approximately 500 photos to 160. These will have captions that will give additional details of historic interest beyond the content of the book.

Reading the final text was almost anticlimactic - a great relief, and generated a feeling that this volume will be of broad appeal to the readership. Many thanks to all the clubs that responded to our request for copies of their photos - both historic and otherwise, which will obviously be an added dividend to the content of the text.

Bulletin – Jennie Reynolds

The Bulletin Committee met in October in NYC at HDQ.

Since then we have published the December/January issue of the Bulletin with all zones and Committees reporting.

-Corrections to synchronize handbooks has been addressed.

-Face page of committee including new Zone VIII representative completed

-Articles coming in smoothly from all zones

-Center pages determined for spring issue

-Advertising going well...adding new accounts

So, all is well with the Bulletin crowd, looking forward to conference call in December as well as finalizing March meeting in Santa Barbara in March.

Happy Holidays to all!

Communications—Crissy Cherry

The Communications Committee spent some time at their October meeting learning about social media and how it can work with non-profit organizations. The power point presentation used in our meeting has been tailored for zone meetings and has been enthusiastically received in those zones that had fall meetings. We are still in the education phase, with each committee member assigned the task to learn at least one format, reporting back to the full committee in March. And part of our assignment was to see “The Social Network Movie.”