Article 1: Coordinating Board Financial Administration
1.1 The Coordinating Board shall not hear requests from Campus Clubs or Organizations and may not appropriate any funds to Campus Clubs or Organizations. Requests received from Campus Clubs and Organizations shall be referred immediately to the USG Senate.
1.2 Coordinating Board policies shall be distributed to Senators at the beginning of their term. Any proposed policy changes shall also be distributed to the Senate prior to Coordinating Board action on those policies.
Article 2: Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities
2.1 The Coordinating Board may select students for listing in Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities.
2.2 Guidelines explicit to Who’s Who must be adopted by the Coordinating Board as to how members are to be selected.
Article 3: Recommendation for University Boards and Committees
3.1 All University Boards and Committee recommendations made by the USG President must be confirmed by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Coordinating Board.
Article 4: Coordinating Board Meetings
4.1 The Coordinating Board shall hold its meetings at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. At the first meeting of the new Coordinating Board (in May), the Board may, by a majority vote of all the voting members of the Coordinating Board, modify the Coordinating Board meeting day and time. Thereafter, the meeting day and time may only be amended by a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of all the voting members of the Coordinating Board.
4.2 Attendance at all Coordinating Board meetings is mandatory.
4.3 Excused absences from a Coordinating Board meeting must be presented to the acting Chair of the Coordinating Board prior to the beginning of the meeting at which the absence is to occur.
4.4 Coordinating Board Members who feel their absence classification to be unjustified may appeal the decision to the Coordinating Board, which shall either affirm or nullify the decision upon a majority vote.
4.5 All other ASASU Executive Officers are invited to attend the Coordinating Board meeting(s) with speaking privileges and without voting rights.
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