Brent Centre for Young People

Referral Form


Talking Therapies for Young People aged 14-21 years
Referral Date
Name of Young Person / Male / Female
Date of Birth / / / / Age:
(inc postcode)
Telephone / Mobile:
Preferred means of contact / □Home Telephone □ Mobile □ Letter □ Email
Education/Employment / □ School
□ University
□ College
□ Training / □ Unemployed
□ Employed
□ Other
Please specify______
Ethnicity / White
 English/Welsh/ Scottish/British
 Irish
 Irish Descent
 Gypsy or Irish Traveller
 Any other White background, please specify
______/ Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
 African
 Caribbean
 Any other Black /African/Caribbean background, please specify
Asian/Asian British
 Indian
 Pakistani
 Bangladeshi
 Chinese
 Any other Asian background, please specify ______/ Mixed/multiple ethnic groups/Other
 White and Black Caribbean
 White and Black African
 White and Asian
 Any other Mixed/multiple ethnic background, please specify
Other ethnic group
 Arab
 Any other ethnic group, please specify
Name of Referrer / GP’s name and Practice
Cluster: □ Harness □ Kilburn □ Kingsbury □ Wembley □ Willesden
Please note any disabilities or special needs
Current / previous medical history
Has the young person agreed to this referral and what does he/she think about the referral?
Has the young person previously been involved with any other services?
□ CAMHS / □ Assessment & Brief Treatment Team / □ Early Intervention Service / □ Youth Offending Team
□ IAPT / □ Adult & Family Psychotherapy Service / □ Social Services / □ Other
Please include copies of full assessments completed. We require the full assessment in order to process the referral.
Details of other professionals involved
Job Title
Date of Involvement
Reason for Referral:(please provide a summary of concerns and reasons why you are referring this person)
Family Background:(please provide a summary of young persons living arrangements, support network etc)
Risk:(Please note any past or present concerns about suicidality, self harm, substance misuse, gang affected, child protection issues, violence, or other risks)

Please note that if a young person requires psychiatric assessment you need to refer to CAMHS or Adult Mental Health Services as appropriate

I am making a referral for:

Individual Psychotherapeutic Consultations and Assessment –

Adolescent Exploratory Therapy (AET)

This includes assessment for Psychotherapy or more intensive help

□Family Work

□Group Psychotherapy

Signature: ...... Date:

Print Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Any Additional Information:(please provide any further details that you feel are relevant to this referral)


Laufer House, 51 Winchester Avenue, London NW6 7TT

Registered as Brent Adolescent Centre Company No. 4037793 Charity no. 1081903