Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I.  Welcome: Announce SAC Membership

II.  New SAC Membership

III.  Vote in SAF Board:

SAF Chair: Kathrin Pavila, Vice-Chair: Dawn Read Secretary: Michelle Doletina

IV.  Adopt April & August Meeting Minutes

V.  Principal’s Report

VI.  Adopt SAC Bylaws

VII.  Accountability Funds

VIII.  SAT/ACT Presentation by College Board

IX.  Old Business / New Business

For more information please contact the SAF Team:

SAF Chair: Kathrin Pavila 954-540-2701

Vice-Chair: Dawn Read 954 -292-6312

Secretary: Michelle Doletina 954-931-6501

Stay connected 24/7/365

Or visit us through the Nova High School website at

SAC-SAF Meeting Minutes for April 29, 2015

I. Welcome

5:20 Forbes calls the meeting to order

II. Principal’s Report

5:22 – Mr. LaCasse states that we are in the process of hiring early transfers. The early transfer window ends this Friday.

5:23 – Six new teachers have been hired so far. We have lost two teachers to retirement and one moved out of state.

5:24 – There is a directive by the district that states he has to evaluate every teacher. He has done 85 out of 90 evaluations.

5:25 – Academic awards night is tonight.

5:25 – Senior awards night is May 14th

5:25 – Tomorrow, interims will be available. If a hard copy is needed, parents can request one.

5:26 – Grad Bash was Saturday night, and the kids were beautifully behaved.

5:28 – Tomorrow is cheerleading tryouts.

5:29 – Two Saturday Academy are left.

5:30 – Hairspray starts tomorrow night. It runs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Ms. Zack has put a lot of hard work into it.

5:31 – There will be a presentation by Mothers Against Drunk Driving on Friday May 1st.

5:31 – A smashed car will be put out front on the swale or in the senior parking lot.

5:31 This Saturday, there will be a review session at 8:30 am in the auditorium. Mr. Arnoux, Mrs. Kelley and Ms. McBee will be involved.

5:32 – A question was asked that if as student takes the AP exam, will they still have to take the EOC or final.

5:32 – Mr. Laverde answers that they can waive the final. There can also be an alternative final.

5:32 – Ms. Sexton adds that everyone has to take an EOC, but there have been some changes. Ms. Sexton said she will be sure those changes are posted on Nova’s website as soon as the details are finalized.

5:33 – Prom is May 16th at the Signature Grand

5:33 – Memorial Day is Monday, May 25th, so there will be no school.

5:33 – Teacher appreciation week begins on Monday.

5:35 – Today students took the Algebra II EOC.

5:35 – Testing continues - US History EOC is on May 1st

5:35 – ELA 9th grade ELA and the Algebra I EOC will be May 6th and 7th

5:36 AP Exams begin on Monday, May 4th. Students must be on time. Instead of students signing out everyday, there is a form parents must sign to allow them to leave after the exam.

5:37 – Ms. Dolentina says there is a rumor that if enough prom tickets are not sold, there will be a change in the prom location. Ms. Sexton confirms that that information is not true.

5:39 – A parent asks if there was any change to the number of students in jeopardy of not graduating.

5:39 – Mrs. Johnkins advises that there are only 38 students remaining. They took an on-site ACT exam yesterday. We are still waiting on the results from the April 18th ACT.

5:40 – Mr. LaCasse adds that students can still walk the stage if they have all their credits. They can return in the fall and retake the FCAT or they can take the ACT in the summer.

II. Adopt March’s Meeting Minutes

5:43 – Mr. Forbes asks for everyone to look over the March minutes for any corrections to be made.

5:44 – Mrs. Stevenson makes a motion to approve March’s minutes and Ms. Doltina seconds that.

5:44 – The vote was passed in favor of the motion, the motion passes, and the minutes are approved.

III. SAC/SAF Membership Vote

5:45 – Mr. Forbes mentions that Mrs. Anderson will not be returning to Nova High School next year.

5:46 – Ms. Sexton says she sent an email asking for any volunteers to serve on the SAC committee. The only reply to the email for SAC Co-Chair nominations was Ms. Sherba. She has been teaching here for 11 years. She is finishing her leadership degree at NSU.

5:47 – Mr. Forbes makes a motion to accept Mr. Forbes and Ms. Sherba for next year’s SAC Co-Chairs

5:47 – The motion was approved by Ms. Doltina, and Ms. Read seconds that.

5:48 – Motion was approved

5:48 – Ms. Sexton adds that the SAC secretary will be voted in in August. Usually it is a student.

IV. Accountability Funds Vote

4:49 – Mr. Forbes mentions that next year’s accountability funds are used for agendas, Saturday academy. SLC team leaders are also paid from those funds.

5:52 – Mr. Forbes makes a motion to allow a portion of the accountability funds to be used for SLC tams leaders.

5:52 - The motion was approved by Mr. Laverde and seconded by Mr. Roy

5:52 – The vote was passed in favor of the motion.

V. Guest Speakers: Jr. League Members: Human Trafficking Awareness

5:53 – Ms. Read presented on the Leadership of Broward. They created an awareness campaign on human trafficking.

5:54 – She shared questions posed about human trafficking and shared the answers in the brochure.

5:55 – She urges parents to be aware of who their kids are talking with.

5:56 – Information is available on the Office of Prevention website.

5:56 – Sandy Kwoka, project chair of the Junior League of Fort Lauderdale, discusses services provided that impacts the community.

5:58 – Their goal is to teach the community what to look for, and to educate the community.

6:00 – Safe Harbor Act was passed January 1, 2014 – Victims of sex trafficking can get the help they need.

6:03 – Detective Duval from the Fort Lauderdale Police Department presents on sexting, sexploitation, and human trafficking.

6:05 – Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery.

6:06 – The number one state for human trafficking is California, number two is Texas, and number three is Florida.

6:12 – The difference between trafficking and smuggling is that smuggling is transportation-based and trafficking is exploitation-based.

6:13 – The most common trafficking found here is domestic minor sex trafficking

6:15 – The Trafficking Victim Protection Act was passed in 2000.

6:33 – Ms. Read states that if you see anything, please call 911 and you can remain anonymous. She also urges the students in the room to speak up if they see or hear about anything on social media.

6:36 – Just sharing naked pictures is considered child porn. Kids can be charged with this felony

VI. Old Business/New Business

6:41 – One of our students, Craig Heyne, had one of his poems published in a literary magazine

6:43 – Ms. Read mentions that Engineering won the Mariners Award

6:43 – Mr. Forbes mentions that Ms. Bohan had two students who will be competing in their final level

6:44 – Mr. Forbes calls for a motion to adjourn. It was approved by Ms. Reed and second by Ms. Myzell

6:44 – The vote was passed in favor of the motion and the meeting was adjourned.

Minutes for August 26th 2015 SAC­SAF Meeting at Nova High School

I.  Welcome/Introductions

5:21­ Meeting called to order by Mr. Forbes.

5:21­ Mr. Forbes introduces SAC­SAF Chairs, Ms. Sherba, and Dr. LaCasse.

II.  What is SAC// SAF: Responsibilities as a SAC member

5:22­ Mr. Forbes explains that SAC/SAF plan goals and objectives for the school. He further explains that SAC discusses budgets and anything else that falls under the educational sphere. Also, Mr. Forbes states that SAC addresses administration and parental concerns.

5:23­ Mr. Forbes explains that one requirement of SAC/SAF includes mandatory attendance to all SAC/SAF meetings.

5:24­ Ms. Sexton explains that only members on the committee can vote on issues discussed at the SAC/SAF meetings. She also mentions that it takes 51% majority in order for an issue to be voted on and passed.

III.  Principal’s Report: Dr. John LaCasse

5:25­ Dr. LaCasse greets attendees, and asks if anyone at the meeting is new to Nova.

5:25­ Dr. LaCasse calls up the Nova Administrators, and explains their grade level, roles, and responsibilities

5:26­ Dr. LaCasse explains that he promoted Ms. Sherba to “Math Coach” this school year, and tells everyone that Mr. Forbes, Ms. Sherba, and Ms. Jackson are Aspiring Leaders and that their main responsibility is to help the administrators.

5:27­ Dr. LaCasse jokes that there are 1300 9th and 10th graders this year, so Nova’s administration needs as much help as possible, so the Aspiring Leaders will definitely be utilized.

5:31­ Dr. LaCasse states that there are 2200 students this year, and that this year’s first week has been the quietest first week he has ever seen.

5:31­ Dr. LaCasse states that there have been minimal schedule change requests. He then discusses that students are not at liberty to fish for teachers. Schedules will only be changed if a student was put in a class they did not sign up for on their course selection sheets.

5:32­ There are 2200 students and only 2000 lockers. Students with obligations lose their locker privileges.

5:33­ Dr. LaCasse mentions that there are 13 new teachers this year, 2 transfers, and a couple retirees. There are also a couple substitutes for teachers on maternity leave.

5:34­ Dr. LaCasse introduces the Hybrid schedule, which is new this year. Monday, Thursday, and Friday the classes go as follows: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Tuesday and Wednesday are considered “odd and even” days. Tuesday the classes are 1,3,5,7, and Wednesday is 2,3,4,6. Then LaCasse discusses that 3rd period is a constant because the students lunch depends on the location of their 3rd period class.

5:36­ The reasoning behind passing this “Hybrid Schedule” is because it allows for teachers to plan in­school projects and preparing for AP exams.

5:37­ Dr. LaCasse mentions that Mrs. Sammartino has been working with all Advanced Placement teachers in developing a schedule that will minimize AP style testing on longer days.

5:38­ Mrs. Sammartino states that all of the AP teachers are working together to create an environment that is as “stress­free” as possible, while still having a college rigor. The teachers, together, are trying to avoid having students take all their AP quizzes/tests on the same day, but there are no guarantees.

5:39­ Dr. LaCasse thanks Mrs. Sammartino.

IV.  Bond referendum: Dr. John LaCasse

5:40­ Dr. LaCasse says that Nova originally had a 23­24 million dollar budget, but recently the county contacted Nova High and said that they didn’t accurately access our school, and that Nova is actually receiving less money.

5:40­ Dr. LaCasse explains that all of the buildings covered by the bond will need to be gutted before any renovations can happen. The district has not found time to do this yet.

5:41­ Dr. LaCasse also mentions that $500,000 of the budget is going towards technology, for example, faster wireless network and new laptops and computers. He further explains that there have already been three meetings in regards to the technological improvements. He then concludes his point stating that we are the third next school in line for new equipment, so we should be seeing improvements very soon.

5:42­ Mr. Chiapelli adds that there should be 1200 computers, and not only will Nova be receiving new laptops, but they will be receiving new laptop carts as well.

5:43­ Dr. LaCasse introduces Department Heads and security. (Mrs. Wright, Officer Madias, Mr. Roy, Mrs. Saleem, Mr. Tytell, Mr. McWashington, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Harris, Mr. Laverde, Mr. McQuaid)

5:47­ Open House is Tuesday, September 8th.

5:48­ September 14th is a day off of school.

5:48­ Dr. LaCasse clarifies that PSD days are 12:30 dismissal.

5:49­ Dr. LaCasse informs all attendees that if they would like to receive informational text messages they should give Ms. Sexton their phone number.

5:50­ Dr. LaCasse mentions that tomorrow (the 27th) a discipline assembly will be held in the auditorium, separated by grade. Freshman will be split by gender.

5:51­ Dr. LaCasse mentions that there will be a football game this Friday against University School, and Mr. Huntly is the new coach. He also states that Nova lost by 1 point at their last game due to the fact Mr. Huntly sat out a few starting players because of disciplinary issues.

5:53­ Mr. Laverde mentions that old Pinnacle does not, and will not work anymore. Tomorrow, the 27th, a new link to Pinnacle will be updated and ready for parent and student use. Laverde also states that he had all of his students log into this “new Pinnacle” and only one student had an issue.