
for Students

who are Deaf


Hard of Hearing and

Receiving Services


Yuba College

Table of Contents

I Available Services

II Student Rights and Responsibilities

III Interpreter Rights and Responsibilities

IV Steps to Enrollment

V Requests for Interpreting Services

VI Absences

VII Testing Guidelines

VIII Requesting Interpreter for Finals

IX Student Acknowledgement


I.  Available Services

Yuba College provides a number of services for its deaf/hard-of-hearing students. These services can include sign language interpreters, oral interpreters, captioning, Video Remote Interpreting, Electronic Ear and classroom note takers. These services are provided through the Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) office.

Yuba College will always try to provide two interpreters for any class lecture over one hour in length.

II.  Student Rights and Responsibilities

a)  * Participation in DSPS shall be entirely voluntary.

b)  * Receiving support services or instruction through DSPS will not preclude students from also participating in any other course, program, or activity offered by the college or from receiving basic accommodations required by state and federal law.

c)  *All records maintained by DSPS personnel pertaining to the student’s disability(s) shall be protected from disclosure and shall be subject to all other requirements pertaining to the handling of student’s records.

Note: Authorities cited: Title 5 C.C.R. Section 56000 et.seq., Education Code Sections 66701, 67312, 70901, 84850.


a)  * To identify themselves to the DSPS office.

b)  * To provide documentation of disability.

c)  * To use DSPS in a responsible manner.

d)  * To comply with the Student Code of Conduct adopted by the College.

e)  * To provide a minimum of a four-week notice for all major accommodation requests.

f)  * To provide one-week notice to the instructor and DSPS office when they will be testing in the testing center.

g)  * To assume responsibility for testing procedures and to notify faculty and DSPS accordingly.

h)  * To notify instructor and Interpreter Coordinator of any absences.

III.  Interpreters Rights and Responsibilities

Interpreters Rights

a)  * Interpreters may opt out of an assignment for ethical reasons, compromise of impartiality or to avoid personal conflict. The Interpreter Coordinator should be notified in the event of any controversy or dispute.

b)  * When working alone in a lecture class, an interpreter has the right to a 10 minute break every 45 minutes. (These breaks will be coordinated, whenever possible, with the class instructor prior to the beginning of class.)

Interpreters Responsibilities

a)  * Interpreters will adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct (NAD & RID 7/2005).

b)  * The interpreter should communicate in the manner most easily understood or preferred by the deaf or hard-of-hearing person(s).

c)  * Interpreters will report no-shows or consistent tardiness to the Interpreter Coordinator of DSPS.

d)  * Interpreters may take a break when the students break if desired.

e)  * Interpreters will convey the information being presented in the classroom (i.e. what the instructor and students are saying). Unless otherwise established, Interpreters will NOT tutor.

f)  * Interpreters will notify DSPS in the event of their own absence.



STEP 1: Upon completion of Yuba College Matriculation Process, pick up DSP&S packet and make appointment with DSP&S advisor.

STEP 2: Have your physician/clinical psychologist/audiologist fill out disability verification forms completely.

STEP 3: Bring disability verification as well as previous Education Plans, transcripts or other relevant educational materials to your appointment.

STEP 4: At the time of your appointment participate in an interactive dialogue with your advisor to assist in the determination of eligibility for appropriate classroom accommodations and access.

STEP 5: Fill out Student Request for Support Services form based on approved accommodations and turn into front counter reception area.

V. Requests for Interpreting Services

A. * The DSPS office must be made aware of a need for interpreting services. A Student Request For Support Services form must be submitted. Interpreters will not be set up for your classes until the request is received.

For regular classes: A request for an Interpreter should be submitted four weeks in advance of the start of the class.

For special events, tests, fieldtrips, or other out-of-class or campus activities: A Student Request For Support Services form should be submitted two weeks in advance of the date for the special event. (This includes finals week.)

The request form must be filled out completely in order to provide for smooth and efficient use of interpreting services. The following information should be provided:

1.  Times that the Interpreter is needed. (eg. 10am-12pm)

2.  The class or “event” must be clearly indicated. (eg. Graduation) This includes room number and day(s). (eg. Building 500 & Friday 6/23/06)

The entire form should be filled out as completely and accurately as possible. If left incomplete a delay of services may result. Staff is available to assist students with questions.

Timeframes for identifying and securing auxiliary aids

B. * In order to insure quality services are provided for communication requests within a reasonable timeframe, the following guidelines apply:

§  Whenever possible students should make their request for services four weeks in advance of class/event or earlier.

§  The Interpreter Coordinator will advise students of auxiliary aids or services no later than one week before the start of the semester.

§  Original requests for specific services such as sign language interpreters or captioners will continue to be researched by the Interpreter Coordinator.

§  The DSPS Advisor and the Interpreter Coordinator will meet with the student no later than three weeks after the start of semester, for feedback regarding effectiveness of the substitute auxiliary aid.

§  Students have the right to petition for alternate auxiliary aids prior to the three week review by making an appointment with the Interpreter Coordinator.

VI. Absences

A. If a Deaf student is unable to attend any of their classes on the first day of the semester the student must:

·  Contact either the Interpreter Coordinator or the DSPS office and tell them that they are unable to attend.

·  State if they plan on attending the class and when they plan to return (date and class).

·  If the Deaf student does not contact the Interpreter Coordinator or the DSPS office then the interpreters for that class will be given a different assignment.

B.  If the Deaf student is ill or has an emergency then the student should:

·  Contact either the DSPS office or the Interpreter Coordinator within 24 hours to tell them that they will be returning to class and when they will be returning (class name and date of return).

·  If DSPS or the Interpreter Coordinator are not contacted this will count as a No Show.

·  Two (2) No Shows in a row for the same class and no contact with the

DSPS office or the Interpreter Coordinator for that class may result in a suspension of services (for that class).

·  DSPS will not inform your instructor’s for you if you are ill or out of class for any reason. The Deaf student is responsible to email or message their instructor themselves.

C.  No Show Policy:

·  The class interpreters will show up and wait at your classroom 5 minutes for every 30 minutes of your class. For example, if your class is 1 hour and 15 minutes your interpreters will wait 15 minutes for the student to show up. If the student does not show up within those 15 minutes then the interpreters will report a No Show for that student.

·  If a student is late for class (tardy) 3 times then that will be equal to One (1) No Show.

·  Two “No Shows” in a row for the same class May result in suspension of services for that class.

·  If a student misses six or more classes, during the semester they will be required to meet with a DSPS counselor/advisor to discuss their frequent and excessive absences. These absences may have been with or without notification. The counselor/advisor will determine if the suspension of services will be continued or if the student will get back their services.

·  If the student does not meet with a counselor/advisor about their absences then services will be suspended.

·  Also, if the student and counselor/advisor are unable to resolve or solve the issue of absences then services will be canceled for that student.

·  Students will receive written notification of cancellation of services and/or face to face notification of cancellation.

VII. Testing Procedures

Yuba College offers testing accommodations in the DSPS office for deaf/hard-of-hearing students who are eligible for extra time or the use of an interpreter. This service needs to be a documented accommodation in your file and should be established at the beginning of the semester.

Students wanting to test in the DSPS office must pick up a Request for Test Proctoring Services form have your instructor fill out & sign, then return to DSPS. You should also schedule a room and/or an interpreter at least one week in advance. The following information is needed:

1)  The start of the test and length of time allowed for test taking.

2)  The role of the interpreter during the test (i.e. can interpret test questions; clarify concepts, fingerspell, etc.).

Unless otherwise established by the teacher, an interpreter may not aid the student during the test taking process.

VIII. Requesting an Interpreter for Finals

If you wish to have an interpreter for your final exam, you must fill out a new Student Request for Support Services (SRSS) form. Requests received two weeks before finals start will be guaranteed an interpreter.

Alternate accommodations may be necessary if requests are received last minute.

Interpreters will not attend finals without a completed SRSS form.

IX.  Student Acknowledgement

I, ______, have read and understand the guidelines as listed in this handout. As a student at Yuba College, I will do my best to follow these guidelines for services offered to me through the DSPS office.

I understand my rights and responsibilities as a deaf/hard-of-hearing student at this college and will immediately inform DSPS of any changes to my schedule.


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Sign Name Date

Revised 6/25/12 MK/JP - 1 -