24 September 2015

The MLC (Montagu Liaison Committee) has been established to co-ordinate communications between the community and the Municipality/AECOM and Basil Read on matters related to the reconstruction of the TR/31 between Ashton and Montagu. A summary of the TR/31 upgrade from Basil Read can be found on:

The MLC is broadly representative of the community on a Sector basis, and groupings of Interested & Affected Parties (IAPs). For more information on the MLC structure visit:

Each Sector has a nominated representative and an alternate. Additional Sectors and/or IAPs can be added at any stage, particularly if they find they cannot be adequately represented within the existing MLC structure.

To facilitate and co-ordinate the process, the MLC has appointed a four-person executive.

Namely: Terry McCulloch, Dawie van Deventer, Ron Brunings and Ronel Preston,.

The MLC’s first meeting with the Municipality, scheduled for 15 September, and the second, scheduled for 23 September, were postponed. A third date from theMunicipality is awaited.

The key points for this first meeting will be to obtain as much detailed information as possible regarding the construction program, priorities, starting dates, traffic plans etc., and for the MLC to table some of the many questions the community have already raised.

We are aware that AECOM and Basil Readhave been meeting with various parties, businesses –and the Junior School- on Long Street, to find workable solutions to traffic and pedestrian flows.

The outcome and an official communication in this regard, and other related traffic issues, should be available shortly.

Please note that all information secured by the MLC will be disseminated by way of Situation Reports; the Montagu Web site; the local and social media,as soon as it becomes available.

The Municipality may also elect to distribute information via their established channels. Their SMS system is obviously well suited to put out brief messages at short notice as work progresses.

Questions which members of the community may wish the MLC to table when meeting with the Municipality should be addressed to their MLC Sector representatives,or alternatively to:

Terry McCulloch:
RonelPreston :