July 21st meeting
Location: New Home Ministry
In attendance:
Stephanie Treadway, New Home Ministry
Pam Chance, Former NCCIW Day TX Staff
Jennifer Jackson, Interfaith Prison Ministry for Women
Susan Henson, Pharaoh’s Daughter
Ali Nininger-Finch, Department of Public Safety
Melissa Radcliff, Our Children’s Place
Elly Goetz, Benevolence Farm
Katherine Bumgardner, Pharaoh’s Daughter
Stephanie Treadway
Contact information:
, 919-360-3632
Stephanie talked about her work in the prison system, her work with multiple organizations that provide resources to women reentering society, and how her new nonprofit New Home Ministry is going.
● Stephanie mentioned how Wake County removed the box that asks if the applicant is a felon and how this is helpful for women who are seeking jobs after leaving prison.
● Background checks prove to be huge obstacles for jobs and housing, especially during a financial crisis.
○ Stephanie talked about how women began to come back to prison for housing and meals. This was at the same time that the 3 strike law was put in place so it was especially harmful to these women’s lives.
● The Wake County Capital Area Re-entry program. They have a transitional fair that meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month held at NC Works Tillery Place (1830 Tillery Pl, Raleigh).
○ They work with anyone who has a criminal record, work with transportation, housing, employment, mental/physical health, veterans, faith based communities.
○ 50-60 community partners that meet there.
○ Stephanie created Redirection NC a 501c3, all donation based, that connects services and resources to women and men out of prison. She also works with Pardon by Christ, a men’s facility that provides transitional housing.
● New Home Ministry was created and space rented in January, the first resident started living in there in February 2016.
○ There is a total of 6 beds, 2 of which are currently empty.
○ Everything in the house has been donated. The residents of New Home Ministry don’t pay rent but they do pay program fees. Whey they arrive they are assessed and connected with community partners. Residents go to Step Up Ministries to learn about finding employment (resume building, interviewing skills, conversations about time spent in prison) and receive a mentor.
○ Women are expected to spend at least 6 weeks-2 months to stabilize. Women commit to 6 months and once personal goals/needs are met they are expected to transition out.
○ They continue to work with probation, parole, federal probation/parole, and social workers during their stay.
○ There are cameras posted all over the house, residents are subject to random drug tests, a dress code, and have to work with visiting lists and hours.
● Recovery Communities of NC assist with housing fees, bus passes, work with recovery techniques. Motheread assists with parenting skills and reconnecting families in a smooth transition.
● The screening process for New Home Ministry is an application process and questionnaire that is reviewed by the board of the ministry. Women are also interviewed where the final decision is made by the board.
Benevolence Farm is officially a working farm in Alamance County for women transitioning out of prisons. They’re now at the point where they can open their doors in January. They are starting bridge programming with other organizations until they are officially opened.
There is an Interfaith Booth at the entrance to Wakemed farmers market that will double food stamps at the Farmer’s Market for a chance to exchange a food voucher for fresh produce.
Pam recommends “What Will Happen to Me” a book about children whose parents are incarcerated. It also includes a bill of rights for children of incarcerated children and a list of resources.
Deacon Milkovich is staff at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church on Lead Mine Rd. He works with male inmates transitioning. Their Church host the annual Greek Festival at the Fairgrounds and designates one or more charities to receive funding from them.
His email is .
Jennifer Jackson is looking for more resources for mentors for women to create a more community based transition.
NCAWRC: Next meeting is September 15th, we are looking for suggestions for speakers and a location. Please let us know about anyone who you believe would be interested!