PoliceWitness 999 App – How to Use Instructions
This PoliceWitness 999 app changes the way we interact with the police in an emergency, it dictates how they deploy resources and ensures that victims of crime achieve justice, with the offender identified and able to be prosecuted.
This is not a gimmick or a game, but a genuine life-saving tool that communicates directly with the eSMS 999 service. This service is supported by the Home Office, The Department for Communities and Local Government, all the mobile phone operators, BT and Cable & Wireless, the emergency services and the regulator OFCOM.
We urge you to read not just the terms and conditions, but also the ‘App Description’ document located at and featured within the app itself. This will help you fully understand how this amazing app could not only save your life, but in the event you are a victim ofcrime, ensure you receive justice through the identification and prosecution of the individual(s) thatdeemed it appropriate to cause you harm, loss or both.
In summary, the PoliceWitness 999 app transforms your phone into a panic device that alerts thepolice at a mere press of a button. With the app open, a long press of either volume button will automatically provide the police with all your personal information, your location and near time video evidence that your camera is recording and uploading to a remote location that is accessible directly by the police. Meaning even if your attackers stole your phone, the evidence is safely uploaded onto a central server.
These ‘How to Use’ instructions are not intended to give you an in-depth understanding of the capabilities of the app, but instead how to use this technology effectively in the event you becomea victim of crime. There are some very basic things you can do to help ensure you don’t become a victim in the first place, but if ‘trouble’ does come knocking, we want you to be prepared.
First things first - Registration – Why do you need to provide your personal details to use theapp?
The answer is simple. Without your details the police will be unable to access your incident and contact you and your family.
If you have ever dialled 999 you will know that regardless of the information already in their computers you will be asked for all your details at the time of calling, from your name through to your date of birth, home address, phone number and more….in addition you’ll have to explain whereyou are, what’s occurred, the description of any offenders and so on.
But because you’ve registered, the app sends all your details at the touch of a button, meaning the information is right there in front of the operator.
How does it work?
With the app open and in ‘safe’ mode – the app is in standby mode, meaning you are just a press away from requesting 999 police assistance. At the press of either volume button a pre-written text is sent to the emergency eSMS 999 service.
The text states “Help! I need URGENT police assistance. Please navigate to and enter xxxxxxxxx into the field provided.”
The encrypted link takesthe police operator to a single webpage displaying all of your information, meaning you do nothave to verbally state the information (you may not be able to), subsequently the police can deployfaster and more accurately than ever before.
This is the first time in policing history that the GPS co-ordinates from your phone are shared directly with the police. Again we urge you to read the appdescription document so you better understand what other information is accessible to the policeand how they are able to interact with your handset.
For peace of mind, all data is encrypted through a randomly generated passcode which is containedwithin the text. This ensures your data is secure. Furthermore, the link expires after a few hours.
How do I avoid being or becoming a victim in the first place?
We’ve all heard the term ‘never underestimate the power of body language’ and in the case of victims and their attackers, this has never been truer. But firstly in terms of your possessions, carry any bag towards the front of your body. Keep allfasteners secured. Don’t carry or use valuables openly, such as iPods, iPads, other tablets andwallets when travelling alone. Be aware of your surroundings.
Be alert, walk upright, briskly and with confidence. Whilst it has become the norm these days, walking with your music headphones on can make you a target. Once again – be aware of your surroundings.
Use your common sense. Are you walking alone? Is it dark? Are you cutting through a park or alley way? Are you about to get into an unlicensed taxi on your own? Is a violent partner on their way home from the pub? Whatever the circumstances, BE AWARE of your surroundings.
Arming the 999 app
You are now conscious of your surroundings, something doesn’t feel right - or you are now a witnessto an unfolding and escalating situation. By clicking on the PoliceWitness app icon, the app willopen. One press of the large ‘ARM’ icon and your phone is now ‘armed’ (there is a demo feature included – instructions are detailed at the end).
With your handset now in what we refer to as ‘safe’ mode it will automatically start recording and saving 30 second video clips to your phones memory. (Unless you press either volume button for 2.5 seconds the app will continue in this mode).
In this mode you have immediate access to the light on your phone. A quick press of either volumebutton will turn the light on or off.
As matters escalate you decide you need police assistance (never hesitate). Having pressed and heldeither volume button your phone now enters ‘Emergency’ mode – the two previous clips recordedin ‘Safe’ mode are immediately uploaded along with any further clips your phone is recording. Theseare now accessible by the police.
As with ‘Safe’ mode – a quick press of either volume button will illuminate the phones built in light. Note: it is normal for the light to flash off and back on again every 20 seconds if you are recordingwith the light on. Please be mindful of your battery life.
What do I say to defuse a situation?
Take a deep breath. Come to your senses. It is normal to tremble or even shake, this is just your body depositing adrenaline into your blood, kicking you into fight or flight mode. At this point it’s your attacker who should worry!
Our objective is to help you identify the persons present, which means you have to position yourphone appropriately. Don’t worry it’s not hard, however practice does makes perfect. Get used to the fact that your phone is no longer just a phone, but a very powerful tool for gathering evidence.
Turn your body side-on towards the offender, extend your arm towards them with your palm facing outwards (like you’re stopping traffic), now bring your phone with the camera facing outwards to your shoulder.
Stay calm and say clearly and slowly; “I must warn you…I am a Police Witness. Your images have already been uploaded to the internet. At this point you have done nothing wrong….walk away, walk away NOW!” If necessary repeat this again and again.
The majority of opportunist criminals will hear only one word…’police’ and will likely head for the hills, thinking you are a police officer. But who cares, you are safe. The fact that the offender didn’tgo through with the crime is neither here nor there, there was an attempt which is good enough for the police to act. Our priority is your immediate safety. The police can deal with any ‘attempted’offences using the amazing evidence you have just uploaded.
Keep your handset up at your shoulder throughout, depending on your handset (and of coursea signal) your phone will now auto answer. It will be the police operator. You don’t need to do anything just keep your phone pointing towards the subject.
Being a Witness
Being a witness to an offence or incident that is unfolding is often very difficult; those who whip outtheir phones to record what is happening naturally put themselves in danger if the offenders of thecrime notice them. However with the PoliceWitness 999 app this is no longer the case. Using the same simple commands above, any situation can be defused.
When you see something that causes you concern and requires police attendance, merely launchthe app and press your volume button. Keep the camera trained on the incident, the images you arenow uploading will soon be accessible by the police operator who will deploy officers accordingly.
If you want you can talk through what you are seeing, this will help the police operators put the incident into context.
If you are approached by the offenders/their friends or similar just remember the simple command“I must warn you…I am a Police Witness. Your images have already been uploaded to the internet.At this point you have done nothing wrong….walk away…walk away NOW!”.
The PoliceWitness 999 app really is empowering.
Whilst we hope you will rarely need to use this app, if at all, please ensure you alter your settingsso that any updates or enhancements made to the app are automatically downloaded to yourdevice. Or ensure you are given a prompt to do so, our objective to keep the app performing at its optimum.