G063 - Data Flow diagrams and Flowcharts questions

1. / A restaurant provides a takeaway service. The process for placing orders is:
·  A customer telephones to give details of the order.
·  A member of staff writes down the details of each item ordered on a notepad.
·  The member of staff then looks up the prices for each item ordered on a menu.
·  The prices are written down on the notepad.
·  On completion of the order, the prices of all items on the notepad are added together to give the total price of the order.
·  The total price of the order is given to the customer.
Using the following symbols, place the order process into a data flow diagram.
/ [6]
G063 January 2011 Q6
2. / An estate agency requires a new ICT system to be developed.
Create a data flow diagram to show the process below.
·  A customer contacts the estate agency either by telephone or in person.
·  An employee uses a form to record the customer details and the details of the property and places in a folder.
·  The employee makes arrangements to visit the property to photograph it and take details and measurements.
·  Whilst at the property the employee completes the form.
·  On returning to the office the employee transfers all the details from the form onto a web page and uploads it to the website. / [6]
G063 January 2013 Q12
3. / A smartphone application needs a password. Create a flowchart for the process of changing a password that has the following requirements:
·  A new password and a copy of the new password must be entered. The password entered must be verified.
·  A calculation takes place to determine the password strength. Passwords are either strong or weak. Only strong passwords will be accepted.
·  If the routine is not successful the user will be given an appropriate feedback message. If the routine is successful the user will be given a confirmation message.
·  If an error occurs in the routine, it will start again / [6]
G063 June 2014 Q13